-- -- luatexja/otf.lua -- luatexbase.provides_module({ name = 'luatexja.otf', date = '2011/09/09', version = '0.1', description = 'The OTF Lua module for LuaTeX-ja', }) module('luatexja.otf', package.seeall) luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base luatexja.load_module('jfont'); local ltjf = luatexja.jfont local id_glyph = node.id('glyph') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local sid_user = node.subtype('user_defined') local node_new = node.new local node_remove = node.remove local node_next = node.next local node_free = node.free local has_attr = node.has_attribute local set_attr = node.set_attribute local unset_attr = node.unset_attribute local node_insert_after = node.insert_after local attr_curjfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curjfnt'] local attr_jchar_class = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charclass'] local attr_yablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@yablshift'] local attr_ykblshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@ykblshift'] local ltjf_font_metric_table = ltjf.font_metric_table local ltjf_find_char_class = ltjf.find_char_class -- Append a whatsit node to the list. -- This whatsit node will be extracted to a glyph_node function append_jglyph(char) local p = node_new(id_whatsit,sid_user) local v = tex.attribute[attr_curjfnt] p.user_id=30113; p.type=100; p.value=char set_attr(p, attr_yablshift, tex.attribute[attr_ykblshift]) node.write(p) end function cid(key) local curjfnt = fonts.ids[tex.attribute[attr_curjfnt]] if curjfnt.cidinfo.ordering ~= "Japan1" and curjfnt.cidinfo.ordering ~= "GB1" and curjfnt.cidinfo.ordering ~= "CNS1" and curjfnt.cidinfo.ordering ~= "Korea1" then ltjb.package_error('luatexja-otf', 'Current Japanese font (or other CJK font) "'..curjfnt.psname..'" is not a CID-Keyed font (Adobe-Japan1 etc.)', 'Select a CID-Keyed font using \jfont.') return end local char = curjfnt.unicodes[curjfnt.cidinfo.ordering..'.'..tostring(key)] if not char then ltjb.package_warning('luatexja-otf', 'Current Japanese font (or other CJK font) "'..curjfnt.psname..'" does not include the specified CID character ('..tostring(key)..')', 'Use a font including the specified CID character.') return end append_jglyph(char) end function extract(head) local p = head local v while p do if p.id==id_whatsit then if p.subtype==sid_user and p.user_id==30113 then local g = node_new(id_glyph) g.subtype = 0; g.char = p.value v = has_attr(p, attr_curjfnt); g.font = v set_attr(g, attr_jchar_class, ltjf_find_char_class(g.char, ltjf_font_metric_table[v])) set_attr(g, attr_curjfnt, v) v = has_attr(p, attr_yablshift) if v then set_attr(g, attr_yablshift, v) else unset_attr(g, attr_yablshift) end head = node_insert_after(head, p, g) head = node_remove(head, p) node_free(p); p = g end end p = node_next(p) end return head end luatexbase.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', function (head) return extract(head) end,'ltj.hpack_filter_otf', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', 'ltj.pre_linebreak_filter')) luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', function (head) return extract(head) end, 'ltj.pre_linebreak_filter_otf', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', 'ltj.pre_linebreak_filter')) -- additional callbacks -- 以下は,LuaTeX-ja に用意された callback のサンプルになっている. -- JFM の文字クラスの指定の所で,"AJ1-xxx" 形式での指定を可能とした. -- これらの文字指定は,和文フォント定義ごとに,それぞれのフォントの -- CID <-> グリフ 対応状況による変換テーブルが用意される. -- フォント読み込み時に,CID local function cid_to_char(fmtable, fn) local fi = fonts.ids[fn] if fi.cidinfo and fi.cidinfo.ordering == "Japan1" then fmtable.cid_char_type = {} for i, v in pairs(fmtable.size_cache.chars) do local j = string.match(i, "^AJ1%-([0-9]*)") if j then j = tonumber(fi.unicodes['Japan1.'..tostring(j)]) if j then fmtable.cid_char_type[j] = v end end end end return fmtable end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.define_jfont", cid_to_char, "ltj.otf.define_jfont", 1) -- 既に読み込まれているフォントに対しても,同じことをやらないといけない for fn, v in pairs(ltjf_font_metric_table) do ltjf_font_metric_table[fn] = cid_to_char(v, fn) end local function cid_set_char_class(arg, fmtable, char) if arg~=0 then return arg elseif fmtable.cid_char_type then return fmtable.cid_char_type[char] or 0 else return 0 end end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.find_char_class", cid_set_char_class, "ltj.otf.find_char_class", 1) -------------------- all done -- EOF