X-Git-Url: http://git.osdn.jp/view?a=blobdiff_plain;f=test4%2FTestPage.html;h=891226170d1972752bd742a29bf92e0c6a184967;hb=a1aee2b11bf1d315eaf4a2bbd8a96464d3848202;hp=44f4d11bb876f982146ad6a9c5d70210bca57116;hpb=0aaced545d70ae3bd6cdd440e0ce676f6a602761;p=psychlops%2Fsilverlight.git diff --git a/test4/TestPage.html b/test4/TestPage.html index 44f4d11..8912261 100644 --- a/test4/TestPage.html +++ b/test4/TestPage.html @@ -7,247 +7,209 @@ - + - - - - + - - - - - + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - @@ -257,99 +219,87 @@
+ + +
- -

Basic Code : Step3-1a

+ -

Basic Code Step1

+ +
+ +
+ +
-///+ Prefix linkto BasicCode1
+///+ Prefix
 //// Lines for set up Psychlops environment
 #include <psychlops.h>
 using namespace Psychlops;
-///- Prefix linkto BasicCode1
+///- Prefix
 ///+ Main Routine
 //// Psychlops runs at the first line of this function psychlops_main().
 void psychlops_main() {
+	///+ 1
+    //// Set a window for drawing stimulus
+    Canvas window(Canvas::window); //Create a window. Here, window variables are preset mode.
+    // You can write this statement as" Canvas window(Canvas::fullscreen); " for fullscreen mode
+    // or as " Canvas window(1024, 768, 32, 60.0); " This statement changes screenmode to 1024 x 768, 32bit color, 60 Hz refresh.
+	///- 1
+	///+ 2
+	////  Set a figure size, position and color.
+    Psychlops::Rectangle/*ID:FIGURE selector Rectangle Ellipse*/ figure; //Create a figure (Rectangle or Ellipse) variable.
-    ///+ 0 SetGlobal
-    ////Prepare global parameters
-     const int maxrectnum = 200;
-     int rectnum = 100/*ID:rectnumber 25.0 200.0 25.0*/;
-     double rectsize = 3.0/*ID:dotsize 1.0 10.0 1.0*/;
-     Psychlops::Rectangle rect[maxrectnum];
-     double rectcolorR[maxrectnum];
-     double rectcolorG[maxrectnum];
-     double rectcolorB[maxrectnum];
-    ///- 0 SetGlobal
-	 Canvas window(Canvas::window);
-     ///+ 1 Initialize
-     ////Initialize
-     for(int i=0; i < rectnum; i++){
-         ///+ 1.1
-         ////set positions and sizes
-         rect[i].set(rectsize, rectsize); //Set a size of rectangles.
-         rect[i].centering(); //Move Rectangles to the center.
-         rect[i].shift((i - 0.5 * rectnum) * rectsize * 1.5/*ID:RectHGap 1.0 3.0 0.5*/,
-                                        (i - 0.5 * rectnum) * rectsize * 1.5/*ID:RectVGap 1.0 3.0 0.5*/); //Move Rectangles to initial positions
-         ///- 1.1
-         ///+ 1.2
-         ////set colors
-         rectcolorR[i]=(double)i * 0.5/*ID:RGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*//(double)rectnum; //Set R values. Note that "i" and "rectnum" is converted to double-type.
-         rectcolorG[i]=(double)i * 0.5/*ID:GGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*//(double)rectnum; //Set G values. Note that "i" and "rectnum" is converted to double-type.
-         rectcolorB[i]=(double)i * 0.5/*ID:BGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*//(double)rectnum; //Set B values. Note that "i" and "rectnum" is converted to double-type.
-         ///- 1.2
-    }
-    ///- 1 Initialize
+    figure.set( 100/*ID:SIZE_X 1 200 10*/, 100/*ID:SIZE_Y 1 200 10*/ ); // Set the size of figure.
+    figure.centering();   // Centering the figure in the window
+    figure.shift( 10/*ID:SHIFT_X -100 100 10*/, 10/*ID:SHIFT_Y -100 100 10*/ ); // Displacing the figure by designated vector.    
+    figure.draw( Color( 1.0/*ID:COLOR_R 0 1.0 0.1*/, 0.0/*ID:COLOR_G 0.0 1.0 0.1*/, 0.0/*ID:COLOR_B 0 1.0 0.1*/) ); // Drawing the rectangle with a designated color.
-    ///+ 2 drawing
-    ////drawing objects
-    while(!Keyboard::esc.pushed()){
-        window.clear(Color::black); //Clear window with black
-        for(int i=0; i < rectnum; i++){
-            rect[i].draw(Color(rectcolorR[i], rectcolorG[i], rectcolorB[i])); //draw objects by designated colors.
-        }
-        window.flip();
-    }
-    ///- 2 drawing
+    window.flip(); // Reflect the drawing for the display by flipping frame buffers.
+                   // Till this point, you will not see drawn figures.
+	///- 2
+	///+ 3 
+	//// Detect a Keyboard input
+    while(!Keyboard::esc.pushed()) {} //exit a program when the escape key is pressed down.
+    ///- 3
 ///- Main Routine
- -
- -
+ -
+ +
+ 上記の文字はPsychlopsのコードです。そしてコードの実行結果はコード右のウィンドウに表示されています。
+ コード内の太文字をクリックするとマウス操作で値を変えることができ、結果がすぐに反映されます。 + また、コード内の青い文字をロールオーバすると、ポップアップで説明が現れます。 +
- \ No newline at end of file +