-- -- ltj-ruby.lua -- luatexbase.provides_module({ name = 'luatexja.ruby', date = '2014/03/19', description = 'Ruby', }) module('luatexja.ruby', package.seeall) local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.errwarinf(_NAME) luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack local Dnode = node.direct or node local nullfunc = function(n) return n end local to_node = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.tonode or nullfunc local to_direct = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.todirect or nullfunc local setfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.setfield or function(n, i, c) n[i] = c end local getfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getfield or function(n, i) return n[i] end local getid = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getid or function(n) return n.id end local getfont = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getfont or function(n) return n.font end local getlist = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getlist or function(n) return n.head end local getchar = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getchar or function(n) return n.char end local getsubtype = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getsubtype or function(n) return n.subtype end local node_new = Dnode.new local node_remove = luatexja.Dnode_remove -- Dnode.remove local node_next = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getnext or node.next local node_copy, node_free, node_tail = Dnode.copy, Dnode.free, Dnode.tail local has_attr, set_attr = Dnode.has_attribute, Dnode.set_attribute local insert_before, insert_after = Dnode.insert_before, Dnode.insert_after local id_hlist = node.id('hlist') local id_vlist = node.id('vlist') local id_rule = node.id('rule') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local id_glue = node.id('glue') local id_kern = node.id('kern') local id_penalty = node.id('penalty') local id_glue_spec = node.id('glue_spec') local sid_user = node.subtype('user_defined') local ltjs_get_stack_table = luatexja.stack.get_stack_table local id_pbox_w = 258 -- cluster which consists of a whatsit local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] -- ルビ処理用の attribute は他のやつの流用なので注意! -- 進入許容量 (sp) local attr_ruby_maxprep = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charclass'] local attr_ruby_maxpostp = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat0'] local attr_ruby_maxmargin = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat1'] local attr_ruby_stretch = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat2'] local attr_ruby_mode = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat3'] local attr_ruby_id = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat4'] -- uniq id local attr_ruby_intergap = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@kcat5'] local attr_ruby = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@rubyattr'] -- ルビ内部処理用,以下のようにノードによって使われ方が異なる -- * (whatsit) では JAglue 処理時に, -- 「2つ前のクラスタもルビ」 ==> そのルビクラスタの id -- otherwise ==> unset -- * (whatsit).value node ではルビ全角の値(sp単位) -- * 行分割で whatsit の前後に並ぶノードでは,「何番目のルビ関連ノード」か -- * (whatsit).value に続く整形済み vbox たちでは post_intrusion の値 local cat_lp = luatexbase.catcodetables['latex-package'] local round, floor = tex.round, math.floor local min, max = math.min, math.max luatexja.userid_table.RUBY_PRE = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('ruby_pre', 'luatexja') luatexja.userid_table.RUBY_POST = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('ruby_post', 'luatexja') local RUBY_PRE = luatexja.userid_table.RUBY_PRE local RUBY_POST = luatexja.userid_table.RUBY_POST ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- TeX interface 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- if Dnode ~= node then function cpbox() return node_copy(Dnode.getbox(0)) end else function cpbox() return node.copy(tex.box[0]) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 補助関数群 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function gauss(coef) -- #coef 式,#coef 変数の連立1次方程式系を掃きだし法で解く. local deg = #coef for i = 1, deg do if coef[i][i]==0 then for j = i+1, deg do if coef[j][i]~=0 then coef[i], coef[j] = coef[j], coef[i]; break end end end for j = 1,deg do local d = coef[i][i]; if j~=i then local e = coef[j][i] for k = 1, deg+1 do coef[j][k] = coef[j][k] - e*coef[i][k]/d end else for k = 1, deg+1 do coef[i][k] = coef[i][k]/d end end end end end -- 実行回数 + ルビ中身 から uniq_id を作る関数 -- 未実装.これを使えば 2 回目以降の組版に 1 回目の情報が使える old_break_info = {} -- public, 前 run 時の分割情報 local make_uniq_id do local exec_count = 0 make_uniq_id = function (w) exec_count = exec_count + 1 return exec_count end end -- concatenation of boxes: reusing nodes -- ルビ組版が行われている段落/hboxでの設定が使われる. -- ルビ文字を格納しているボックスでの設定ではない! local function concat(f, b) if f then if b then local h = getlist(f) setfield(node_tail(h), 'next', getlist(b)) setfield(f, 'head', nil); node_free(f) setfield(b, 'head', nil); node_free(b) return Dnode.hpack(luatexja.jfmglue.main(h,false)) else return f end elseif b then return b else local h = node_new(id_hlist) setfield(h, 'subtype', 0) setfield(h, 'width', 0) setfield(h, 'height', 0) setfield(h, 'depth', 0) setfield(h, 'glue_set', 0) setfield(h, 'glue_order', 0) setfield(h, 'head', nil) return h end end local function expand_3bits(num) local t = {}; local a = num for i = 1, 10 do t[i] = a%8; a = floor(a/8) end return t end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 補助関数群 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- box の中身のノードは再利用される local enlarge do local FROM_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.FROM_JFM local PROCESSED = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED local KANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP local KANJI_SKIP_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP_JFM local XKANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP local XKANJI_SKIP_JFM= luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP_JFM enlarge = function (box, new_width, pre, middle, post, prenw, postnw) -- pre, middle, post: 伸縮比率 -- prenw, postnw: 前後の自然長 (sp) local h = getlist(box); local hh, hd = getfield(box, 'height'), getfield(box, 'depth') local hx = h while hx do local hic = has_attr(hx, attr_icflag) if (hic == KANJI_SKIP) or (hic == KANJI_SKIP_JFM) or (hic == XKANJI_SKIP) or (hic == XKANJI_SKIP_JFM) or ((hic<=FROM_JFM+2) and (hic>=FROM_JFM-2)) then -- この 5 種類の空白をのばす if getid(hx) == id_kern then local k = node_new(id_glue) local ks = node_new(id_glue_spec) setfield(ks, 'width', getfield(hx, 'kern')) setfield(ks, 'stretch_order', 2) setfield(ks, 'stretch', round(middle*65536)) setfield(ks, 'shrink_order', 0); setfield(ks, 'shrink', 0) setfield(k, 'subtype', 0); setfield(k, 'spec', ks) h = insert_after(h, hx, k); h = node_remove(h, hx); node_free(hx); hx = k else -- glue local old_spec = getfield(hx, 'spec') local ks = node_copy(old_spec) setfield(ks, 'stretch_order', 2) setfield(ks, 'stretch', round(middle*65536)) setfield(ks, 'shrink_order', 0); setfield(ks, 'shrink', 0) setfield(hx, 'spec', ks) -- decrease old_spec's reference count local b = node_new(id_glue) setfield(b, 'spec', old_spec); node_free(b) end end hx = node_next(hx) end -- 先頭の空白を挿入 local k = node_new(id_glue); local ks = node_new(id_glue_spec) setfield(ks, 'width', prenw) setfield(ks, 'stretch_order', 2); setfield(ks, 'stretch', round(pre*65536)) setfield(ks, 'shrink_order', 0); setfield(ks, 'shrink', 0) setfield(k, 'subtype', 0); setfield(k, 'spec', ks) h = insert_before(h, h, k); -- 末尾の空白を挿入 local k = node_new(id_glue); local ks = node_new(id_glue_spec); setfield(ks, 'width', postnw) setfield(ks, 'stretch_order', 2); setfield(ks, 'stretch', round(post*65536)) setfield(ks, 'shrink_order', 0); setfield(ks, 'shrink', 0) setfield(k, 'subtype', 0);setfield(k, 'spec', ks) insert_after(h, node_tail(h), k); -- hpack setfield(box, 'head', nil); node_free(box) box = Dnode.hpack(h, new_width, 'exactly') setfield(box, 'height', hh) setfield(box, 'depth', hd) return box end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- TeX interface ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- rtlr: ルビ部分のボックスたち r1, r2, ... -- rtlp: 親文字 のボックスたち p1, p2, ... local function texiface_low(rst, rtlr, rtlp) local w = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(w, 'type', 110); setfield(w, 'user_id', RUBY_PRE) local wv = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(w, 'value', to_node(wv)) setfield(wv, 'type', 100) setfield(wv, 'value', floor(#rtlr)) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby, rst.rubyzw) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_maxmargin, rst.maxmargin) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_maxprep, rst.pre) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_maxpostp, rst.post) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_intergap, rst.intergap) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_stretch, rst.stretch) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_mode, rst.mode) local n = wv for i = 1, #rtlr do _, n = insert_after(wv, n, rtlr[i]) _, n = insert_after(wv, n, rtlp[i]) end -- w.value: (whatsit) .. r1 .. p1 .. r2 .. p2 Dnode.write(w); return w,wv end -- rst: table function texiface(rst, rtlr, rtlp) if #rtlr ~= #rtlp then for i=1, #rtlr do node_free(rtlr[i]) end for i=1, #rtlp do node_free(rtlp[i]) end luatexja.base.package_error('luatexja-ruby', 'Group count mismatch between the ruby and\n' .. 'the body (' .. #rtlr .. ' != ' .. #rtlp .. ').', '') else local f = true for i = 1,#rtlr do if getfield(rtlr[i], 'width') > getfield(rtlp[i], 'width') then f = false; break end end if f then -- モノルビ * n local r,p = {true}, {true} for i = 1,#rtlr do r[1] = rtlr[i]; p[1] = rtlp[i]; texiface_low(rst, r, p) end else local w, wv = texiface_low(rst, rtlr, rtlp) local id = make_uniq_id(w) set_attr(wv, attr_ruby_id, id) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- pre_line_break ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- r, p の中身のノードは再利用される local function enlarge_parent(r, p, ppre, pmid, ppost, mapre, mapost, intmode) -- r: ルビ部分の格納された box,p: 同,親文字 local rwidth = getfield(r, 'width') local sumprot = rwidth - getfield(p, 'width') -- >0 local pre_intrusion, post_intrusion if intmode == 0 then -- とりあえず組んでから決める p = enlarge(p, rwidth, ppre, pmid, ppost, 0, 0) pre_intrusion = min(mapre, round(ppre*getfield(p, 'glue_set')*65536)) post_intrusion = min(mapost, round(ppost*getfield(p, 'glue_set')*65536)) elseif intmode == 1 then pre_intrusion = min(mapre, sumprot); post_intrusion = min(mapost, max(sumprot-pre_intrusion, 0)) p = enlarge(p, rwidth, ppre, pmid, ppost, pre_intrusion, post_intrusion) elseif intmode == 2 then post_intrusion = min(mapost, sumprot); pre_intrusion = min(mapre, max(sumprot-post_intrusion, 0)) p = enlarge(p, rwidth, ppre, pmid, ppost, pre_intrusion, post_intrusion) else -- intmode == 3 local n = min(mapre, mapost)*2 if n < sumprot then pre_intrusion = n/2; post_intrusion = n/2 else pre_intrusion = floor(sumprot/2); post_intrusion = sumprot - pre_intrusion end p = enlarge(p, rwidth, ppre, pmid, ppost, pre_intrusion, post_intrusion) pre_intrusion = min(mapre, pre_intrusion + round(ppre*getfield(p, 'glue_set')*65536)) post_intrusion = min(mapost, post_intrusion + round(ppost*getfield(p, 'glue_set')*65536)) end setfield(r, 'shift', -pre_intrusion) local rwidth = rwidth - pre_intrusion - post_intrusion setfield(r, 'width', rwidth) setfield(p, 'width', rwidth) local ps = getfield(getlist(p), 'spec') setfield(ps, 'width', getfield(ps, 'width') - pre_intrusion) return r, p, post_intrusion end -- ルビボックスの生成(単一グループ) -- returned value: , , local max_margin local function new_ruby_box(r, p, ppre, pmid, ppost, mapre, mapost, imode, rgap) local post_intrusion = 0 local intmode = imode%4 local rpre, rmid, rpost, rsmash imode = floor(imode/262144); rsmash = (imode%2 ==1) imode = floor(imode/2); rpost = imode%8; imode = (imode-rpost)/8; rmid = imode%8; imode = (imode-rmid)/8; rpre = imode%8 if getfield(r, 'width') > getfield(p, 'width') then -- change the width of p r, p, post_intrusion = enlarge_parent(r, p, ppre, pmid, ppost, mapre, mapost, intmode) elseif getfield(r, 'width') < getfield(p, 'width') then -- change the width of r r = enlarge(r, getfield(p, 'width'), rpre, rmid, rpost, 0, 0) post_intrusion = 0 local need_repack = false -- margin が大きくなりすぎた時の処理 if round(rpre*getfield(r, 'glue_set')*65536) > max_margin then local ps = getfield(getlist(r), 'spec'); need_repack = true setfield(ps, 'width', max_margin) setfield(ps, 'stretch', 1) -- 全く伸縮しないのも困る end if round(rpost*getfield(r, 'glue_set')*65536) > max_margin then local ps = getfield(node_tail(getlist(r)), 'spec'); need_repack = true setfield(ps, 'width', max_margin) setfield(ps, 'stretch', 1) -- 全く伸縮しないのも困る end if need_repack then local rt = r r = Dnode.hpack(getlist(r), getfield(r, 'width'), 'exactly') setfield(rt, 'head', nil); node_free(rt); end end local a, k = node_new(id_rule), node_new(id_kern) setfield(a, 'width', 0); setfield(a, 'height', 0) setfield(a, 'depth', 0); setfield(k, 'kern', rgap) insert_after(r, r, a); insert_after(r, a, k); insert_after(r, k, p); setfield(p, 'next', nil) a = Dnode.vpack(r); setfield(a, 'shift', 0) set_attr(a, attr_ruby, post_intrusion) if rsmash or getfield(a, 'height')0 then -- 直前のルビで intrusion がおこる可能性あり. -- 前 run のデータが残っていればそれを使用, -- そうでなければ行中形のデータを利用する local op = old_break_info[atr] or post_intrusion_backup max_allow_pre = max(0, -max_allow_pre - op) else max_allow_pre = -max_allow_pre end end post_intrusion_backup = 0 max_allow_post = has_attr(nv, attr_ruby_maxpostp) or 0 max_margin = has_attr(nv, attr_ruby_maxmargin) or 0 local coef = pre_low_cal_box(n, getfield(nv, 'value')) local s = node_tail(nv) --ルビ文字 head, n = pre_low_app_node( head, n, getfield(nv, 'value'), coef, getfield(s, 'height'), getfield(s, 'depth') ) else n = first_whatsit(node_next(n)) end end return to_node(head) end luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', pre_high, 'ltj.ruby.pre', 100) luatexbase.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', pre_high, 'ltj.ruby.pre', 100) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- post_line_break ---------------------------------------------------------------- local post_lown do local function write_aux(wv, num) local id = has_attr(wv, attr_ruby_id) if id>0 then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\write\\@mainaux{\\string\\directlua{luatexja.ruby.old_break_info[' .. tostring(id) .. ']=' .. num .. '}}') end end post_lown = function (rs, rw, cmp, ch) -- ch: the head of `current' hlist if #rs ==0 or not rw then return ch end local hn = has_attr(rs[1], attr_ruby) local fn = has_attr(rs[#rs], attr_ruby) local wv = getfield(rw, 'value') if hn==1 then if fn==2*cmp+2 then local hn = node_tail(wv) node_remove(wv, hn) insert_after(ch, rs[#rs], hn) set_attr(hn, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) write_aux(wv, has_attr(hn, attr_ruby))-- 行中形 else local deg, hn = (fn-1)/2, wv for i = 1, deg do hn = node_next(hn) end; node_remove(wv, hn) setfield(hn, 'next', nil) insert_after(ch, rs[#rs], hn) set_attr(hn, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) write_aux(wv, has_attr(hn, attr_ruby)) end else local deg, hn = max((hn-1)/2,2), wv for i = 1, cmp+deg-1 do hn = node_next(hn) end -- -1 is needed except the case hn = 3, -- because a ending-line form is removed already from the list node_remove(wv, hn); setfield(hn, 'next', nil) insert_after(ch, rs[#rs], hn) set_attr(hn, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) if fn == 2*cmp-1 then write_aux(wv, has_attr(hn, attr_ruby)) end end for i = 1,#rs do local ri = rs[i] ch = node_remove(ch, ri); node_free(ri); end -- cleanup if fn >= 2*cmp+1 then node_free(rw) end return ch; end end local function post_high_break(head) local rs = {} -- rs: sequence of ruby_nodes, local rw = nil -- rw: main whatsit local cmp = -2 -- dummy for h in Dnode.traverse_id(id_hlist, to_direct(head)) do for i = 1, #rs do rs[i] = nil end local ha = getlist(h) while ha do local hai = getid(ha) local i = (((hai == id_glue and getsubtype(ha)==0) or (hai == id_rule and getsubtype(ha)==0) or (hai == id_whatsit and getsubtype(ha)==sid_user and getfield(ha, 'user_id')==RUBY_POST)) and has_attr(ha, attr_ruby)) or 0 if i==1 then setfield(h, 'head', post_lown(rs, rw, cmp, getlist(h))) for i = 2, #rs do rs[i] = nil end -- rs[1] is set by the next statement rs[1], rw = ha, nil; ha = node_next(ha) elseif i>=3 then rs[#rs+1] = ha; ha = node_next(ha) elseif i==2 then rw = ha cmp = getfield(getfield(rw, 'value'), 'value') local hb, hc = node_remove(getlist(h), rw) setfield(h, 'head', hb); ha = hc else ha = node_next(ha) end end setfield(h, 'head', post_lown(rs, rw, cmp, getlist(h))) end return head end local function post_high_hbox(ahead) local ha = to_direct(ahead); local head = ha local rs = {}; -- rs: sequence of ruby_nodes, local rw = nil; -- rw: main whatsit local cmp while ha do local hai = getid(ha) local i = (((hai == id_glue and getsubtype(ha)==0) or (hai == id_rule and getsubtype(ha)==0) or (hai == id_whatsit and getsubtype(ha)==sid_user and getfield(ha, 'user_id', RUBY_POST))) and has_attr(ha, attr_ruby)) or 0 if i==1 then head = post_lown(rs, rw, cmp, head) for i = 2, #rs do rs[i] = nil end -- rs[1] is set by the next statement rs[1], rw = ha, nil; ha = node_next(ha) elseif i>=3 then rs[#rs+1] = ha; ha = node_next(ha) elseif i==2 then rw = ha cmp = getfield(getfield(rw, 'value'), 'value') head, ha = node_remove(head, rw) else ha = node_next(ha) end end return to_node(post_lown(rs, rw, cmp, head)) end luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', post_high_break, 'ltj.ruby.post_break', 100) luatexbase.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', post_high_hbox, 'ltj.ruby.post_hbox', 101) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- for jfmglue callbacks ---------------------------------------------------------------- do local RIPRE = luatexja.stack_table_index.RIPRE local function whatsit_callback(Np, lp, Nq, bsl) if Np.nuc then return Np elseif getfield(lp, 'user_id') == RUBY_PRE then Np.first, Np.nuc, Np.last = lp, lp, lp local lpv = getfield(lp, 'value') local x = node_next(node_next(lpv)) Np.last_char = luatexja.jfmglue.check_box_high(Np, getlist(x), nil) if Nq.id ~=id_pbox_w then if type(Nq.char)=='number' then -- Nq is a JAchar if has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep) < 0 then -- auto local p = round((ltjs.table_current_stack[RIPRE + Nq.char] or 0) *has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby)) if has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_mode)%2 == 0 then -- intrusion 無効 p = 0 end set_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep, -p) end if Nq.prev_ruby then set_attr(lp, attr_ruby, Nq.prev_ruby) end elseif has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep) < 0 then -- auto if Nq.char == 'parbdd' then local p = round((ltjs.table_current_stack[RIPRE-1] or 0) *has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby)) p = min(p, Nq.width) if has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_mode)%2 == 0 then -- intrusion 無効 p = 0 end set_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep, p) else set_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep, 0) end end elseif has_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep) < 0 then -- auto set_attr(lpv, attr_ruby_maxprep, 0) end return Np end end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_getinfo", whatsit_callback, "luatexja.ruby.np_info", 1) end do local RIPOST = luatexja.stack_table_index.RIPOST local function whatsit_after_callback(s, Nq, Np, bsl) if not s and getfield(Nq.nuc, 'user_id') == RUBY_PRE then local nqnv = getfield(Nq.nuc, 'value') local x = node_next(node_next(nqnv)) for i = 2, getfield(nqnv, 'value') do x = node_next(node_next(x)) end Nq.last_char = luatexja.jfmglue.check_box_high(Nq, getlist(x), nil) luatexja.jfmglue.after_hlist(Nq) if Np and Np.id ~=id_pbox_w and type(Np.char)=='number' then -- Np is a JAchar local rm = has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_mode) if has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxpostp) < 0 then -- auto local p = round((ltjs.table_current_stack[RIPOST + Np.char] or 0) *has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby)) if rm%2 == 0 then -- intrusion 無効 p = 0 end if rm%4 >= 2 then local q = has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxprep) if q < p then p = q elseif q > p then set_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxprep, p) end end set_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxpostp, p) end Np.prev_ruby = has_attr(getfield(Nq.nuc, 'value'), attr_ruby_id) -- 前のクラスタがルビであったことのフラグ else -- 直前が文字以外 local nqnv = getfield(Nq.nuc, 'value') if has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxpostp) < 0 then -- auto set_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxpostp, 0) if has_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_mode)%4 >= 2 then set_attr(nqnv, attr_ruby_maxprep, 0) end end end return true else return s end end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_after", whatsit_after_callback, "luatexja.ruby.np_info_after", 1) end