Basic Code Step1

///+ Prefix
//// Lines for set up Psychlops environment
#include <psychlops.h>
using namespace Psychlops;
///- Prefix
///+ Main Routine
//// Psychlops runs at the first line of this function psychlops_main().
void psychlops_main() {
	///+ 1
    //// Set a window for drawing stimulus
    Canvas window(Canvas::window); //Create a window. Here, window variables are preset mode.
    // You can write this statement as" Canvas window(Canvas::fullscreen); " for fullscreen mode
    // or as " Canvas window(1024, 768, 32, 60.0); " This statement changes screenmode to 1024 x 768, 32bit color, 60 Hz refresh.
	///- 1
	///+ 2
	////  Set a figure size, position and color.
    Psychlops::Rectangle/*ID:FIGURE selector Rectangle Ellipse*/ figure; //Create a figure (Rectangle or Ellipse) variable.
    figure.set( 100/*ID:SIZE_X 1 200 10*/, 100/*ID:SIZE_Y 1 200 10*/ ); // Set the size of figure.
    figure.centering();   // Centering the figure in the window
    figure.shift( 10/*ID:SHIFT_X -100 100 10*/, 10/*ID:SHIFT_Y -100 100 10*/ ); // Displacing the figure by designated vector.    
    figure.draw( Color( 1.0/*ID:COLOR_R 0 1.0 0.1*/, 0.0/*ID:COLOR_G 0.0 1.0 0.1*/, 0.0/*ID:COLOR_B 0 1.0 0.1*/) ); // Drawing the rectangle with a designated color.
    window.flip(); // Reflect the drawing for the display by flipping frame buffers.
                   // Till this point, you will not see drawn figures.
	///- 2
	///+ 3 
	//// Detect a Keyboard input
    while(!Keyboard::esc.pushed()) {} //exit a program when the escape key is pressed down.
    ///- 3
///- Main Routine

Next Step>>
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