-- -- luatexja/ltj-otf.lua -- require('unicode') require('lualibs') luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base luatexja.load_module('jfont'); local ltjf = luatexja.jfont luatexja.load_module('rmlgbm'); local ltjr = luatexja.rmlgbm luatexja.load_module('charrange'); local ltjc = luatexja.charrange luatexja.load_module('direction'); local ltjd = luatexja.direction luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack local id_glyph = node.id('glyph') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local sid_user = node.subtype('user_defined') local setfield = node.direct.setfield local getfield = node.direct.getfield local getid = node.direct.getid local getfont = node.direct.getfont local getchar = node.direct.getchar local getsubtype = node.direct.getsubtype local to_node = node.direct.tonode local to_direct = node.direct.todirect local node_new = node.direct.new local node_remove = node.direct.remove local node_next = node.direct.getnext local node_free = node.direct.free local has_attr = node.direct.has_attribute local set_attr = node.direct.set_attribute local unset_attr = node.direct.unset_attribute local node_insert_after = node.direct.insert_after local node_write = node.direct.write local node_traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id local attr_curjfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curjfnt'] local attr_curtfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curtfnt'] local attr_yablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@yablshift'] local attr_ykblshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@ykblshift'] local attr_tablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@tablshift'] local attr_tkblshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@tkblshift'] local lang_ja = luatexja.lang_ja local identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers local ltjf_font_metric_table = ltjf.font_metric_table local ltjf_find_char_class = ltjf.find_char_class local ltjr_cidfont_data = ltjr.cidfont_data local ltjc_is_ucs_in_japanese_char = ltjc.is_ucs_in_japanese_char local ltjd_get_dir_count = ltjd.get_dir_count local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate luatexja.userid_table.OTF = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('char_by_cid', 'luatexja') local OTF = luatexja.userid_table.OTF local tex_get_attr = tex.getattribute local cache_var = 2 local cache_outdate_fn = function (t) return t.version~=cache_ver end local ivd_aj1 = ltjb.load_cache('ltj-ivd_aj1',cache_outdate_fn) if not ivd_aj1 then -- make cache ivd_aj1 = require('ltj-ivd_aj1.lua') ltjb.save_cache_luc('ltj-ivd_aj1', ivd_aj1) end local function get_ucs_from_rmlgbm(c) local v = (ivd_aj1 and ivd_aj1.table_ivd_aj1[c]) if v==true then for i,w in pairs(ltjr_cidfont_data["Adobe-Japan1"].descriptions) do if w.index==v then v = i; break end end end v = v or 0 if v>=0x200000 then -- table local curjfnt_num = tex_get_attr((ltjd_get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt) local curjfnt = identifiers[curjfnt_num].resources local base, ivs = v % 0x200000, 0xE00FF + math.floor(v/0x200000) curjfnt = curjfnt and curjfnt.variants curjfnt = curjfnt and curjfnt[ivs] return curjfnt and curjfnt[base] or base elseif v<0xF0000 then -- 素直に Unicode にマップ可能 return v else -- privete use area local r, aj = nil, ltjr_cidfont_data["Adobe-Japan1"] -- 先に ltj_vert_table を見る for i,w in pairs(aj.shared.ltj_vert_table) do if w==v then r=i; break end end if not r then -- なければ ToUnicode から引く local w = aj.characters[v].tounicode -- must be non-nil! local i = string.len(w) if i==4 then -- UCS2 r = tonumber(w,16) elseif i==8 then i,w = tonumber(string.sub(w,1,4),16), tonumber(string.sub(w,-4),16) if (w>=0xD800) and (w<=0xDB7F) and (i>=0xDC00) and (i<=0xDFFF) then -- Surrogate pair r = (w-0xD800)*0x400 + (i-0xDC00) else r = 0 end end end if aj.shared.ltj_vert_table[r] then -- CID が縦組用字形だった場合 local curjfnt_num = tex_get_attr((ltjd_get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt) local t = identifiers[curjfnt_num] if t.resources.sequences then for _,i in pairs(t.resources.sequences) do if (i.order[1]=='vert' or i.order[1]=='vrt2') and i.type == 'gsub_single' and i.steps then for _,j in pairs(i.steps) do if type(j)=='table' then if type(j.coverage)=='table' then for i,k in pairs(j.coverage) do if i==r then return k end end end end end end end end end return r end end -- Append a whatsit node to the list. -- This whatsit node will be extracted to a glyph_node local function append_jglyph(char) local p = node_new(id_whatsit,sid_user) setfield(p, 'user_id', OTF) setfield(p, 'type', 100) setfield(p, 'value', char) node_write(p) end local utf do utf = function (ucs) local char = ucs if ltjd_get_dir_count()==dir_tate then local curjfnt_num = tex_get_attr((ltjd_get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt) local t = identifiers[curjfnt_num] if t.resources.sequences then for _,i in pairs(t.resources.sequences) do if (i.order[1]=='vert' or i.order[1]=='vrt2') and i.type == 'gsub_single' and i.steps then for _,j in pairs(i.steps) do if type(j)=='table' then if type(j.coverage)=='table' then for i,k in pairs(j.coverage) do if i==char then return append_jglyph(k) end end end end end end end end end return append_jglyph(char) end end local cid do cid = function (key) if key==0 then return append_jglyph(0) end local curjfnt_num = tex_get_attr((ltjd_get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt) local curjfnt = identifiers[curjfnt_num] local cidinfo = curjfnt.resources.cidinfo if not cidinfo or cidinfo.ordering ~= "Japan1" and cidinfo.ordering ~= "GB1" and cidinfo.ordering ~= "CNS1" and cidinfo.ordering ~= "Korea1" and cidinfo.ordering ~= "KR" then -- ltjb.package_warning('luatexja-otf', -- 'Current Japanese font (or other CJK font) "' -- ..curjfnt.psname..'" is not a CID-Keyed font (Adobe-Japan1 etc.)') return append_jglyph(get_ucs_from_rmlgbm(key)) else local char = ltjf_font_metric_table[curjfnt_num].cid_to_uni[key] if not char then ltjb.package_warning('luatexja-otf', '"' ..curjfnt.psname..'" does not have CID character ' ..tostring(key), 'Use a font including the specified CID character.') char = 0 end return append_jglyph(char) end end end local function extract(head) head = to_direct(head) local p = head local is_dir_tate = ltjs.list_dir == dir_tate local attr_ablshift = is_dir_tate and attr_tablshift or attr_yablshift local attr_kblshift = is_dir_tate and attr_tkblshift or attr_ykblshift local attr_curfnt = is_dir_tate and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt while p do if getid(p)==id_whatsit then if getsubtype(p)==sid_user then local puid = getfield(p, 'user_id') if puid==OTF then --if puid==OTF or puid==VSR then local g = node_new(id_glyph) setfield(g, 'subtype', 0) setfield(g, 'char', getfield(p, 'value')) local v = has_attr(p, attr_curfnt); setfield(g, 'font',v) --if puid==OTF then setfield(g, 'lang', lang_ja) set_attr(g, attr_kblshift, has_attr(p, attr_kblshift)) --else -- set_attr(g, attr_ablshift, has_attr(p, attr_ablshift)) --end head = node_insert_after(head, p, g) head = node_remove(head, p) node_free(p); p = g end end end p = node_next(p) end return to_node(head) end ltjb.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', extract,'ltj.otf', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('hpack_filter', 'ltj.main')) ltjb.add_to_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', extract,'ltj.otf', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', 'ltj.main')) -- additional callbacks -- 以下は,LuaTeX-ja に用意された callback のサンプルになっている. -- JFM の文字クラスの指定の所で,"AJ1-xxx" 形式での指定を可能とした. -- これらの文字指定は,和文フォント定義ごとに,それぞれのフォントの -- CID <-> グリフ 対応状況による変換テーブルが用意される. -- 和文フォント読み込み時に,CID -> unicode 対応をとっておく. local function cid_to_uni(fmtable, fn) local fi = identifiers[fn] local t = {}; fmtable.cid_to_uni = t for i,v in pairs(fi.shared.rawdata.descriptions) do t[v.index] = i end if fi.resources and fi.resources.cidinfo and fi.resources.cidinfo.ordering == "Japan1" then for i, v in pairs(fmtable.chars) do local j = string.match(i, "^AJ1%-([0-9]*)") if j then j = t[i] if j then fmtable.cid_char_type = fmtable.cid_char_type or {} fmtable.cid_char_type[j] = v end end end end return fmtable end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.define_jfont", cid_to_uni, "ltj.otf.define_jfont", 1) -- 既に読み込まれているフォントに対しても,同じことをやらないといけない for fn, v in pairs(ltjf_font_metric_table) do ltjf_font_metric_table[fn] = cid_to_uni(v, fn) end local function cid_set_char_class(arg, fmtable, char) if arg~=0 then return arg elseif fmtable.cid_char_type then return fmtable.cid_char_type[char] or 0 else return 0 end end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.find_char_class", cid_set_char_class, "ltj.otf.find_char_class", 1) --IVS local function enable_ivs() ltjb.package_warning('luatexja-otf', 'luatexja.otf.enable_ivs() has now no effect.') end local disable_ivs = enable_ivs luatexja.otf = { append_jglyph = append_jglyph, enable_ivs = enable_ivs, -- 隠し機能: IVS disable_ivs = disable_ivs, -- 隠し機能: IVS cid = cid, utf = utf, } -- EOF