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refactoring. separate exporter
authorousttrue <ousttrue@gmail.com>
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 07:26:32 +0000 (16:26 +0900)
committerousttrue <ousttrue@gmail.com>
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 07:26:32 +0000 (16:26 +0900)
blender26-meshio/exporter/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
blender26-meshio/exporter/bonebuilder.py [new file with mode: 0644]
blender26-meshio/exporter/oneskinmesh.py [new file with mode: 0644]
blender26-meshio/exporter/vertexarray.py [new file with mode: 0644]
blender26-meshio/oneskinmesh.py [deleted file]

index 9c808da..e6be9e3 100644 (file)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ This script exports a pmd model.
 import io
 from . import bl
-from . import oneskinmesh
+from . import exporter
 from .pymeshio import common
 from .pymeshio import pmd
 from .pymeshio import englishmap
@@ -52,9 +52,18 @@ def toCP932(s):
 def write(self, path):
-    model=pmd.Model(1.0)
-    model.name=self.name.encode('cp932')
-    model.comment=self.comment.encode('cp932')
+    model=pmd.Model()
+    o=self.root.o
+    englishName=o.name
+    name=o[bl.MMD_MB_NAME] if bl.MMD_MB_NAME in o else 'Blenderエクスポート'
+    comment=o[bl.MMD_MB_COMMENT] if bl.MMD_MB_COMMENT in o else 'Blnderエクスポート\n'
+    englishComment=o[bl.MMD_COMMENT] if bl.MMD_COMMENT in o else 'blender export\n'
+    model.name=name.encode('cp932')
+    model.english_name=englishName.encode('cp932')
+    model.comment=comment.encode('cp932')
+    model.english_comment=englishComment.encode('cp932')
     # 頂点
@@ -221,10 +230,6 @@ def write(self, path):
         model.bone_display_list.append((i, self.skeleton.getBoneGroup(b)))
-    # English
-    model.english_name=self.englishName.encode('cp932')
-    model.english_comment=self.englishComment.encode('cp932')
     # toon
     for o in bl.object.each():
@@ -334,9 +339,9 @@ def write(self, path):
         for obj in self.oneSkinMesh.constraints]
-    # 書き込み
     bl.message('write: %s' % path)
-    return writer.write(io.open(path, 'wb'), model)
+    with io.open(path, 'wb') as f:
+        return writer.write(f, model)
 def _execute(filepath=''):
@@ -345,10 +350,11 @@ def _execute(filepath=''):
         print("abort. no active object.")
-    exporter=oneskinmesh.Exporter()
-    exporter.setup()
-    print(exporter)
+    ex=exporter.Exporter()
+    ex.setup()
+    print(ex)
-    write(exporter, filepath)
+    write(ex, filepath)
+    return {'FINISHED'}
index 1f6b165..7493bd0 100644 (file)
 # coding: utf-8
+import io
 from . import bl
+from . import oneskinmesh
+from .pymeshio import pmx
+from .pymeshio import common
+from .pymeshio.pmx import writer
+def create_pmx(ex):
+    model=pmx.Model()
+    model.name=ex.name
+    model.comment=ex.comment
+    def get_deform(b0, b1, weight):
+        print(b0, b1, weight)
+        if b0==-1:
+            return pmx.Bdef1(b1, weight)
+        elif b1==-1:
+            return pmx.Bdef1(b0, weight)
+        else:
+            return pmx.Bdef2(b0, b1, weight)
+    model.vertices=[pmx.Vertex(
+        # convert right-handed z-up to left-handed y-up
+        common.Vector3(pos[0], pos[2], pos[1]), 
+        # convert right-handed z-up to left-handed y-up
+        common.Vector3(attribute.nx, attribute.nz, attribute.ny),
+        # reverse vertical
+        common.Vector2(attribute.u, 1.0-attribute.v),
+        get_deform(ex.skeleton.indexByName(b0), ex.skeleton.indexByName(b1), weight),
+        # edge flag, 0: enable edge, 1: not edge
+        1.0 
+        )
+        for pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight in ex.oneSkinMesh.vertexArray.zip()]
+    # bones
+    boneNameMap={}
+    for i, b in enumerate(self.skeleton.bones):
+        # name
+        boneNameMap[b.name]=i
+        v=englishmap.getUnicodeBoneName(b.name)
+        if not v:
+            v=[b.name, b.name]
+        assert(v)
+        bone=pmx.Bone(v[1])
+        bone.english_name=b.name
+        if len(v)>=3:
+            # has type
+            if v[2]==5:
+                b.ik_index=self.skeleton.indexByName('eyes')
+            bone.type=v[2]
+        else:
+            bone.type=b.type
+        bone.parent_index=b.parent_index
+        bone.tail_index=b.tail_index
+        bone.ik_index=b.ik_index
+        # convert right-handed z-up to left-handed y-up
+        bone.pos.x=b.pos[0] if not near(b.pos[0], 0) else 0
+        bone.pos.y=b.pos[2] if not near(b.pos[2], 0) else 0
+        bone.pos.z=b.pos[1] if not near(b.pos[1], 0) else 0
+        model.bones.append(bone)
+    return model
+    # IK
+    for ik in self.skeleton.ik_list:
+        solver=pmd.IK()
+        solver.index=self.skeleton.getIndex(ik.target)
+        solver.target=self.skeleton.getIndex(ik.effector)
+        solver.length=ik.length
+        b=self.skeleton.bones[ik.effector.parent_index]
+        for i in range(solver.length):
+            solver.children.append(self.skeleton.getIndex(b))
+            b=self.skeleton.bones[b.parent_index]
+        solver.iterations=ik.iterations
+        solver.weight=ik.weight
+        model.ik_list.append(solver)
+    # 面とマテリアル
+    vertexCount=self.oneSkinMesh.getVertexCount()
+    for material_name, indices in self.oneSkinMesh.vertexArray.each():
+        #print('material:', material_name)
+        try:
+            m=bl.material.get(material_name)
+        except KeyError as e:
+            m=DefaultMatrial()
+        def get_texture_name(texture):
+            pos=texture.replace("\\", "/").rfind("/")
+            if pos==-1:
+                return texture
+            else:
+                return texture[pos+1:]
+        textures=[get_texture_name(path)
+            for path in bl.material.eachEnalbeTexturePath(m)]
+        print(textures)
+        # マテリアル
+        model.materials.append(pmd.Material(
+                # diffuse_color
+                common.RGB(m.diffuse_color[0], m.diffuse_color[1], m.diffuse_color[2]),
+                m.alpha,
+                # specular_factor
+                0 if m.specular_toon_size<1e-5 else m.specular_hardness*10,
+                # specular_color
+                common.RGB(m.specular_color[0], m.specular_color[1], m.specular_color[2]),
+                # ambient_color
+                common.RGB(m.mirror_color[0], m.mirror_color[1], m.mirror_color[2]),
+                # flag
+                1 if m.subsurface_scattering.use else 0,
+                # toon
+                0,
+                # vertex_count
+                len(indices),
+                # texture
+                ('*'.join(textures) if len(textures)>0 else "").encode('cp932')
+                ))
+        # 面
+        for i in indices:
+            assert(i<vertexCount)
+        for i in range(0, len(indices), 3):
+            # reverse triangle
+            model.indices.append(indices[i])
+            model.indices.append(indices[i+1])
+            model.indices.append(indices[i+2])
+    # 表情
+    for i, m in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList):
+        v=englishmap.getUnicodeSkinName(m.name)
+        if not v:
+            v=[m.name, m.name, 0]
+        assert(v)
+        # morph
+        morph=pmd.Morph(v[1].encode("cp932"))
+        morph.english_name=m.name.encode("cp932")
+        m.type=v[2]
+        morph.type=v[2]
+        for index, offset in m.offsets:
+            # convert right-handed z-up to left-handed y-up
+            morph.append(index, offset[0], offset[2], offset[1])
+        morph.vertex_count=len(m.offsets)
+    # 表情枠
+    # type==0はbase
+    for i, m in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList):
+        if m.type==3:
+            model.morph_indices.append(i)
+    for i, m in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList):
+        if m.type==2:
+            model.morph_indices.append(i)
+    for i, m in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList):
+        if m.type==1:
+            model.morph_indices.append(i)
+    for i, m in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList):
+        if m.type==4:
+            model.morph_indices.append(i)
+    # ボーングループ
+    for g in self.skeleton.bone_groups:
+        name=englishmap.getUnicodeBoneGroupName(g[0])
+        if not name:
+            name=g[0]
+        englishName=g[0]
+        model.bone_group_list.append(pmd.BoneGroup(
+                (name+'\n').encode('cp932'),
+                (englishName+'\n').encode('cp932')
+                ))
+    # ボーングループメンバー
+    for i, b in enumerate(self.skeleton.bones):
+        if i==0:
+           continue
+        if b.type in [6, 7]:
+           continue
+        model.bone_display_list.append((i, self.skeleton.getBoneGroup(b)))
+    # English
+    model.english_name=self.englishName.encode('cp932')
+    model.english_comment=self.englishComment.encode('cp932')
+    # toon
+    toonMeshObject=None
+    for o in bl.object.each():
+        try:
+            if o.name.startswith(bl.TOON_TEXTURE_OBJECT):
+                toonMeshObject=o
+        except:
+            p(o.name)
+        break
+    if toonMeshObject:
+        toonMesh=bl.object.getData(toonMeshObject)
+        toonMaterial=bl.mesh.getMaterial(toonMesh, 0)
+        for i in range(10):
+            t=bl.material.getTexture(toonMaterial, i)
+            if t:
+                model.toon_textures[i]=("%s" % t.name).encode('cp932')
+            else:
+                model.toon_textures[i]=("toon%02d.bmp" % (i+1)).encode('cp932')
+    else:
+        for i in range(10):
+            model.toon_textures[i]=("toon%02d.bmp" % (i+1)).encode('cp932')
+    # rigid body
+    rigidNameMap={}
+    for i, obj in enumerate(self.oneSkinMesh.rigidbodies):
+        name=obj[bl.RIGID_NAME] if bl.RIGID_NAME in obj else obj.name
+        print(name)
+        rigidNameMap[name]=i
+        boneIndex=boneNameMap[obj[bl.RIGID_BONE_NAME]]
+        if boneIndex==0:
+            boneIndex=-1
+            bone=self.skeleton.bones[0]
+        else:
+            bone=self.skeleton.bones[boneIndex]
+        if obj[bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE]==0:
+            shape_type=pmd.SHAPE_SPHERE
+            shape_size=common.Vector3(obj.scale[0], 0, 0)
+        elif obj[bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE]==1:
+            shape_type=pmd.SHAPE_BOX
+            shape_size=common.Vector3(obj.scale[0], obj.scale[1], obj.scale[2])
+        elif obj[bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE]==2:
+            shape_type=pmd.SHAPE_CAPSULE
+            shape_size=common.Vector3(obj.scale[0], obj.scale[2], 0)
+        rigidBody=pmd.RigidBody(
+                name.encode('cp932'), 
+                collision_group=obj[bl.RIGID_GROUP],
+                no_collision_group=obj[bl.RIGID_INTERSECTION_GROUP],
+                bone_index=boneIndex,
+                shape_position=common.Vector3(
+                    obj.location.x-bone.pos[0],
+                    obj.location.z-bone.pos[2],
+                    obj.location.y-bone.pos[1]),
+                shape_rotation=common.Vector3(
+                    -obj.rotation_euler[0],
+                    -obj.rotation_euler[2],
+                    -obj.rotation_euler[1]),
+                shape_type=shape_type,
+                shape_size=shape_size,
+                mass=obj[bl.RIGID_WEIGHT],
+                linear_damping=obj[bl.RIGID_LINEAR_DAMPING],
+                angular_damping=obj[bl.RIGID_ANGULAR_DAMPING],
+                restitution=obj[bl.RIGID_RESTITUTION],
+                friction=obj[bl.RIGID_FRICTION],
+                mode=obj[bl.RIGID_PROCESS_TYPE]
+                )
+        model.rigidbodies.append(rigidBody)
+    # constraint
+    model.joints=[pmd.Joint(
+        name=obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_NAME].encode('cp932'),
+        rigidbody_index_a=rigidNameMap[obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_A]],
+        rigidbody_index_b=rigidNameMap[obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_B]],
+        position=common.Vector3(
+            obj.location[0], 
+            obj.location[2], 
+            obj.location[1]),
+        rotation=common.Vector3(
+            -obj.rotation_euler[0], 
+            -obj.rotation_euler[2], 
+            -obj.rotation_euler[1]),
+        translation_limit_min=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MIN][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MIN][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MIN][2]
+            ),
+        translation_limit_max=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MAX][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MAX][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_POS_MAX][2]
+            ),
+        rotation_limit_min=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MIN][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MIN][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MIN][2]),
+        rotation_limit_max=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MAX][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MAX][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_ROT_MAX][2]),
+        spring_constant_translation=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_POS][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_POS][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_POS][2]),
+        spring_constant_rotation=common.Vector3(
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_ROT][0],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_ROT][1],
+            obj[bl.CONSTRAINT_SPRING_ROT][2])
+        )
+        for obj in self.oneSkinMesh.constraints]
+    # 書き込み
+    bl.message('write: %s' % path)
+    return writer.write(io.open(path, 'wb'), model)
 def _execute(filepath):
-    print(filepath)
     if not active:
         print("abort. no active object.")
-    exporter=PmdExporter()
+    exporter=oneskinmesh.Exporter()
-    print(exporter)
-    exporter.write(filepath)
+    model=create_pmx(exporter)
+    with io.open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
+        writer.write(f, model)
     return {'FINISHED'}
diff --git a/blender26-meshio/exporter/__init__.py b/blender26-meshio/exporter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..feedd67
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from .. import bl
+from . import oneskinmesh
+from . import bonebuilder
+class ObjectNode(object):
+    '''
+    Objectの木構造構築
+    '''
+    __slots__=['o', 'children']
+    def __init__(self, o):
+        self.o=o
+        self.children=[]
+class Exporter(object):
+    '''
+    Blenderから情報収集する
+    '''
+    __slots__=[
+            'oneSkinMesh',
+            'skeleton',
+            'root',
+            ]
+    def setup(self):
+        # scene内のオブジェクトの木構造を構築する
+        object_node_map={}
+        for o in bl.object.each():
+            object_node_map[o]=ObjectNode(o)
+        for o in bl.object.each():
+            node=object_node_map[o]
+            if node.o.parent:
+                object_node_map[node.o.parent].children.append(node)
+        self.root=object_node_map[bl.object.getActive()]
+        # ワンスキンメッシュを作る
+        self.oneSkinMesh=oneskinmesh.OneSkinMesh()
+        self.oneSkinMesh.build(self.root)
+        bl.message(self.oneSkinMesh)
+        if len(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList)==0:
+            # create emtpy skin
+            self.oneSkinMesh.createEmptyBasicSkin()
+        # skeleton
+        self.skeleton=bonebuilder.BoneBuilder()
+        self.skeleton.build(self.oneSkinMesh.armatureObj)
diff --git a/blender26-meshio/exporter/bonebuilder.py b/blender26-meshio/exporter/bonebuilder.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1b18950
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from .. import bl
+from ..pymeshio import englishmap
+class IKSolver(object):
+    __slots__=['target', 'effector', 'length', 'iterations', 'weight']
+    def __init__(self, target, effector, length, iterations, weight):
+        self.target=target
+        self.effector=effector
+        self.length=length
+        self.iterations=iterations
+        self.weight=weight
+class Bone(object):
+    __slots__=['index', 'name', 'ik_index',
+            'pos', 'tail', 'parent_index', 'tail_index', 'type', 'isConnect']
+    def __init__(self, name, pos, tail, isConnect):
+        self.index=-1
+        self.name=name
+        self.pos=pos
+        self.tail=tail
+        self.parent_index=None
+        self.tail_index=None
+        self.type=0
+        self.isConnect=isConnect
+        self.ik_index=0
+    def __eq__(self, rhs):
+        return self.index==rhs.index
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<Bone %s %d>" % (self.name, self.type)
+class BoneBuilder(object):
+    __slots__=['bones', 'boneMap', 'ik_list', 'bone_groups',]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.bones=[]
+        self.boneMap={}
+        self.ik_list=[]
+        self.bone_groups=[]
+    def getBoneGroup(self, bone):
+        for i, g in enumerate(self.bone_groups):
+            for b in g[1]:
+                if b==bone.name:
+                    return i+1
+        print('no gorup', bone)
+        return 0
+    def build(self, armatureObj):
+        if not armatureObj:
+            return
+        bl.message("build skeleton")
+        armature=bl.object.getData(armatureObj)
+        ####################
+        # bone group
+        ####################
+        for g in bl.object.boneGroups(armatureObj):
+            self.bone_groups.append((g.name, []))
+        ####################
+        # get bones
+        ####################
+        for b in armature.bones.values():
+            if not b.parent:
+                # root bone
+                bone=Bone(b.name, 
+                        bl.bone.getHeadLocal(b),
+                        bl.bone.getTailLocal(b),
+                        False)
+                self.__addBone(bone)
+                self.__getBone(bone, b)
+        for b in armature.bones.values():
+            if not b.parent:
+                self.__checkConnection(b, None)
+        ####################
+        # get IK
+        ####################
+        pose = bl.object.getPose(armatureObj)
+        for b in pose.bones.values():
+            ####################
+            # assing bone group
+            ####################
+            self.__assignBoneGroup(b, b.bone_group)
+            for c in b.constraints:
+                if bl.constraint.isIKSolver(c):
+                    ####################
+                    # IK target
+                    ####################
+                    target=self.__boneByName(bl.constraint.ikTarget(c))
+                    target.type=2
+                    ####################
+                    # IK effector
+                    ####################
+                    # IK 接続先
+                    link=self.__boneByName(b.name)
+                    link.type=6
+                    # IK chain
+                    e=b.parent
+                    chainLength=bl.constraint.ikChainLen(c)
+                    for i in range(chainLength):
+                        # IK影響下
+                        chainBone=self.__boneByName(e.name)
+                        chainBone.type=4
+                        chainBone.ik_index=target.index
+                        e=e.parent
+                    self.ik_list.append(
+                            IKSolver(target, link, chainLength, 
+                                int(bl.constraint.ikItration(c) * 0.1), 
+                                bl.constraint.ikRotationWeight(c)
+                                ))
+        ####################
+        # boneのsort
+        self._sortBy()
+        self._fix()
+        # IKのsort
+        def getIndex(ik):
+            for i, v in enumerate(englishmap.boneMap):
+                if v[0]==ik.target.name:
+                    return i
+            return len(englishmap.boneMap)
+        self.ik_list.sort(key=getIndex)
+    def __assignBoneGroup(self, poseBone, boneGroup):
+        if boneGroup:
+            for g in self.bone_groups:
+                if g[0]==boneGroup.name:
+                    g[1].append(poseBone.name)
+    def __checkConnection(self, b, p):
+        if bl.bone.isConnected(b):
+            parent=self.__boneByName(p.name)
+            parent.isConnect=True
+        for c in b.children:
+            self.__checkConnection(c, b)
+    def _sortBy(self):
+        """
+        boneMap順に並べ替える
+        """
+        boneMap=englishmap.boneMap
+        original=self.bones[:]
+        def getIndex(bone):
+            for i, k_v in enumerate(boneMap):
+                if k_v[0]==bone.name:
+                    return i
+            print(bone)
+            return len(boneMap)
+        self.bones.sort(key=getIndex)
+        sortMap={}
+        for i, b in enumerate(self.bones):
+            src=original.index(b)
+            sortMap[src]=i
+        for b in self.bones:
+            b.index=sortMap[b.index]
+            if b.parent_index:
+                b.parent_index=sortMap[b.parent_index]
+            if b.tail_index:
+                b.tail_index=sortMap[b.tail_index]
+            if b.ik_index>0:
+                b.ik_index=sortMap[b.ik_index]
+    def _fix(self):
+        """
+        調整
+        """
+        for b in self.bones:
+            # parent index
+            if b.parent_index==None:
+                b.parent_index=0xFFFF
+            else:
+                if b.type==6 or b.type==7:
+                    # fix tail bone
+                    parent=self.bones[b.parent_index]
+                    #print('parnet', parent.name)
+                    parent.tail_index=b.index
+        for b in self.bones:
+            if b.tail_index==None:
+                b.tail_index=0
+            elif b.type==9:
+                b.tail_index==0
+    def getIndex(self, bone):
+        for i, b in enumerate(self.bones):
+            if b==bone:
+                return i
+        assert(false)
+    def indexByName(self, name):
+        if name=='':
+            return 0
+        else:
+            try:
+                return self.getIndex(self.__boneByName(name))
+            except:
+                return 0
+    def __boneByName(self, name):
+        return self.boneMap[name]
+    def __getBone(self, parent, b):
+        if len(b.children)==0:
+            parent.type=7
+            return
+        for i, c in enumerate(b.children):
+            bone=Bone(c.name, 
+                    bl.bone.getHeadLocal(c),
+                    bl.bone.getTailLocal(c),
+                    bl.bone.isConnected(c))
+            self.__addBone(bone)
+            if parent:
+                bone.parent_index=parent.index
+                #if i==0:
+                if bone.isConnect or (not parent.tail_index and parent.tail==bone.pos):
+                    parent.tail_index=bone.index
+            self.__getBone(bone, c)
+    def __addBone(self, bone):
+        bone.index=len(self.bones)
+        self.bones.append(bone)
+        self.boneMap[bone.name]=bone
diff --git a/blender26-meshio/exporter/oneskinmesh.py b/blender26-meshio/exporter/oneskinmesh.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f8b3a54
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+import bpy
+from . import vertexarray
+from .. import bl
+from ..pymeshio import englishmap
+class Morph(object):
+    __slots__=['name', 'type', 'offsets']
+    def __init__(self, name, type):
+        self.name=name
+        self.type=type
+        self.offsets=[]
+    def add(self, index, offset):
+        self.offsets.append((index, offset))
+    def sort(self):
+        self.offsets.sort(key=lambda e: e[0])
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<Morph %s>" % self.name
+class SSS(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.use=1
+class DefaultMatrial(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.name='default'
+        # diffuse
+        self.diffuse_color=[1, 1, 1]
+        self.alpha=1
+        # specular
+        self.specular_toon_size=0
+        self.specular_hardness=5
+        self.specular_color=[1, 1, 1]
+        # ambient
+        self.mirror_color=[1, 1, 1]
+        # flag
+        self.subsurface_scattering=SSS()
+        # texture
+        self.texture_slots=[]
+class OneSkinMesh(object):
+    __slots__=['vertexArray', 'morphList', 'rigidbodies', 'constraints', 'armatureObj']
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.vertexArray=vertexarray.VertexArray()
+        self.morphList=[]
+        self.rigidbodies=[]
+        self.constraints=[]
+        self.armatureObj=None
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<OneSkinMesh %s, morph:%d>" % (
+                self.vertexArray,
+                len(self.morphList))
+    def build(self, node):
+        ############################################################
+        # search armature modifier
+        ############################################################
+        for m in node.o.modifiers:
+            if bl.modifier.isType(m, 'ARMATURE'):
+                armatureObj=bl.modifier.getArmatureObject(m)
+                if not self.armatureObj:
+                    self.armatureObj=armatureObj
+                elif self.armatureObj!=armatureObj:
+                    print("warning! found multiple armature. ignored.", 
+                            armatureObj.name)
+        if node.o.type.upper()=='MESH':
+            self.addMesh(node.o)
+        for child in node.children:
+            self.build(child)
+    def addMesh(self, obj):
+        if not bl.object.isVisible(obj):
+            return
+        self.__mesh(obj)
+        self.__skin(obj)
+        self.__rigidbody(obj)
+        self.__constraint(obj)
+    def __getWeightMap(self, obj, mesh):
+        # bone weight
+        weightMap={}
+        secondWeightMap={}
+        def setWeight(i, name, w):
+            if w>0:
+                if i in weightMap:
+                    if i in secondWeightMap:
+                        # 上位2つのweightを採用する
+                        if w<secondWeightMap[i][1]:
+                            pass
+                        elif w<weightMap[i][1]:
+                            # 2つ目を入れ替え
+                            secondWeightMap[i]=(name, w)
+                        else:
+                            # 1つ目を入れ替え
+                            weightMap[i]=(name, w)
+                    else:
+                        if w>weightMap[i][1]:
+                            # 多い方をweightMapに
+                            secondWeightMap[i]=weightMap[i]
+                            weightMap[i]=(name, w)
+                        else:
+                            secondWeightMap[i]=(name, w)
+                else:
+                    weightMap[i]=(name, w)
+        # ToDo bone weightと関係ないvertex groupを除外する
+        for i, v in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
+            if len(v.groups)>0:
+                for g in v.groups:
+                    setWeight(i, obj.vertex_groups[g.group].name, g.weight)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    setWeight(i, obj.vertex_groups[0].name, 1)
+                except:
+                    # no vertex_groups
+                    pass
+        # 合計値が1になるようにする
+        for i in range(len(mesh.vertices)):
+            if i in secondWeightMap:
+                secondWeightMap[i]=(secondWeightMap[i][0], 1.0-weightMap[i][1])
+            elif i in weightMap:
+                weightMap[i]=(weightMap[i][0], 1.0)
+                secondWeightMap[i]=("", 0)
+            else:
+                print("no weight vertex")
+                weightMap[i]=("", 0)
+                secondWeightMap[i]=("", 0)
+        return weightMap, secondWeightMap
+    def __processFaces(self, obj_name, mesh, weightMap, secondWeightMap):
+        default_material=DefaultMatrial()
+        # 各面の処理
+        for i, face in enumerate(mesh.faces):
+            faceVertexCount=bl.face.getVertexCount(face)
+            try:
+                material=mesh.materials[bl.face.getMaterialIndex(face)]
+            except IndexError as e:
+                material=default_material
+            v=[mesh.vertices[index] for index in bl.face.getVertices(face)]
+            uv=bl.mesh.getFaceUV(
+                    mesh, i, face, bl.face.getVertexCount(face))
+            # flip triangle
+            if faceVertexCount==3:
+                # triangle
+                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
+                        obj_name, material.name,
+                        v[2].index, 
+                        v[1].index, 
+                        v[0].index,
+                        v[2].co, 
+                        v[1].co, 
+                        v[0].co,
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[1]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]),
+                        uv[2], 
+                        uv[1], 
+                        uv[0],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[1].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[1].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[1].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][1]
+                        )
+            elif faceVertexCount==4:
+                # quadrangle
+                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
+                        obj_name, material.name,
+                        v[2].index, 
+                        v[1].index, 
+                        v[0].index,
+                        v[2].co, 
+                        v[1].co, 
+                        v[0].co,
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[1]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]), 
+                        uv[2], 
+                        uv[1], 
+                        uv[0],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[1].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[1].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[1].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][1]
+                        )
+                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
+                        obj_name, material.name,
+                        v[0].index, 
+                        v[3].index, 
+                        v[2].index,
+                        v[0].co, 
+                        v[3].co, 
+                        v[2].co,
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[3]), 
+                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
+                        uv[0], 
+                        uv[3], 
+                        uv[2],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[3].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[3].index][0],
+                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
+                        weightMap[v[0].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[3].index][1],
+                        weightMap[v[2].index][1]
+                        )
+    def __mesh(self, obj):
+        if bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE in obj:
+            return
+        if bl.CONSTRAINT_A in obj:
+            return
+        bl.message("export: %s" % obj.name)
+        # メッシュのコピーを生成してオブジェクトの行列を適用する
+        copyMesh, copyObj=bl.object.duplicate(obj)
+        if len(copyMesh.vertices)>0:
+            # apply transform
+            """
+            try:
+                # svn 36722
+                copyObj.scale=obj.scale
+                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True)
+                copyObj.rotation_euler=obj.rotation_euler
+                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True)
+                copyObj.location=obj.location
+                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True)
+            except AttributeError as e:
+                # 2.57b
+                copyObj.scale=obj.scale
+                bpy.ops.object.scale_apply()
+                copyObj.rotation_euler=obj.rotation_euler
+                bpy.ops.object.rotation_apply()
+                copyObj.location=obj.location
+                bpy.ops.object.location_apply()
+            """
+            copyMesh.transform(obj.matrix_world)
+            # apply modifier
+            for m in [m for m in copyObj.modifiers]:
+                if m.type=='SOLIDFY':
+                    continue
+                elif m.type=='ARMATURE':
+                    continue
+                elif m.type=='MIRROR':
+                    bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier=m.name)
+                else:
+                    print(m.type)
+            weightMap, secondWeightMap=self.__getWeightMap(copyObj, copyMesh)
+            self.__processFaces(obj.name, copyMesh, weightMap, secondWeightMap)
+        bl.object.delete(copyObj)
+    def createEmptyBasicSkin(self):
+        self.__getOrCreateMorph('base', 0)
+    def __skin(self, obj):
+        if not bl.object.hasShapeKey(obj):
+            return
+        indexRelativeMap={}
+        blenderMesh=bl.object.getData(obj)
+        baseMorph=None
+        # shape keys
+        vg=bl.object.getVertexGroup(obj, bl.MMD_SHAPE_GROUP_NAME)
+        # base
+        used=set()
+        for b in bl.object.getShapeKeys(obj):
+            if b.name==bl.BASE_SHAPE_NAME:
+                baseMorph=self.__getOrCreateMorph('base', 0)
+                basis=b
+                relativeIndex=0
+                for index in vg:
+                    v=bl.shapekey.getByIndex(b, index)
+                    pos=[v[0], v[1], v[2]]
+                    indices=self.vertexArray.getMappedIndex(obj.name, index)
+                    for attribute, i in indices.items():
+                        if i in used:
+                            continue
+                        used.add(i)
+                        baseMorph.add(i, pos)
+                        indexRelativeMap[i]=relativeIndex
+                        relativeIndex+=1
+                break
+        assert(basis)
+        #print(basis.name, len(baseMorph.offsets))
+        if len(baseMorph.offsets)==0:
+            return
+        # shape keys
+        for b in bl.object.getShapeKeys(obj):
+            if b.name==bl.BASE_SHAPE_NAME:
+                continue
+            #print(b.name)
+            morph=self.__getOrCreateMorph(b.name, 4)
+            used=set()
+            for index, src, dst in zip(
+                    range(len(blenderMesh.vertices)),
+                    bl.shapekey.get(basis),
+                    bl.shapekey.get(b)):
+                offset=[dst[0]-src[0], dst[1]-src[1], dst[2]-src[2]]
+                if offset[0]==0 and offset[1]==0 and offset[2]==0:
+                    continue
+                if index in vg:
+                    indices=self.vertexArray.getMappedIndex(obj.name, index)
+                    for attribute, i in indices.items():
+                        if i in used:
+                            continue
+                        used.add(i) 
+                        morph.add(indexRelativeMap[i], offset)
+            assert(len(morph.offsets)<len(baseMorph.offsets))
+        # sort skinmap
+        original=self.morphList[:]
+        def getIndex(morph):
+            for i, v in enumerate(englishmap.skinMap):
+                if v[0]==morph.name:
+                    return i
+            #print(morph)
+            return len(englishmap.skinMap)
+        self.morphList.sort(key=getIndex)
+    def __rigidbody(self, obj):
+        if not bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE in obj:
+            return
+        self.rigidbodies.append(obj)
+    def __constraint(self, obj):
+        if not bl.CONSTRAINT_A in obj:
+            return
+        self.constraints.append(obj)
+    def __getOrCreateMorph(self, name, type):
+        for m in self.morphList:
+            if m.name==name:
+                return m
+        m=Morph(name, type)
+        self.morphList.append(m)
+        return m
+    def getVertexCount(self):
+        return len(self.vertexArray.positions)
diff --git a/blender26-meshio/exporter/vertexarray.py b/blender26-meshio/exporter/vertexarray.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..351ee78
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+class VertexAttribute(object):
+    __slots__=[
+            'nx', 'ny', 'nz', # normal
+            'u', 'v', # uv
+            ]
+    def __init__(self, nx, ny, nz, u, v):
+        self.nx=nx
+        self.ny=ny
+        self.nz=nz
+        self.u=u
+        self.v=v
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<vkey: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f>" % (
+                self.nx, self.ny, self.nz, self.u, self.v)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return int(100*(self.nx + self.ny + self.nz + self.u + self.v))
+    def __eq__(self, rhs):
+        return self.nx==rhs.nx and self.ny==rhs.ny and self.nz==rhs.nz and self.u==rhs.u and self.v==rhs.v
+class VertexKey(object):
+    __slots__=[
+            'obj_index', 'index',
+            ]
+    def __init__(self, obj_index, index):
+        self.obj_index=obj_index
+        self.index=index
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<vkey: %d, %d>" % (self.obj_index, self.index)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return self.index*100+self.obj_index
+    def __eq__(self, rhs):
+        return self.obj_index==rhs.obj_index and self.index==rhs.index
+class VertexArray(object):
+    """
+    頂点配列
+    """
+    __slots__=[
+            'indexArrays',
+            'positions',
+            'attributes', # normal and uv
+            'b0', 'b1', 'weight',
+            'vertexMap',
+            'objectMap',
+            ]
+    def __init__(self):
+        # indexArrays split with each material
+        self.indexArrays={}
+        self.positions=[]
+        self.attributes=[]
+        self.b0=[]
+        self.b1=[]
+        self.weight=[]
+        self.vertexMap={}
+        self.objectMap={}
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<VertexArray %d positions, %d indexArrays>" % (
+                len(self.positions), len(self.indexArrays))
+    def zip(self):
+        return zip(
+                self.positions, self.attributes,
+                self.b0, self.b1, self.weight)
+    def each(self):
+        keys=[key for key in self.indexArrays.keys()]
+        keys.sort()
+        for key in keys:
+            yield(key, self.indexArrays[key])
+    def __addOrGetIndex(self, obj_index, base_index, pos, normal, uv, b0, b1, weight0):
+        key=VertexKey(obj_index, base_index)
+        attribute=VertexAttribute( 
+                normal[0], normal[1], normal[2],
+                uv[0], uv[1])
+        if key in self.vertexMap:
+            if attribute in self.vertexMap[key]:
+                return self.vertexMap[key][attribute]
+            else:
+                return self.__addVertex(self.vertexMap[key],
+                        pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0)
+        else:
+            vertexMapKey={}
+            self.vertexMap[key]=vertexMapKey
+            return self.__addVertex(vertexMapKey,
+                    pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0)
+    def __addVertex(self, vertexMapKey, pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0):
+        index=len(self.positions)
+        vertexMapKey[attribute]=index
+        # position
+        self.positions.append((pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))
+        # unique attribute
+        self.attributes.append(attribute)
+        # shared attribute
+        self.b0.append(b0)
+        self.b1.append(b1)
+        self.weight.append(weight0)
+        assert(index<=65535)
+        return index
+    def getMappedIndex(self, obj_name, base_index):
+        return self.vertexMap[VertexKey(self.objectMap[obj_name], base_index)]
+    def addTriangle(self,
+            object_name, material,
+            base_index0, base_index1, base_index2,
+            pos0, pos1, pos2,
+            n0, n1, n2,
+            uv0, uv1, uv2,
+            b0_0, b0_1, b0_2,
+            b1_0, b1_1, b1_2,
+            weight0, weight1, weight2
+            ):
+        if object_name in self.objectMap:
+            obj_index=self.objectMap[object_name]
+        else:
+            obj_index=len(self.objectMap)
+            self.objectMap[object_name]=obj_index
+        index0=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index0, pos0, n0, uv0, b0_0, b1_0, weight0)
+        index1=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index1, pos1, n1, uv1, b0_1, b1_1, weight1)
+        index2=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index2, pos2, n2, uv2, b0_2, b1_2, weight2)
+        if not material in self.indexArrays:
+            self.indexArrays[material]=[]
+        self.indexArrays[material]+=[index0, index1, index2]
diff --git a/blender26-meshio/oneskinmesh.py b/blender26-meshio/oneskinmesh.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f2d9d2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-import bpy
-from . import bl
-from .pymeshio import englishmap
-class VertexAttribute(object):
-    __slots__=[
-            'nx', 'ny', 'nz', # normal
-            'u', 'v', # uv
-            ]
-    def __init__(self, nx, ny, nz, u, v):
-        self.nx=nx
-        self.ny=ny
-        self.nz=nz
-        self.u=u
-        self.v=v
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<vkey: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f>" % (
-                self.nx, self.ny, self.nz, self.u, self.v)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return int(100*(self.nx + self.ny + self.nz + self.u + self.v))
-    def __eq__(self, rhs):
-        return self.nx==rhs.nx and self.ny==rhs.ny and self.nz==rhs.nz and self.u==rhs.u and self.v==rhs.v
-class VertexKey(object):
-    __slots__=[
-            'obj_index', 'index',
-            ]
-    def __init__(self, obj_index, index):
-        self.obj_index=obj_index
-        self.index=index
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<vkey: %d, %d>" % (self.obj_index, self.index)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return self.index*100+self.obj_index
-    def __eq__(self, rhs):
-        return self.obj_index==rhs.obj_index and self.index==rhs.index
-class VertexArray(object):
-    """
-    頂点配列
-    """
-    __slots__=[
-            'indexArrays',
-            'positions',
-            'attributes', # normal and uv
-            'b0', 'b1', 'weight',
-            'vertexMap',
-            'objectMap',
-            ]
-    def __init__(self):
-        # indexArrays split with each material
-        self.indexArrays={}
-        self.positions=[]
-        self.attributes=[]
-        self.b0=[]
-        self.b1=[]
-        self.weight=[]
-        self.vertexMap={}
-        self.objectMap={}
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<VertexArray %d positions, %d indexArrays>" % (
-                len(self.positions), len(self.indexArrays))
-    def zip(self):
-        return zip(
-                self.positions, self.attributes,
-                self.b0, self.b1, self.weight)
-    def each(self):
-        keys=[key for key in self.indexArrays.keys()]
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            yield(key, self.indexArrays[key])
-    def __addOrGetIndex(self, obj_index, base_index, pos, normal, uv, b0, b1, weight0):
-        key=VertexKey(obj_index, base_index)
-        attribute=VertexAttribute( 
-                normal[0], normal[1], normal[2],
-                uv[0], uv[1])
-        if key in self.vertexMap:
-            if attribute in self.vertexMap[key]:
-                return self.vertexMap[key][attribute]
-            else:
-                return self.__addVertex(self.vertexMap[key],
-                        pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0)
-        else:
-            vertexMapKey={}
-            self.vertexMap[key]=vertexMapKey
-            return self.__addVertex(vertexMapKey,
-                    pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0)
-    def __addVertex(self, vertexMapKey, pos, attribute, b0, b1, weight0):
-        index=len(self.positions)
-        vertexMapKey[attribute]=index
-        # position
-        self.positions.append((pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))
-        # unique attribute
-        self.attributes.append(attribute)
-        # shared attribute
-        self.b0.append(b0)
-        self.b1.append(b1)
-        self.weight.append(weight0)
-        assert(index<=65535)
-        return index
-    def getMappedIndex(self, obj_name, base_index):
-        return self.vertexMap[VertexKey(self.objectMap[obj_name], base_index)]
-    def addTriangle(self,
-            object_name, material,
-            base_index0, base_index1, base_index2,
-            pos0, pos1, pos2,
-            n0, n1, n2,
-            uv0, uv1, uv2,
-            b0_0, b0_1, b0_2,
-            b1_0, b1_1, b1_2,
-            weight0, weight1, weight2
-            ):
-        if object_name in self.objectMap:
-            obj_index=self.objectMap[object_name]
-        else:
-            obj_index=len(self.objectMap)
-            self.objectMap[object_name]=obj_index
-        index0=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index0, pos0, n0, uv0, b0_0, b1_0, weight0)
-        index1=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index1, pos1, n1, uv1, b0_1, b1_1, weight1)
-        index2=self.__addOrGetIndex(obj_index, base_index2, pos2, n2, uv2, b0_2, b1_2, weight2)
-        if not material in self.indexArrays:
-            self.indexArrays[material]=[]
-        self.indexArrays[material]+=[index0, index1, index2]
-class Morph(object):
-    __slots__=['name', 'type', 'offsets']
-    def __init__(self, name, type):
-        self.name=name
-        self.type=type
-        self.offsets=[]
-    def add(self, index, offset):
-        self.offsets.append((index, offset))
-    def sort(self):
-        self.offsets.sort(key=lambda e: e[0])
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<Morph %s>" % self.name
-class IKSolver(object):
-    __slots__=['target', 'effector', 'length', 'iterations', 'weight']
-    def __init__(self, target, effector, length, iterations, weight):
-        self.target=target
-        self.effector=effector
-        self.length=length
-        self.iterations=iterations
-        self.weight=weight
-class SSS(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.use=1
-class DefaultMatrial(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.name='default'
-        # diffuse
-        self.diffuse_color=[1, 1, 1]
-        self.alpha=1
-        # specular
-        self.specular_toon_size=0
-        self.specular_hardness=5
-        self.specular_color=[1, 1, 1]
-        # ambient
-        self.mirror_color=[1, 1, 1]
-        # flag
-        self.subsurface_scattering=SSS()
-        # texture
-        self.texture_slots=[]
-class OneSkinMesh(object):
-    __slots__=['vertexArray', 'morphList', 'rigidbodies', 'constraints', ]
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.vertexArray=VertexArray()
-        self.morphList=[]
-        self.rigidbodies=[]
-        self.constraints=[]
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<OneSkinMesh %s, morph:%d>" % (
-                self.vertexArray,
-                len(self.morphList))
-    def addMesh(self, obj):
-        if not bl.object.isVisible(obj):
-            return
-        self.__mesh(obj)
-        self.__skin(obj)
-        self.__rigidbody(obj)
-        self.__constraint(obj)
-    def __getWeightMap(self, obj, mesh):
-        # bone weight
-        weightMap={}
-        secondWeightMap={}
-        def setWeight(i, name, w):
-            if w>0:
-                if i in weightMap:
-                    if i in secondWeightMap:
-                        # 上位2つのweightを採用する
-                        if w<secondWeightMap[i][1]:
-                            pass
-                        elif w<weightMap[i][1]:
-                            # 2つ目を入れ替え
-                            secondWeightMap[i]=(name, w)
-                        else:
-                            # 1つ目を入れ替え
-                            weightMap[i]=(name, w)
-                    else:
-                        if w>weightMap[i][1]:
-                            # 多い方をweightMapに
-                            secondWeightMap[i]=weightMap[i]
-                            weightMap[i]=(name, w)
-                        else:
-                            secondWeightMap[i]=(name, w)
-                else:
-                    weightMap[i]=(name, w)
-        # ToDo bone weightと関係ないvertex groupを除外する
-        for i, v in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
-            if len(v.groups)>0:
-                for g in v.groups:
-                    setWeight(i, obj.vertex_groups[g.group].name, g.weight)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    setWeight(i, obj.vertex_groups[0].name, 1)
-                except:
-                    # no vertex_groups
-                    pass
-        # 合計値が1になるようにする
-        for i in range(len(mesh.vertices)):
-            if i in secondWeightMap:
-                secondWeightMap[i]=(secondWeightMap[i][0], 1.0-weightMap[i][1])
-            elif i in weightMap:
-                weightMap[i]=(weightMap[i][0], 1.0)
-                secondWeightMap[i]=("", 0)
-            else:
-                print("no weight vertex")
-                weightMap[i]=("", 0)
-                secondWeightMap[i]=("", 0)
-        return weightMap, secondWeightMap
-    def __processFaces(self, obj_name, mesh, weightMap, secondWeightMap):
-        default_material=DefaultMatrial()
-        # 各面の処理
-        for i, face in enumerate(mesh.faces):
-            faceVertexCount=bl.face.getVertexCount(face)
-            try:
-                material=mesh.materials[bl.face.getMaterialIndex(face)]
-            except IndexError as e:
-                material=default_material
-            v=[mesh.vertices[index] for index in bl.face.getVertices(face)]
-            uv=bl.mesh.getFaceUV(
-                    mesh, i, face, bl.face.getVertexCount(face))
-            # flip triangle
-            if faceVertexCount==3:
-                # triangle
-                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
-                        obj_name, material.name,
-                        v[2].index, 
-                        v[1].index, 
-                        v[0].index,
-                        v[2].co, 
-                        v[1].co, 
-                        v[0].co,
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[1]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]),
-                        uv[2], 
-                        uv[1], 
-                        uv[0],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[1].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[1].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[1].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][1]
-                        )
-            elif faceVertexCount==4:
-                # quadrangle
-                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
-                        obj_name, material.name,
-                        v[2].index, 
-                        v[1].index, 
-                        v[0].index,
-                        v[2].co, 
-                        v[1].co, 
-                        v[0].co,
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[1]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]), 
-                        uv[2], 
-                        uv[1], 
-                        uv[0],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[1].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[1].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[1].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][1]
-                        )
-                self.vertexArray.addTriangle(
-                        obj_name, material.name,
-                        v[0].index, 
-                        v[3].index, 
-                        v[2].index,
-                        v[0].co, 
-                        v[3].co, 
-                        v[2].co,
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[0]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[3]), 
-                        bl.vertex.getNormal(v[2]), 
-                        uv[0], 
-                        uv[3], 
-                        uv[2],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[3].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[0].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[3].index][0],
-                        secondWeightMap[v[2].index][0],
-                        weightMap[v[0].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[3].index][1],
-                        weightMap[v[2].index][1]
-                        )
-    def __mesh(self, obj):
-        if bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE in obj:
-            return
-        if bl.CONSTRAINT_A in obj:
-            return
-        bl.message("export: %s" % obj.name)
-        # メッシュのコピーを生成してオブジェクトの行列を適用する
-        copyMesh, copyObj=bl.object.duplicate(obj)
-        if len(copyMesh.vertices)>0:
-            # apply transform
-            """
-            try:
-                # svn 36722
-                copyObj.scale=obj.scale
-                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True)
-                copyObj.rotation_euler=obj.rotation_euler
-                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True)
-                copyObj.location=obj.location
-                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True)
-            except AttributeError as e:
-                # 2.57b
-                copyObj.scale=obj.scale
-                bpy.ops.object.scale_apply()
-                copyObj.rotation_euler=obj.rotation_euler
-                bpy.ops.object.rotation_apply()
-                copyObj.location=obj.location
-                bpy.ops.object.location_apply()
-            """
-            copyMesh.transform(obj.matrix_world)
-            # apply modifier
-            for m in [m for m in copyObj.modifiers]:
-                if m.type=='SOLIDFY':
-                    continue
-                elif m.type=='ARMATURE':
-                    continue
-                elif m.type=='MIRROR':
-                    bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier=m.name)
-                else:
-                    print(m.type)
-            weightMap, secondWeightMap=self.__getWeightMap(copyObj, copyMesh)
-            self.__processFaces(obj.name, copyMesh, weightMap, secondWeightMap)
-        bl.object.delete(copyObj)
-    def createEmptyBasicSkin(self):
-        self.__getOrCreateMorph('base', 0)
-    def __skin(self, obj):
-        if not bl.object.hasShapeKey(obj):
-            return
-        indexRelativeMap={}
-        blenderMesh=bl.object.getData(obj)
-        baseMorph=None
-        # shape keys
-        vg=bl.object.getVertexGroup(obj, bl.MMD_SHAPE_GROUP_NAME)
-        # base
-        used=set()
-        for b in bl.object.getShapeKeys(obj):
-            if b.name==bl.BASE_SHAPE_NAME:
-                baseMorph=self.__getOrCreateMorph('base', 0)
-                basis=b
-                relativeIndex=0
-                for index in vg:
-                    v=bl.shapekey.getByIndex(b, index)
-                    pos=[v[0], v[1], v[2]]
-                    indices=self.vertexArray.getMappedIndex(obj.name, index)
-                    for attribute, i in indices.items():
-                        if i in used:
-                            continue
-                        used.add(i)
-                        baseMorph.add(i, pos)
-                        indexRelativeMap[i]=relativeIndex
-                        relativeIndex+=1
-                break
-        assert(basis)
-        #print(basis.name, len(baseMorph.offsets))
-        if len(baseMorph.offsets)==0:
-            return
-        # shape keys
-        for b in bl.object.getShapeKeys(obj):
-            if b.name==bl.BASE_SHAPE_NAME:
-                continue
-            #print(b.name)
-            morph=self.__getOrCreateMorph(b.name, 4)
-            used=set()
-            for index, src, dst in zip(
-                    range(len(blenderMesh.vertices)),
-                    bl.shapekey.get(basis),
-                    bl.shapekey.get(b)):
-                offset=[dst[0]-src[0], dst[1]-src[1], dst[2]-src[2]]
-                if offset[0]==0 and offset[1]==0 and offset[2]==0:
-                    continue
-                if index in vg:
-                    indices=self.vertexArray.getMappedIndex(obj.name, index)
-                    for attribute, i in indices.items():
-                        if i in used:
-                            continue
-                        used.add(i) 
-                        morph.add(indexRelativeMap[i], offset)
-            assert(len(morph.offsets)<len(baseMorph.offsets))
-        # sort skinmap
-        original=self.morphList[:]
-        def getIndex(morph):
-            for i, v in enumerate(englishmap.skinMap):
-                if v[0]==morph.name:
-                    return i
-            #print(morph)
-            return len(englishmap.skinMap)
-        self.morphList.sort(key=getIndex)
-    def __rigidbody(self, obj):
-        if not bl.RIGID_SHAPE_TYPE in obj:
-            return
-        self.rigidbodies.append(obj)
-    def __constraint(self, obj):
-        if not bl.CONSTRAINT_A in obj:
-            return
-        self.constraints.append(obj)
-    def __getOrCreateMorph(self, name, type):
-        for m in self.morphList:
-            if m.name==name:
-                return m
-        m=Morph(name, type)
-        self.morphList.append(m)
-        return m
-    def getVertexCount(self):
-        return len(self.vertexArray.positions)
-class Bone(object):
-    __slots__=['index', 'name', 'ik_index',
-            'pos', 'tail', 'parent_index', 'tail_index', 'type', 'isConnect']
-    def __init__(self, name, pos, tail, isConnect):
-        self.index=-1
-        self.name=name
-        self.pos=pos
-        self.tail=tail
-        self.parent_index=None
-        self.tail_index=None
-        self.type=0
-        self.isConnect=isConnect
-        self.ik_index=0
-    def __eq__(self, rhs):
-        return self.index==rhs.index
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<Bone %s %d>" % (self.name, self.type)
-class BoneBuilder(object):
-    __slots__=['bones', 'boneMap', 'ik_list', 'bone_groups',]
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.bones=[]
-        self.boneMap={}
-        self.ik_list=[]
-        self.bone_groups=[]
-    def getBoneGroup(self, bone):
-        for i, g in enumerate(self.bone_groups):
-            for b in g[1]:
-                if b==bone.name:
-                    return i+1
-        print('no gorup', bone)
-        return 0
-    def build(self, armatureObj):
-        if not armatureObj:
-            return
-        bl.message("build skeleton")
-        armature=bl.object.getData(armatureObj)
-        ####################
-        # bone group
-        ####################
-        for g in bl.object.boneGroups(armatureObj):
-            self.bone_groups.append((g.name, []))
-        ####################
-        # get bones
-        ####################
-        for b in armature.bones.values():
-            if not b.parent:
-                # root bone
-                bone=Bone(b.name, 
-                        bl.bone.getHeadLocal(b),
-                        bl.bone.getTailLocal(b),
-                        False)
-                self.__addBone(bone)
-                self.__getBone(bone, b)
-        for b in armature.bones.values():
-            if not b.parent:
-                self.__checkConnection(b, None)
-        ####################
-        # get IK
-        ####################
-        pose = bl.object.getPose(armatureObj)
-        for b in pose.bones.values():
-            ####################
-            # assing bone group
-            ####################
-            self.__assignBoneGroup(b, b.bone_group)
-            for c in b.constraints:
-                if bl.constraint.isIKSolver(c):
-                    ####################
-                    # IK target
-                    ####################
-                    target=self.__boneByName(bl.constraint.ikTarget(c))
-                    target.type=2
-                    ####################
-                    # IK effector
-                    ####################
-                    # IK 接続先
-                    link=self.__boneByName(b.name)
-                    link.type=6
-                    # IK chain
-                    e=b.parent
-                    chainLength=bl.constraint.ikChainLen(c)
-                    for i in range(chainLength):
-                        # IK影響下
-                        chainBone=self.__boneByName(e.name)
-                        chainBone.type=4
-                        chainBone.ik_index=target.index
-                        e=e.parent
-                    self.ik_list.append(
-                            IKSolver(target, link, chainLength, 
-                                int(bl.constraint.ikItration(c) * 0.1), 
-                                bl.constraint.ikRotationWeight(c)
-                                ))
-        ####################
-        # boneのsort
-        self._sortBy()
-        self._fix()
-        # IKのsort
-        def getIndex(ik):
-            for i, v in enumerate(englishmap.boneMap):
-                if v[0]==ik.target.name:
-                    return i
-            return len(englishmap.boneMap)
-        self.ik_list.sort(key=getIndex)
-    def __assignBoneGroup(self, poseBone, boneGroup):
-        if boneGroup:
-            for g in self.bone_groups:
-                if g[0]==boneGroup.name:
-                    g[1].append(poseBone.name)
-    def __checkConnection(self, b, p):
-        if bl.bone.isConnected(b):
-            parent=self.__boneByName(p.name)
-            parent.isConnect=True
-        for c in b.children:
-            self.__checkConnection(c, b)
-    def _sortBy(self):
-        """
-        boneMap順に並べ替える
-        """
-        boneMap=englishmap.boneMap
-        original=self.bones[:]
-        def getIndex(bone):
-            for i, k_v in enumerate(boneMap):
-                if k_v[0]==bone.name:
-                    return i
-            print(bone)
-            return len(boneMap)
-        self.bones.sort(key=getIndex)
-        sortMap={}
-        for i, b in enumerate(self.bones):
-            src=original.index(b)
-            sortMap[src]=i
-        for b in self.bones:
-            b.index=sortMap[b.index]
-            if b.parent_index:
-                b.parent_index=sortMap[b.parent_index]
-            if b.tail_index:
-                b.tail_index=sortMap[b.tail_index]
-            if b.ik_index>0:
-                b.ik_index=sortMap[b.ik_index]
-    def _fix(self):
-        """
-        調整
-        """
-        for b in self.bones:
-            # parent index
-            if b.parent_index==None:
-                b.parent_index=0xFFFF
-            else:
-                if b.type==6 or b.type==7:
-                    # fix tail bone
-                    parent=self.bones[b.parent_index]
-                    #print('parnet', parent.name)
-                    parent.tail_index=b.index
-        for b in self.bones:
-            if b.tail_index==None:
-                b.tail_index=0
-            elif b.type==9:
-                b.tail_index==0
-    def getIndex(self, bone):
-        for i, b in enumerate(self.bones):
-            if b==bone:
-                return i
-        assert(false)
-    def indexByName(self, name):
-        if name=='':
-            return 0
-        else:
-            try:
-                return self.getIndex(self.__boneByName(name))
-            except:
-                return 0
-    def __boneByName(self, name):
-        return self.boneMap[name]
-    def __getBone(self, parent, b):
-        if len(b.children)==0:
-            parent.type=7
-            return
-        for i, c in enumerate(b.children):
-            bone=Bone(c.name, 
-                    bl.bone.getHeadLocal(c),
-                    bl.bone.getTailLocal(c),
-                    bl.bone.isConnected(c))
-            self.__addBone(bone)
-            if parent:
-                bone.parent_index=parent.index
-                #if i==0:
-                if bone.isConnect or (not parent.tail_index and parent.tail==bone.pos):
-                    parent.tail_index=bone.index
-            self.__getBone(bone, c)
-    def __addBone(self, bone):
-        bone.index=len(self.bones)
-        self.bones.append(bone)
-        self.boneMap[bone.name]=bone
-class Node(object):
-    __slots__=['o', 'children']
-    def __init__(self, o):
-        self.o=o
-        self.children=[]
-class Exporter(object):
-    __slots__=[
-            'armatureObj',
-            'oneSkinMesh',
-            'englishName',
-            'englishComment',
-            'name',
-            'comment',
-            'skeleton',
-            ]
-    def setup(self):
-        self.armatureObj=None
-        # 木構造を構築する
-        object_node_map={}
-        for o in bl.object.each():
-            object_node_map[o]=Node(o)
-        for o in bl.object.each():
-            node=object_node_map[o]
-            if node.o.parent:
-                object_node_map[node.o.parent].children.append(node)
-        # ルートを得る
-        root=object_node_map[bl.object.getActive()]
-        o=root.o
-        self.englishName=o.name
-        self.englishComment=o[bl.MMD_COMMENT] if bl.MMD_COMMENT in o else 'blender export\n'
-        self.name=o[bl.MMD_MB_NAME] if bl.MMD_MB_NAME in o else 'Blenderエクスポート'
-        self.comment=o[bl.MMD_MB_COMMENT] if bl.MMD_MB_COMMENT in o else 'Blnderエクスポート\n'
-        # ワンスキンメッシュを作る
-        self.oneSkinMesh=OneSkinMesh()
-        self.__createOneSkinMesh(root)
-        bl.message(self.oneSkinMesh)
-        if len(self.oneSkinMesh.morphList)==0:
-            # create emtpy skin
-            self.oneSkinMesh.createEmptyBasicSkin()
-        # skeleton
-        self.skeleton=BoneBuilder()
-        self.skeleton.build(self.armatureObj)
-    def __createOneSkinMesh(self, node):
-        ############################################################
-        # search armature modifier
-        ############################################################
-        for m in node.o.modifiers:
-            if bl.modifier.isType(m, 'ARMATURE'):
-                armatureObj=bl.modifier.getArmatureObject(m)
-                if not self.armatureObj:
-                    self.armatureObj=armatureObj
-                elif self.armatureObj!=armatureObj:
-                    print("warning! found multiple armature. ignored.", 
-                            armatureObj.name)
-        if node.o.type.upper()=='MESH':
-            self.oneSkinMesh.addMesh(node.o)
-        for child in node.children:
-            self.__createOneSkinMesh(child)