///+ Prefix linkto BasicCode1 //// Lines for set up Psychlops environment using Psychlops; namespace PsychlopsSilverlightApp { public class PsychlopsMain { ///- Prefix linkto BasicCode1 ///+ Main Routine //// Psychlops runs at the first line of this function psychlops_main(). public void psychlops_main() { ///+ 0 SetGlobal ////Prepare global parameters Rectangle p1 = new Rectangle(1,1); Color col1 = new Color(); double width=50; double height=10; double lambda=60; double lmean=0.25, contrast = 0.5; double x0 = 0; double y0 = 0; double pitch = 1; Canvas disp = new Canvas(Canvas.window, Display.secondary); var fieldW_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("fieldW"); var fieldH_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("fieldH"); var wL_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("wL"); var Cont_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Cont"); var ix_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("ix"); var iy_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("iy"); var gap_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("gap"); ///- 0 SetGlobal ///+ 1 Initialize ////initialize p1.centering().shift(-width*0.5 + x0, -height*0.5 + y0); //Move a point to the initial position. ///- 1 Initialize ///+ 2 Drawing ////drawing objects for(int i=0; i < width; i++) { col1.set(lmean*((contrast*Math.sin((2*Math.PI*i/lambda)))+1)); //Set a color. ///+ 2.1 Drawing a column ////drawing a column for(int j=0;j < height; j++) { p1.draw(col1); p1.shift(0, pitch); } ///- 2.1 Drawing a column p1.shift(1, -height * pitch); //back to vertical intitial point after drawing one column. } disp.flip(); ///- 2 Drawing while (!Keyboard.spc.pushed()) { }; //Wait until space key is pressed. } } } /* ///+ Prefix //// Lines for set up Psychlops environment using Psychlops; namespace PsychlopsSilverlightApp { public class PsychlopsMain {///- Prefix ///+ Main Routine //// Psychlops runs at the first line of this function psychlops_main(). public void psychlops_main() { Canvas window = new Canvas(300, 300); //Create a window. Here, window variables are preset mode. var FIGURE = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("FIGURE"); var SIZE_X_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("SIZE_X"); var SIZE_Y_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("SIZE_Y"); var COLOR_R = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("COLOR_R"); var COLOR_G = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("COLOR_G"); var COLOR_B = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("COLOR_B"); var COLOR_BG = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("COLOR_BG"); var Period_Size = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Period_Size"); var Period_Position = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Period_Position"); var Speed_HSize_ = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Speed_HSize"); var Speed_VSize = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Speed_VSize"); var Speed_VMotion = Psychlops.Widgets.Browser.Element.byID("Speed_VMotion"); double SIZE_X = SIZE_X_, SIZE_Y = SIZE_Y_; ///+ 2 //// Set a figure size, position and color. Rectangle figure = new Rectangle(); Ellipse figure2 = new Ellipse(); figure.set(SIZE_X_, SIZE_Y_); // Set the size of figure. figure2.set(SIZE_X_, SIZE_Y_); // Set the size of figure. figure.centering().shift(0, 0); // Move the figure to the starting point. figure2.centering().shift(0, 0); // Move the figure to the starting point. ///- 2 int frame = 0; int looming_direction = 1, motion_dir = 1; double direction = 1.0; //looming_direction is a variable for size change. //motion_dir is a variable for motion direction. ///+ 3 Drawing loop //// Draw each frames in a "while loop". while (!Keyboard.esc.pushed()) { //exit a program when the escape key is pressed down. window.clear(COLOR_BG); // Clear the window with a designated gray-scale level. ///+ 3.1 //// Calculate object's position and size for each frame. if (frame % Period_Size == 0) { // a direction of size change will reverse at designated frames. looming_direction = looming_direction * -1; } if (frame % Period_Position == 0) { // motion direction will reverse at designated frames. motion_dir *= -1; } ///- 3.1 ///+ 3.2 //// Settting figure's properties figure.resize(figure.getWidth() + looming_direction * 1, // Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.getHeight() + looming_direction * 1);// Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.shift(motion_dir * 1.0, motion_dir * Speed_VMotion);// Move the figure for 1 pixel in direction given by "motion_dir". figure2.resize(figure.getWidth() + looming_direction * 1, // Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.getHeight() + direction * Speed_VSize);// Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure2.shift(motion_dir * 1.0, motion_dir * Speed_VMotion);// Move the figure for 1 pixel in direction given by "motion_dir". /* figure.resize(figure.getWidth() + looming_direction * 1, // Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.getHeight() + looming_direction * 1);// Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.shift(motion_dir * 1.0, motion_dir * Speed_VMotion);// Move the figure for 1 pixel in direction given by "motion_dir". figure2.resize(figure.getWidth() + looming_direction * 1, // Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure.getHeight() + direction * Speed_VSize);// Scaling the figure in a direction given by "looming_direction". figure2.shift(motion_dir * 1.0, motion_dir * Speed_VMotion);// Move the figure for 1 pixel in direction given by "motion_dir". * * / ///- 3.2 ///+ 3.3 ////Drawing if ("Rectangle".Equals(FIGURE)) { figure.draw(new Color(COLOR_R, COLOR_G, COLOR_B)); // Drawing the figure with a designated color at designated position. } else { figure2.draw(new Color(COLOR_R, COLOR_G, COLOR_B)); // Drawing the figure with a designated color at designated position. } window.flip(); // Reflect the drawing for the display by flipping frame buffers. ///- 3.3 ///+ 3.4 ////make a step for next frames frame++; ///- 3.4 } ///- 3 Drawing loop } ///- Main Routine } } /* //The reversed-phi motion. //Anstis (1970) //Phi movement as a subtraction process. Vision Res 10:1411?1430 ///+ Prefix //// Include Psychlops Package using Psychlops; namespace PsychlopsSilverlightApp { public class PsychlopsMain { ///- Prefix ///+ Stimulus drawing function //// A function for stimulus drawing (main body) void RectLuminance() { ///+ Preperation //// Declare and initialize local variables double rect_size = 20; double bg_lum = 0.5; double radii = 200; double rect_lum; int element_number = 25; int radial_row = 5; double rotation_tf = 0.2; double polarity = 1; double rotation; double contrastflag = 1; int period = 3; double refresh; Canvas display = new Canvas(Canvas.window); //Prepare drawing window refresh = Display.getRefreshRate(); Ellipse rect = new Ellipse(); rect.set(rect_size, rect_size); Ellipse fixation = new Ellipse(5, 5); fixation.centering(); Letters let1 = new Letters("Press Space key to change stimulus type"); let1.centering().shift(-180, 220); Letters let2 = new Letters("Phi"); let2.centering().shift(-10, 200); Letters let3 = new Letters("Reversed-Phi"); let3.centering().shift(-60, 200); rotation = Math.random(2 * Math.PI); ///+ user interface ////register variables to demo circumstances Interval rng = new Interval(); Psychlops.Widgets.Slider rect_contrast; rect_contrast = new Psychlops.Widgets.Slider("Contrast", 0.1 <= rng <= 1.0, 0.1); rect_contrast.value = 0.5; ///- user interface ///- Preperation ///+ Main loop ////Main loop int frame = 0; //AppState::setThreadPriority(AppState::HIGH); while (true) { frame++; if (Keyboard.spc.pushed()) contrastflag = -contrastflag; if (contrastflag < 0) polarity = -polarity; rotation = 2 * Math.PI * rotation_tf * frame * period / refresh; for (int frame_now = 0; frame_now < period; frame_now++) { Display.clear(new Color(bg_lum)); for (int j = 0; j < radial_row; j++) { rect.resize(rect_size * (j + radial_row) / 10.0, rect_size * (j + radial_row) / 10.0); for (double i = 0; i < element_number; i++) { rect_lum = bg_lum * (1.0 + polarity * rect_contrast); rect.centering().shift(radii * (j + radial_row) / 10.0 * Math.cos(rotation + i * 2 * Math.PI / element_number), radii * (j + radial_row) / 10.0 * Math.sin(rotation + i * 2 * Math.PI / element_number)); rect.draw(rect_lum); } } fixation.draw(Color.red); let1.draw(); if (contrastflag > 0) let2.draw(); else let3.draw(); Display.flip(); } } ///- Main loop //AppState::setThreadPriority(AppState::NORMAL); } ///- Stimulus drawing function ///+ Main function for demo circumstances //// Psychlops Main function public void psychlops_main() { ///+ Demo circumstances //// Spells for run demonstration circumstances Procedure p = new Procedure(); //p.setDesign(Procedure::DEMO); //Designate that this is a demo. p.setProcedure(RectLuminance); //The argument name is a name of drawing function. p.run(); ///- Demo circumstances } ///- Main function for demo circumstances } } /* //Two types of plaid motion //E. H. Adelson and J. A. Movshon (1982). //Phenomenal coherence of moving visual patterns. Nature 300, 523-525 ///+ Prefix //// Include Psychlops Package using Psychlops; namespace PsychlopsSilverlightApp { public class PsychlopsMain { ///- Prefix ///+ Global // Struct for component paremeters struct component { public double contrast; public double orientation; public double lambda; public double tf; } ///- Global ///+ Stimulus drawing function //// A function for stimulus drawing (main body) void drawgratingmovie(Image[] img, component c1, component c2, double contrast, int start, int maxframe, double bg_lum, double alpha) { double _xp, _xp2, col1, col2; double contrast1, contrast2; double imageheight, imagewidth; contrast1 = contrast*c1.contrast/(c1.contrast+c2.contrast); contrast2 = contrast*c2.contrast/(c1.contrast+c2.contrast); imageheight = img[0].getHeight(); imagewidth = img[0].getWidth(); for(int frame=start; frame(2, 120); Image[,] component_movie = StaticFunctions.NewArray(4, 120); Image envelope = new Image(), envelope_small = new Image(); for(int i=0; i<120; i++) { movie[0, i].set(rect_size, rect_size); movie[1, i].set(rect_size, rect_size); component_movie[0, i].set(rect_size/2, rect_size/2); component_movie[1, i].set(rect_size/2, rect_size/2); component_movie[2, i].set(rect_size/2, rect_size/2); component_movie[3, i].set(rect_size/2, rect_size/2); } envelope.set(rect_size, rect_size); envelope_small.set(rect_size/2, rect_size/2); Letters let1 = new Letters(), let2 = new Letters(), let3 = new Letters(); let1.str = "Component1"; let2.str = "Component2"; let3.str = "Superposition"; let1.centering().shift(-rect_size*1.25, -rect_size); //let1.cache(); let2.centering().shift(rect_size*1.25, -rect_size); //let2.cache(); let3.centering().shift(0.0, rect_size*0.75); //let3.cache(); component c1, c2, c0; c0 = new component{ 0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 }; //dummy for component movie ///+ type-I // Prepare Type-I plaid movie center_orientation = 0.0; orientation_offset = Math.PI/6; contrast[0] = 1.0, contrast[1] = 1.0; lambda[0] = 30.0, lambda[1] = 30.0; tf[0] = 1.0; tf[1] = 1.0; c1 = {contrast[0], center_orientation-orientation_offset, lambda[0], tf[0]}; c2 = {contrast[1], center_orientation+orientation_offset, lambda[1], tf[1]}; drawgratingmovie(movie[0],c1, c2, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); drawgratingmovie(component_movie[0],c0, c2, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); drawgratingmovie(component_movie[1],c1, c0, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); ///- type-I ///+ type-II // Prepare Type-II plaid movie center_orientation = -0.0, orientation_offset = Math.PI/12; contrast[0] = 1.0, contrast[1] = 1.0; lambda[0] = 30.0, lambda[1] = 30.0; tf[0] = 1.0; tf[1] = 4.0; c1 = {contrast[0], center_orientation-orientation_offset, lambda[0], tf[0]}; c2 = {contrast[1], center_orientation+orientation_offset, lambda[1], tf[1]}; drawgratingmovie(movie[1],c1, c2, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); drawgratingmovie(component_movie[2],c0, c2, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); drawgratingmovie(component_movie[3],c1, c0, 0.5, 0, refresh_int, bg_lum, 1.0); ///- type-II ///+ gaussian //draw Gaussian envelopes envelope.clear(new Color(bg_lum)); //clear offscreen image double _x, _y; for(int i=0; i0){ movie[movienum, frame].centering().draw(); envelope.centering().draw(); component_movie[movienum*2, frame].centering().shift(-rect_size*0.5, -rect_size).draw(); envelope_small.centering().shift(-rect_size*0.5, -rect_size).draw(); component_movie[movienum*2+1, frame].centering().shift(rect_size*0.5, -rect_size).draw(); envelope_small.centering().shift(rect_size*0.5, -rect_size).draw(); } ///+ draw user interface let1.draw(0.75); let2.draw(0.75); let3.draw(0.75); stimulus_type.draw(); stimulus_type2.draw(); if(stimulus_type2.getSelected())duration_slider.draw(); ///- draw user interface Display.flip(); if(frame++ >= period) frame -= refresh_int; } ///- Main loop } ///- Stimulus drawing function ///+ Main function for demo circumstances public void psychlops_main() { ///+ Demo circumstances //// Spells for run demonstration circumstances Procedure p = new Procedure(); //p.setDesign(Procedure::DEMO); //Designate that this is a demo. p.setProcedure(drawplaid); //The argument name is a name of drawing function. p.run(); ///- Demo circumstances } } } */ /* using Psychlops; //Position Bias Program namespace PsychlopsSilverlightApp { public class PsychlopsMain { Canvas cnvs; Image img, img2, img3; int isize = 40; int frames; Psychlops.Widgets.Slider tfreq; Psychlops.Widgets.Slider contrast; Psychlops.Widgets.Slider lambda; public void psychlops_main() { cnvs = new Canvas(300, 600); Interval rng = new Interval(); tfreq = new Psychlops.Widgets.Slider("Temporal Frequency(Hz)", -5 <= rng <= 5, 3.0); contrast = new Psychlops.Widgets.Slider("Contrast", 0.0 <= rng <= 1.0, 0.25); lambda = new Psychlops.Widgets.Slider("Wave Length", 10.0 <= rng <= 120.0, 30); img = new Image(isize * 2, isize * 2); img2 = new Image(isize * 2, isize * 2); img3 = new Image(isize * 2, isize * 2); var gabor1 = StaticFunctions.NewArray(100); foreach(var g in gabor1) { g.setSigma(isize / 8).centering().shift(Math.random(300) - 150, Math.random(600) - 300); g.orientation = Math.random(2*Math.PI); } while (true) { cnvs.clear(new Color(0.5)); Figures.drawGabor(ref img, isize / 8, 1/lambda, contrast, 0.5 * Math.PI, (double)frames * 2.0 * Math.PI * tfreq / 60); Figures.drawGabor(ref img2, isize / 8, 1 / lambda, contrast, 0.5 * Math.PI, (double)frames * 2.0 * Math.PI * -tfreq / 60); Figures.drawGabor(ref img3, isize / 8, 1 / lambda, contrast, 0.5 * Math.PI, (double)frames * 2.0 * Math.PI * tfreq / 60); //img.centering().shift(0, -isize * 1.5).draw(); //img2.centering().draw(); //img3.centering().shift(0, isize * 1.5).draw(); foreach (var g in gabor1) { g.wavelength = lambda; g.phase = (double)frames * 2.0 * Math.PI * tfreq / 60; g.contrast = contrast; g.draw(); } if (!Mouse.left.pressed()) frames++; cnvs.flip(); } } } } */