-- -- luatexja/jfont.lua -- luatexbase.provides_module({ name = 'luatexja.jfont', date = '2017/08/09', description = 'Loader for Japanese fonts', }) module('luatexja.jfont', package.seeall) luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base luatexja.load_module('charrange'); local ltjc = luatexja.charrange luatexja.load_module('rmlgbm'); local ltjr = luatexja.rmlgbm luatexja.load_module('direction'); local ltjd = luatexja.direction local setfield = node.direct.setfield local getid = node.direct.getid local to_direct = node.direct.todirect local node_new = node.direct.new local node_free = node.direct.free local has_attr = node.direct.has_attribute local set_attr = node.direct.set_attribute local round = tex.round local font_getfont = font.getfont local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local attr_curjfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curjfnt'] local attr_curtfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curtfnt'] local id_glyph = node.id('glyph') local id_kern = node.id('kern') local cat_lp = luatexbase.catcodetables['latex-package'] local FROM_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.FROM_JFM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LOADING JFM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ metrics={} -- this table stores all metric informations font_metric_table={} -- [font number] -> jfm_name, jfm_var, size luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.load_jfm", "data", function (ft, jn) return ft end) local jfm_file_name, jfm_var, jfm_ksp local defjfm_res local jfm_dir, is_def_jfont, is_vert_enabled, auto_enable_vrt2 local function norm_val(a) if (not a) or (a==0.) then return nil elseif a==true then return 1 else return a end end function define_jfm(t) local real_char -- Does current character class have the 'real' character? if t.dir~=jfm_dir then defjfm_res= nil; return elseif type(t.zw)~='number' or type(t.zh)~='number' then defjfm_res= nil; return end t.version = (type(t.version)=='number') and t.version or 1 t.char_type = {}; t.chars = {} for i,v in pairs(t) do if type(i) == 'number' then -- char_type if not v.chars then if i ~= 0 then defjfm_res= nil; return end else for j,w in pairs(v.chars) do if type(w) == 'number' and w~=-1 then elseif type(w) == 'string' and utf.len(w)==1 then w = utf.byte(w) elseif type(w) == 'string' and utf.len(w)==2 and utf.sub(w,2) == '*' then w = utf.byte(utf.sub(w,1,1)) end if not t.chars[w] then t.chars[w] = i else defjfm_res= nil; return end end v.chars = nil end if type(v.align)~='string' then v.align = 'left' -- left end if type(v.width)~='number' then v.width = nil end if type(v.height)~='number' then v.height = (jfm_dir=='tate') and 0.0 end if type(v.depth)~='number' then v.depth = (jfm_dir=='tate') and 0.0 end if type(v.italic)~='number' then v.italic = 0.0 end if type(v.left)~='number' then v.left = 0.0 end if type(v.down)~='number' then v.down = 0.0 end if t.version>=2 then if v.end_stretch then defjfm_res= nil; return end if v.end_shrink then defjfm_res= nil; return end if v.end_adjust then if type(v.end_adjust)~='table' then v.end_adjust = nil elseif #(v.end_adjust)==0 then v.end_adjust = nil else table.sort(v.end_adjust) end end else v.end_adjust = nil if v.end_stretch and v.end_stretch~=0.0 then v.end_adjust = (v.end_adjust or {}) v.end_adjust[#(v.end_adjust)+1] = v.end_stretch end if v.end_shrink and v.end_ahrink~=0.0 then v.end_adjust = (v.end_adjust or {}) v.end_adjust[#(v.end_adjust)+1] = -v.end_shrink end if v.end_adjust then v.end_adjust[#(v.end_adjust)+1] = 0.0 end end v.kern = v.kern or {}; v.glue = v.glue or {} for j,x in pairs(v.glue) do if v.kern[j] then defjfm_res= nil; return end x.ratio, x[5] = (x.ratio or (x[5] and 0.5*(1+x[5]) or 0.5)), nil do local xp xp, x[4] = (x.priority or x[4]), nil if type(xp)=='table' and t.version>=2 then if type(xp[1])~='number' or xp[1]<-4 or xp[1]>3 then defjfm_res=nil end -- stretch if type(xp[2])~='number' or xp[2]<-4 or xp[2]>3 then defjfm_res=nil end -- shrink xp = (xp[1]+4)*8+(xp[2]+4) elseif xp and type(xp)~='number' then defjfm_res = nil else xp = (xp or 0)*9+36 if xp<0 or xp>=64 then defjfm_res=nil end end x.priority = xp end x.kanjiskip_natural = norm_val(x.kanjiskip_natural) x.kanjiskip_stretch = norm_val(x.kanjiskip_stretch) x.kanjiskip_shrink = norm_val(x.kanjiskip_shrink) end for j,x in pairs(v.kern) do if type(x)=='number' then v.kern[j] = {x, 0.5} elseif type(x)=='table' then v.kern[j] = { x[1], (x.ratio or (x[2] and 0.5*(1+x[2]) or 0.5)) } end end t.char_type[i] = v t[i] = nil end end if t.version<3 then -- In version 3, 'jcharbdd' is divided into -- 'alchar': ALchar (or math boundary) -- 'nox_alchar': ALchar (or math boundary), where xkanjiskip won't inserted -- 'glue': glue/kern, 'jcharbdd': other cases (和文B, rule, ...) t.chars.alchar = t.chars.jcharbdd t.chars.nox_alchar = t.chars.jcharbdd t.chars.glue = t.chars.jcharbdd end t = luatexbase.call_callback("luatexja.load_jfm", t, jfm_file_name) t.size_cache = {} defjfm_res = t end local update_jfm_cache do local function mult_table(old,scale) -- modified from table.fastcopy if old then local new = { } for k,v in next, old do if type(v) == "table" then new[k] = mult_table(v,scale) elseif type(v) == "number" then new[k] = round(v*scale) else new[k] = v end end return new else return nil end end update_jfm_cache = function (j,sz) if metrics[j].size_cache[sz] then return end local t = {} metrics[j].size_cache[sz] = t t.chars = metrics[j].chars t.char_type = mult_table(metrics[j].char_type, sz) for i,v in pairs(t.char_type) do v.align = (v.align=='left') and 0 or ((v.align=='right') and 1 or 0.5) if type(i) == 'number' then -- char_type for k,w in pairs(v.glue) do v[k] = { nil, ratio=w.ratio/sz, priority=FROM_JFM + w.priority/sz, width = w[1], stretch = w[2], shrink = w[3], kanjiskip_natural = w.kanjiskip_natural and w.kanjiskip_natural/sz, kanjiskip_stretch = w.kanjiskip_stretch and w.kanjiskip_stretch/sz, kanjiskip_shrink = w.kanjiskip_shrink and w.kanjiskip_shrink/sz, } end for k,w in pairs(v.kern) do local g = node_new(id_kern, 1) setfield(g, 'kern', w[1]) set_attr(g, attr_icflag, FROM_JFM) v[k] = {g, ratio=w[2]/sz} end end v.glue, v.kern = nil, nil end t.kanjiskip = mult_table(metrics[j].kanjiskip, sz) t.xkanjiskip = mult_table(metrics[j].xkanjiskip,sz) t.zw = round(metrics[j].zw*sz) t.zh = round(metrics[j].zh*sz) t.size = sz end end luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.find_char_class", "data", function (arg, fmtable, char) return 0 end) do local start_time_measure = ltjb.start_time_measure local stop_time_measure = ltjb.stop_time_measure local fcc_temp = { chars_cbcache = {} } setmetatable( fcc_temp.chars_cbcache, { __index = function () return 0 end, }) function find_char_class(c,m) -- c: character code, m: local r = (m or fcc_temp).chars_cbcache[c] if not r then r = m.chars[c] or luatexbase.call_callback("luatexja.find_char_class", 0, m, c) m.chars_cbcache[c or 0] = r end return r end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LOADING JAPANESE FONTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do local cstemp local global_flag -- true if \globaljfont, false if \jfont local function load_jfont_metric() if jfm_file_name=='' then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'no JFM specified', 'To load and define a Japanese font, a JFM must be specified.'.. "The JFM 'ujis' will be used for now.") jfm_file_name='ujis' end for j,v in ipairs(metrics) do if v.name==jfm_file_name then return j end end luatexja.load_lua('jfm-' .. jfm_file_name .. '.lua') if defjfm_res then defjfm_res.name = jfm_file_name table.insert(metrics, defjfm_res) return #metrics else return nil end end -- EXT local utf8 = unicode.utf8 function jfontdefX(g, dir, csname) jfm_dir, is_def_jfont = dir, true cstemp = csname:sub( (utf8.byte(csname,1,1) == tex.escapechar) and 2 or 1, -1) cstemp = cstemp:sub(1, ((cstemp:sub(-1,-1)==' ') and (cstemp:len()>=2)) and -2 or -1) global_flag = g and '\\global' or '' tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\expandafter\\font\\csname ', (cstemp==' ') and '\\space' or cstemp, '\\endcsname') end luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.define_jfont", "data", function (ft, fn) return ft end) -- EXT local identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers local provides_feature = luaotfload.aux.provides_feature function jfontdefY() local j = load_jfont_metric(jfm_dir) local fn = font.id(cstemp) local f = font_getfont(fn) if not j then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', "bad JFM `" .. jfm_file_name .. "'", 'The JFM file you specified is not valid JFM file.\n'.. 'So defining Japanese font is cancelled.') tex.sprint(cat_lp, global_flag, '\\expandafter\\let\\csname ', (cstemp==' ') and '\\space' or cstemp, '\\endcsname=\\relax') return end if not f then return end update_jfm_cache(j, f.size) local ad = identifiers[fn].parameters local sz = metrics[j].size_cache[f.size] local fmtable = { jfm = j, size = f.size, var = jfm_var, with_kanjiskip = jfm_ksp, zw = sz.zw, zh = sz.zh, ascent = ad.ascender, descent = ad.descender, chars = sz.chars, char_type = sz.char_type, kanjiskip = sz.kanjiskip, xkanjiskip = sz.xkanjiskip, chars_cbcache = {}, vert_activated = is_vert_enabled, } if auto_enable_vrt2 then local t = identifiers[fn] local lang, scr = t.properties.language, t.properties.script local vrt2_exist = provides_feature( fn, t.properties.script, t.properties.language, 'vrt2' ) t.shared.features[vrt2_exist and 'vrt2' or 'vert'] = true end fmtable = luatexbase.call_callback("luatexja.define_jfont", fmtable, fn) font_metric_table[fn]=fmtable tex.sprint(cat_lp, global_flag, '\\protected\\expandafter\\def\\csname ', (cstemp==' ') and '\\space' or cstemp, '\\endcsname{\\ltj@cur'.. (jfm_dir == 'yoko' and 'j' or 't') .. 'fnt', fn, '\\relax}') end end do local get_dir_count = ltjd.get_dir_count local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate local tex_get_attr = tex.getattribute -- PUBLIC function function get_zw() local a = font_metric_table[ tex_get_attr((get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt)] return a and a.zw or 0 end function get_zh() local a = font_metric_table[ tex_get_attr((get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt)] return a and a.zw or 0 end end do -- extract jfm_file_name and jfm_var -- normalize position of 'jfm=' and 'jfmvar=' keys local function extract_metric(name) local is_braced = name:match('^{(.*)}$') name= is_braced or name jfm_file_name = ''; jfm_var = ''; jfm_ksp = true local tmp, index = name:sub(1, 5), 1 if tmp == 'file:' or tmp == 'name:' or tmp == 'psft:' then index = 6 end local p = name:find(":", index); index = p and (p+1) or index while index do local l = name:len()+1 local q = name:find(";", index+1) or l if name:sub(index, index+3)=='jfm=' and q>index+4 then jfm_file_name = name:sub(index+4, q-1) if l~=q then name = name:sub(1,index-1) .. name:sub(q+1) else name = name:sub(1,index-1) index = nil end elseif name:sub(index, index+6)=='jfmvar=' and q>index+6 then jfm_var = name:sub(index+7, q-1) if l~=q then name = name:sub(1,index-1) .. name:sub(q+1) else name = name:sub(1,index-1) index = nil end else index = (l~=q) and (q+1) or nil end end if jfm_file_name~='' then local l = name:sub(-1) name = name .. ((l==':' or l==';') and '' or ';') .. 'jfm=' .. jfm_file_name if jfm_var~='' then name = name .. 'jfmvar=' .. jfm_var end end for x in string.gmatch (name, "[:;]([+%%-]?)ltjks") do jfm_ksp = not (x=='-') end if jfm_dir == 'tate' then is_vert_enabled = (not name:match('[:;]%-vert')) and (not name:match('[:;]%-vrt2')) auto_enable_vrt2 = (not name:match('vert') and not name:match('vrt2')) else is_vert_enabled, auto_enable_vrt2 = nil, nil end return is_braced and ('{' .. name .. '}') or name end -- define_font callback local otfl_fdr local ltjr_font_callback = ltjr.font_callback function luatexja.font_callback(name, size, id) local new_name = is_def_jfont and extract_metric(name) or name is_def_jfont = false local res = ltjr_font_callback(new_name, size, id, otfl_fdr) luatexbase.call_callback('luatexja.define_font', res, new_name, size, id) -- this callback processes variation selector, so we execute it always return res end luatexbase.create_callback('luatexja.define_font', 'simple', function (n) return n end) otfl_fdr= luatexbase.remove_from_callback('define_font', 'luaotfload.define_font') luatexbase.add_to_callback('define_font',luatexja.font_callback,"luatexja.font_callback", 1) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LATEX INTERFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do -- these function are called from ltj-latex.sty local fenc_list, kyenc_list, ktenc_list = {}, {}, {} function add_fenc_list(enc) fenc_list[enc] = 'true ' end function add_kyenc_list(enc) kyenc_list[enc] = 'true ' end function add_ktenc_list(enc) ktenc_list[enc] = 'true ' end function is_kyenc(enc) tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\if' .. (kyenc_list[enc] or 'false ')) end function is_ktenc(enc) tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\if' .. (ktenc_list[enc] or 'false ')) end function is_kenc(enc) tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\if' .. (kyenc_list[enc] or ktenc_list[enc] or 'false ')) end local kfam_list, Nkfam_list = {}, {} function add_kfam(fam) kfam_list[fam]=true end function search_kfam(fam, use_fd) if kfam_list[fam] then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iftrue '); return elseif Nkfam_list[fam] then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iffalse '); return elseif use_fd then for i,_ in pairs(kyenc_list) do if kpse.find_file(string.lower(i)..fam..'.fd') then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iftrue '); return end end for i,_ in pairs(ktenc_list) do if kpse.find_file(string.lower(i)..fam..'.fd') then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iftrue '); return end end Nkfam_list[fam]=true; tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iffalse '); return else tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iffalse '); return end end local ffam_list, Nffam_list = {}, {} function is_ffam(fam) tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\if' .. (ffam_list[fam] or 'false ')) end function add_ffam(fam) ffam_list[fam]='true ' end function search_ffam_declared() local s = '' for i,_ in pairs(fenc_list) do s = s .. '\\cdp@elt{' .. i .. '}' end tex.sprint(cat_lp, s) end function search_ffam_fd(fam) if Nffam_list[fam] then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iffalse '); return else for i,_ in pairs(fenc_list) do if kpse.find_file(string.lower(i)..fam..'.fd') then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iftrue '); return end end Nffam_list[fam]=true; tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\let\\ifin@\\iffalse '); return end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ALTERNATE FONTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ alt_font_table = {} local alt_font_table = alt_font_table local attr_curaltfnt = {} local ucs_out = 0x110000 ------ for TeX interface -- EXT function set_alt_font(b,e,ind,bfnt) -- ind: 新フォント, bfnt: 基底フォント if b>e then b, e = e, b end if b*e<=0 then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'bad character range ([' .. b .. ',' .. e .. ']). ' .. 'I take the intersection with [0x80, 0x10ffff].') b, e = math.max(0x80,b),math.min(ucs_out-1,e) elseif e<0 then -- b=ucs_out then ltjb.package_warning('luatexja', 'bad character range ([' .. b .. ',' .. e .. ']). ' .. 'I take the intersection with [0x80, 0x10ffff].') b, e = math.max(0x80,b), math.min(ucs_out-1,e) end if not alt_font_table[bfnt] then alt_font_table[bfnt]={} end local t = alt_font_table[bfnt] local ac = font_getfont(ind).characters if bfnt==ind then ind = nil end -- ind == bfnt の場合はテーブルから削除 if e>=0 then -- character range for i=b, e do if ac[i]then t[i]=ind end end else b, e = -e, -b local tx = font_metric_table[bfnt].chars for i,v in pairs(tx) do if b<=v and v<=e and ac[i] then t[i]=ind end end end end -- EXT function clear_alt_font(bfnt) if alt_font_table[bfnt] then local t = alt_font_table[bfnt] for i,_ in pairs(t) do t[i]=nil; end end end ------ used in ltjp.suppress_hyphenate_ja callback function replace_altfont(pf, pc) local a = alt_font_table[pf] return a and a[pc] or pf end ------ for LaTeX interface local alt_font_table_latex = {} -- EXT function clear_alt_font_latex(bbase) local t = alt_font_table_latex[bbase] if t then for j,v in pairs(t) do t[j] = nil end end end -- EXT function set_alt_font_latex(b,e,ind,bbase) -- ind: Alt font の enc/fam/ser/shape, bbase: 基底フォントの enc/fam/ser/shape if b>e then b, e = e, b end if b*e<=0 then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'bad character range ([' .. b .. ',' .. e .. ']). ' .. 'I take the intersection with [0x80, 0x10ffff].') b, e = math.max(0x80,b),math.min(ucs_out-1,e) elseif e<0 then -- b=ucs_out then ltjb.package_warning('luatexja', 'bad character range ([' .. b .. ',' .. e .. ']). ' .. 'I take the intersection with [0x80, 0x10ffff].') b, e = math.max(0x80,b), math.min(ucs_out-1,e) end if not alt_font_table_latex[bbase] then alt_font_table_latex[bbase]={} end local t = alt_font_table_latex[bbase] if not t[ind] then t[ind] = {} end for i=b, e do for j,v in pairs(t) do if v[i] then -- remove old entry if j~=ind then v[i]=nil end; break end end t[ind][i]=true end -- remove the empty tables for j,v in pairs(t) do local flag_clear = true for k,_ in pairs(v) do flag_clear = false; break end if flag_clear then t[j]=nil end end if ind==bbase then t[bbase] = nil end end -- ここから先は 新 \selectfont の内部でしか実行されない do local alt_font_base, alt_font_base_num local aftl_base -- EXT function does_alt_set(bbase) aftl_base = alt_font_table_latex[bbase] tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\if' .. (aftl_base and 'true' or 'false')) end -- EXT function print_aftl_address() tex.sprint(cat_lp, ';ltjaltfont' .. tostring(aftl_base):sub(8)) end -- EXT function output_alt_font_cmd(dir, bbase) alt_font_base = bbase if dir == 't' then alt_font_base_num = tex.getattribute(attr_curtfnt) else alt_font_base_num = tex.getattribute(attr_curjfnt) end local t = alt_font_table[alt_font_base_num] if t then for i,_ in pairs(t) do t[i]=nil end end t = alt_font_table_latex[bbase] if t then for i,_ in pairs(t) do tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\ltj@pickup@altfont@aux' .. dir .. '{' .. i .. '}') end end end -- EXT function pickup_alt_font_a(size_str) local t = alt_font_table_latex[alt_font_base] if t then for i,v in pairs(t) do tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\expandafter\\ltj@pickup@altfont@copy' .. '\\csname ' .. i .. '/' .. size_str .. '\\endcsname{' .. i .. '}') end end end local function pickup_alt_font_class(class, afnt_num, afnt_chars) local t = alt_font_table[alt_font_base_num] local tx = font_metric_table[alt_font_base_num].chars for i,v in pairs(tx) do if v==class and afnt_chars[i] then t[i]=afnt_num end end end -- EXT function pickup_alt_font_b(afnt_num, afnt_base) local t = alt_font_table[alt_font_base_num] local ac = font_getfont(afnt_num).characters if not t then t = {}; alt_font_table[alt_font_base_num] = t end for i,v in pairs(alt_font_table_latex[alt_font_base]) do if i == afnt_base then for j,_ in pairs(v) do if j>=0 then if ac[j] then t[j]=afnt_num end else -- -n (n>=1) means that the character class n, -- which is defined in the JFM pickup_alt_font_class(-j, afnt_num, ac) end end return end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 終了時に各種ノードを破棄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do function cleanup_size_cache() --local gs, ke = 0, 0 for _,n in pairs(metrics) do for i,t in pairs(n.size_cache) do for _,v in pairs(t.char_type) do for k,w in pairs(v) do if type(k)=='number' then --if w[1] then gs = gs + 1 else ke = ke + 1 end if w[1] then node_free(w[1]) end end end end n.size_cache[i]=nil end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 追加のフォント情報 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ font_extra_info = {} local font_extra_info = font_extra_info -- key: fontnumber local font_extra_basename = {} -- key: basename local list_rotate_glyphs do -- output of function_utr50.lua local function rotate_in_utr50(i) -- UTR#50 revision 17; 2016-10-20 if (0x0000<=i)and(i<0x00A7) then return true end if (0x00A8<=i)and(i<0x00A9) then return true end if (0x00AA<=i)and(i<0x00AE) then return true end if (0x00AF<=i)and(i<0x00B1) then return true end if (0x00B2<=i)and(i<0x00BC) then return true end if (0x00BF<=i)and(i<0x00D7) then return true end if (0x00D8<=i)and(i<0x00F7) then return true end if (0x00F8<=i)and(i<0x02EA) then return true end if (0x02EC<=i)and(i<0x0860) then return true end if (0x08A0<=i)and(i<0x1100) then return true end if (0x1200<=i)and(i<0x1401) then return true end if (0x1680<=i)and(i<0x18B0) then return true end if (0x1900<=i)and(i<0x1C90) then return true end if (0x1CC0<=i)and(i<0x2016) then return true end if (0x2017<=i)and(i<0x2020) then return true end if (0x2022<=i)and(i<0x2030) then return true end if (0x2032<=i)and(i<0x203B) then return true end if (0x203D<=i)and(i<0x2042) then return true end if (0x2043<=i)and(i<0x2047) then return true end if (0x204A<=i)and(i<0x2051) then return true end if (0x2052<=i)and(i<0x2065) then return true end if (0x2066<=i)and(i<0x20DD) then return true end if (0x20E1<=i)and(i<0x20E2) then return true end if (0x20E5<=i)and(i<0x2100) then return true end if (0x2102<=i)and(i<0x2103) then return true end if (0x210A<=i)and(i<0x210F) then return true end if (0x2110<=i)and(i<0x2113) then return true end if (0x2115<=i)and(i<0x2116) then return true end if (0x2118<=i)and(i<0x211E) then return true end if (0x2124<=i)and(i<0x2125) then return true end if (0x2126<=i)and(i<0x2127) then return true end if (0x2128<=i)and(i<0x2129) then return true end if (0x212A<=i)and(i<0x212E) then return true end if (0x212F<=i)and(i<0x2135) then return true end if (0x2140<=i)and(i<0x2145) then return true end if (0x214B<=i)and(i<0x214C) then return true end if (0x214E<=i)and(i<0x214F) then return true end if (0x218A<=i)and(i<0x218C) then return true end if (0x2190<=i)and(i<0x221E) then return true end if (0x221F<=i)and(i<0x2234) then return true end if (0x2236<=i)and(i<0x2300) then return true end if (0x2308<=i)and(i<0x230C) then return true end if (0x2320<=i)and(i<0x2324) then return true end if (0x2329<=i)and(i<0x232B) then return true end if (0x232C<=i)and(i<0x237D) then return true end if (0x239B<=i)and(i<0x23BE) then return true end if (0x23CE<=i)and(i<0x23CF) then return true end if (0x23D0<=i)and(i<0x23D1) then return true end if (0x23DC<=i)and(i<0x23E2) then return true end if (0x2423<=i)and(i<0x2424) then return true end if (0x2500<=i)and(i<0x25A0) then return true end if (0x261A<=i)and(i<0x2620) then return true end if (0x2768<=i)and(i<0x2776) then return true end if (0x2794<=i)and(i<0x2B12) then return true end if (0x2B30<=i)and(i<0x2B50) then return true end if (0x2B5A<=i)and(i<0x2BB8) then return true end if (0x2BEC<=i)and(i<0x2BF0) then return true end if (0x2C00<=i)and(i<0x2E80) then return true end if (0x3008<=i)and(i<0x3012) then return true end if (0x3014<=i)and(i<0x3020) then return true end if (0x3030<=i)and(i<0x3031) then return true end if (0x30A0<=i)and(i<0x30A1) then return true end if (0x30FC<=i)and(i<0x30FD) then return true end if (0xA4D0<=i)and(i<0xA960) then return true end if (0xA980<=i)and(i<0xAC00) then return true end if (0xD800<=i)and(i<0xE000) then return true end if (0xFB00<=i)and(i<0xFE10) then return true end if (0xFE20<=i)and(i<0xFE30) then return true end if (0xFE49<=i)and(i<0xFE50) then return true end if (0xFE58<=i)and(i<0xFE5F) then return true end if (0xFE63<=i)and(i<0xFE67) then return true end if (0xFE70<=i)and(i<0xFF01) then return true end if (0xFF08<=i)and(i<0xFF0A) then return true end if (0xFF0D<=i)and(i<0xFF0E) then return true end if (0xFF1A<=i)and(i<0xFF1F) then return true end if (0xFF3B<=i)and(i<0xFF3C) then return true end if (0xFF3D<=i)and(i<0xFF3E) then return true end if (0xFF3F<=i)and(i<0xFF40) then return true end if (0xFF5B<=i)and(i<0xFFE0) then return true end if (0xFFE3<=i)and(i<0xFFE4) then return true end if (0xFFE8<=i)and(i<0xFFF0) then return true end if (0xFFF9<=i)and(i<0xFFFC) then return true end if (0xFFFE<=i)and(i<0x10200) then return true end if (0x10280<=i)and(i<0x103E0) then return true end if (0x10400<=i)and(i<0x10570) then return true end if (0x10600<=i)and(i<0x10780) then return true end if (0x10800<=i)and(i<0x108B0) then return true end if (0x108E0<=i)and(i<0x10940) then return true end if (0x109A0<=i)and(i<0x10AA0) then return true end if (0x10AC0<=i)and(i<0x10BB0) then return true end if (0x10C00<=i)and(i<0x10C50) then return true end if (0x10C80<=i)and(i<0x10D00) then return true end if (0x10E60<=i)and(i<0x10E80) then return true end if (0x11000<=i)and(i<0x11250) then return true end if (0x11280<=i)and(i<0x11380) then return true end if (0x11400<=i)and(i<0x114E0) then return true end if (0x11600<=i)and(i<0x116D0) then return true end if (0x11700<=i)and(i<0x11740) then return true end if (0x118A0<=i)and(i<0x11900) then return true end if (0x11AC0<=i)and(i<0x11B00) then return true end if (0x11C00<=i)and(i<0x11CC0) then return true end if (0x12000<=i)and(i<0x12550) then return true end if (0x16800<=i)and(i<0x16A70) then return true end if (0x16AD0<=i)and(i<0x16B90) then return true end if (0x16F00<=i)and(i<0x16FA0) then return true end if (0x1BC00<=i)and(i<0x1BCB0) then return true end if (0x1D200<=i)and(i<0x1D250) then return true end if (0x1D400<=i)and(i<0x1D800) then return true end if (0x1E000<=i)and(i<0x1E030) then return true end if (0x1E800<=i)and(i<0x1E8E0) then return true end if (0x1E900<=i)and(i<0x1E960) then return true end if (0x1EE00<=i)and(i<0x1EF00) then return true end if (0x1F800<=i)and(i<0x1F900) then return true end if (0xE0000<=i)and(i<0xE0080) then return true end if (0xE0100<=i)and(i<0xE01F0) then return true end end list_rotate_glyphs = function (dest, id) if id.specification and id.resources then local rot = {} for i,_ in pairs(id.characters) do if rotate_in_utr50(i) then rot[i] = true end end if id.resources.sequences then for _,i in pairs(id.resources.sequences) do if i.order[1]== 'vert' and i.type == 'gsub_single' and i.steps then for _,j in pairs(i.steps) do if type(j)=='table' then if type(j,coverage)=='table' then for i,_ in pairs(j.coverage) do rot[i]=nil end end end end end end; end -- コードポイントが共有されているグリフについて if id.resources.duplicates then for i,v in pairs(id.resources.duplicates) do local f = rot[i] for j,_ in pairs(v) do f = f and rot[j] end rot[i]=f for j,_ in pairs(v) do rot[j] = f end end; end for i,_ in pairs(rot) do dest = dest or {} dest[i] = dest[i] or {} dest[i].rotation = true end end return dest end end -- vertical metrics local prepare_fl_data local supply_vkern_table do local fields = fontloader.fields local function glyph_vmetric(glyph) local flds = fields(glyph) local vw, tsb, vk = nil, nil, nil for _,i in ipairs(flds) do if i=='vwidth' then vw = glyph.vwidth end if i=='tsidebearing' then tsb = glyph.tsidebearing end if i=='vkerns' then vk = glyph.vkerns end end return vw, tsb, vk end local sort = table.sort local function add_fl_table(dest, glyphs, unitable, asc_des, units, id) local glyphmin, glyphmax = glyphs.glyphmin, glyphs.glyphmax if glyphmax < 0 then return dest end local tg = glyphs.glyphs for i = glyphmin, glyphmax do local gv = tg[i] if gv then if gv.altuni then for _,at in pairs(gv.altuni) do local bu, vsel = at.unicode, at.variant if vsel then if vsel>=0xE0100 then vsel = vsel - 0xE0100 end local uniq_flag = true if dest and dest[bu] then for i,_ in pairs(dest[bu]) do if i==vsel then uniq_flag = false; break end end end if uniq_flag then dest = dest or {}; dest[bu] = dest[bu] or {} dest[bu][vsel] = unitable[gv.name] end end end end -- vertical metric local vw, tsb, vk = glyph_vmetric(gv) local gi = unitable[gv.name] if gi and vw and vw~=asc_des then -- We do not use tsidebearing, since (1) fontloader does not read VORG table -- and (2) 'tsidebearing' doea not appear in the returned table by fontloader.fields. -- Hence, we assume that vertical origin == ascender -- (see capsule_glyph_tate in ltj-setwidth.lua) dest = dest or {}; dest[gi] = dest[gi] or {} dest[gi].vwidth = vw/units end -- vertical kern if gi and vk then dest = dest or {}; local dest_vk = dest.vkerns or {}; dest.vkerns = dest_vk for _,v in pairs(vk) do if unitable[v.char] then local vl = v.lookup if type(vl)=='table' then for _,vlt in pairs(vl) do dest_vk[vlt] = dest_vk[vlt] or {} dest_vk[vlt][gi] = dest_vk[vlt][gi] or {} dest_vk[vlt][gi][unitable[v.char]] = v.off end else dest_vk[vl] = dest_vk[vl] or {} dest_vk[vl][gi] = dest_vk[vl][gi] or {} dest_vk[vl][gi][unitable[v.char]] = v.off end end end end end end return dest end prepare_fl_data = function (dest, id) local t = fontloader.info(id.filename) local fl if t.filename then fl = fontloader.open(id.filename) else fl = fontloader.open(id.filename, id.fullname) end local ind_to_uni, unicodes = {}, {} for i,v in pairs(id.characters) do ind_to_uni[v.index] = i end if fl.glyphs then local tg, glyphmin, glyphmax = fl.glyphs, fl.glyphmin, fl.glyphmax if 0 <= glyphmax then for i = glyphmin, glyphmax do if tg[i] and tg[i].name then unicodes[tg[i].name] = ind_to_uni[i] end end end dest = add_fl_table(dest, fl, unicodes, fl.ascent + fl.descent, fl.units_per_em, id) end if fl.subfonts then for _,v in pairs(fl.subfonts) do local tg, glyphmin, glyphmax = v.glyphs, v.glyphmin, v.glyphmax if 0 <= glyphmax then for i = glyphmin, glyphmax do if tg[i] and tg[i].name then unicodes[tg[i].name] = ind_to_uni[i] end end end end for _,v in pairs(fl.subfonts) do dest = add_fl_table(dest, v, unicodes, fl.ascent + fl.descent, fl.units_per_em, id) end end if dest then dest.unicodes = unicodes end fontloader.close(fl); collectgarbage("collect") return dest end -- supply vkern table supply_vkern_table = function(id, bname) local bx = font_extra_basename[bname].vkerns local lookuphash = id.resources.lookuphash local desc = id.shared.rawdata.descriptions if bx and lookuphash then for i,v in pairs(bx) do lookuphash[i] = lookuphash[i] or v for j,w in pairs(v) do desc[j].kerns = desc[j].kerns or {} desc[j].kerns[i] = w end end end end end -- do local cache_ver = 14 local checksum = file.checksum local function prepare_extra_data_base(id) if (not id) or (not id.filename) then return end local bname = id.psname or file.nameonly(id.filename) if not font_extra_basename[bname] then -- if the cache is present, read it local newsum = checksum(id.filename) -- MD5 checksum of the fontfile local v = "extra_" .. string.lower(bname) local dat = ltjb.load_cache( v, function (t) return (t.version~=cache_ver) or (t.chksum~=newsum) end ) -- if the cache is not found or outdated, save the cache if dat then font_extra_basename[bname] = dat[1] or {} else local dat = nil dat = prepare_fl_data(dat, id) dat = list_rotate_glyphs(dat, id) font_extra_basename[bname] = dat or {} ltjb.save_cache( v, { chksum = checksum(id.filename), version = cache_ver, dat, }) end return bname end end local function prepare_extra_data_font(id, res) if type(res)=='table' and res.shared and (res.psname or res.filename) then font_extra_info[id] = font_extra_basename[res.psname or file.nameonly(res.filename)] end end luatexbase.add_to_callback( 'luaotfload.patch_font', function (tfmdata) -- these function is executed one time per one fontfile local bname = prepare_extra_data_base(tfmdata) if bname then supply_vkern_table(tfmdata, bname) end return tfmdata end, 'ltj.prepare_extra_data', 1) luatexbase.add_to_callback( 'luatexja.define_font', function (res, name, size, id) prepare_extra_data_font(id, res) end, 'ltj.prepare_extra_data', 1) local nulltable = {} -- dummy ltjr.vert_addfunc = function (n) font_extra_info[n] = nulltable end local identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers for i=1,font.nextid()-1 do if identifiers[i] then prepare_extra_data_base(identifiers[i]) prepare_extra_data_font(i,identifiers[i]) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- calculate vadvance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do local function acc_feature(table_vadv, table_vorg, subtables, ft, already_vert) for char_num,v in pairs(ft.shared.rawdata.descriptions) do if v.slookups then for sn, sv in pairs(v.slookups) do if subtables[sn] and type(sv)=='table' then if sv[4]~=0 then table_vadv[char_num] = (table_vadv[char_num] or 0) + sv[4] end if sv[2]~=0 and not already_vert then table_vorg[char_num] = (table_vorg[char_num] or 0) + sv[2] end end end end end end luatexbase.add_to_callback( "luatexja.define_jfont", function (fmtable, fnum) local vadv = {}; fmtable.v_advance = vadv local vorg = {}; fmtable.v_origin = vorg local ft = font_getfont(fnum) local subtables = {} if ft.specification then for feat_name,v in pairs(ft.specification.features.normal) do if v==true and ft.resources then for _,i in pairs(ft.resources.sequences) do if i.order[1]== feat_name and i.type == 'gpos_single' and type(i.subtables)=='table' then for _,st in pairs(i.subtables) do subtables[st] = true end end end end end acc_feature(vadv, vorg, subtables, ft, ft.specification.features.normal.vrt2 or ft.specification.features.normal.vert) for i,v in pairs(vadv) do vadv[i]=vadv[i]/ft.units_per_em*fmtable.size end for i,v in pairs(vorg) do vorg[i]=vorg[i]/ft.units_per_em*fmtable.size end end return fmtable end, 'ltj.v_advance', 1 ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- make table of vertical glyphs which does not covered by vert feature -- nor UTR#50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- VERT VARIANT TABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local vert_form_table = { [0x3001]=0xFE11, [0x3002]=0xFE12, [0x3016]=0xFE17, [0x3017]=0xFE18, [0x2026]=0xFE19, [0x2025]=0xFE30, [0x2014]=0xFE31, [0x2013]=0xFE32, [0xFF3F]=0xFE33, [0xFF08]=0xFE35, [0xFF09]=0xFE36, [0xFF5B]=0xFE37, [0xFF5D]=0xFE38, [0x3014]=0xFE39, [0x3015]=0xFE3A, [0x3010]=0xFE3B, [0x3011]=0xFE3C, [0x300A]=0xFE3D, [0x300B]=0xFE3E, [0x3008]=0xFE3F, [0x3009]=0xFE40, [0x300C]=0xFE41, [0x300D]=0xFE42, [0x300E]=0xFE43, [0x300F]=0xFE44, [0xFF3B]=0xFE47, [0xFF3D]=0xFE48, } local function add_vform(coverage, vform, ft) if type(coverage)~='table' then return end for i,v in pairs(vert_form_table) do if (not coverage[i]) and ft.characters[v] then vform[i] = v end end end luatexbase.add_to_callback( "luatexja.define_jfont", function (fmtable, fnum) local vform = {}; fmtable.vform = vform local ft = font_getfont(fnum) if ft.specification and ft.resources then for _,i in pairs(ft.resources.sequences) do if i.order[1]== 'vert' and i.type == 'gsub_single' and i.steps then for _,j in pairs(i.steps) do if type(j)=='table' then add_vform(j.coverage,vform, ft) end end end end end return fmtable end, 'ltj.get_vert_form', 1 ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- supply tounicode entries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do local ltjr_prepare_cid_font = ltjr.prepare_cid_font luatexbase.add_to_callback( 'luaotfload.patch_font', function (tfmdata) local cidinfo = tfmdata.cidinfo or tfmdata.resources.cidinfo if cidinfo and cidinfo.registry and cidinfo.ordering then local rd = ltjr_prepare_cid_font(cidinfo.registry, cidinfo.ordering) if rd then local ru, rc = rd.resources.unicodes, rd.characters for i,v in pairs(tfmdata.characters) do local w = ru["Japan1." .. tostring(v.index)] if w then v.tounicode = v.tounicode or rc[w]. tounicode end end end end return tfmdata end, 'ltj.supply_tounicode', 1) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- MISC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do local getfont = node.direct.getfont local getchar = node.direct.getchar local get_dir_count = ltjd.get_dir_count local is_ucs_in_japanese_char = ltjc.is_ucs_in_japanese_char_direct local ensure_tex_attr = ltjb.ensure_tex_attr local node_write = node.direct.write local font = font local new_ic_kern if status.luatex_version>=89 then new_ic_kern = function(g) return node_new(id_kern,3) end else local ITALIC = luatexja.icflag_table.ITALIC new_ic_kern = function() local g = node_new(id_kern, 1) set_attr(g, attr_icflag, ITALIC) return g end end -- EXT: italic correction function append_italic() local p = to_direct(tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].tail) local TEMP = node_new(id_kern) if p and getid(p)==id_glyph then if is_ucs_in_japanese_char(p) then local j = font_metric_table[ has_attr(p, (get_dir_count()==dir_tate) and attr_curtfnt or attr_curjfnt) ] local g = new_ic_kern() setfield(g, 'kern', j.char_type[find_char_class(getchar(p), j)].italic) node_write(g); ensure_tex_attr(attr_icflag, 0) else local f = getfont(p) local h = font_getfont(f) or font.fonts[f] if h then local g = new_ic_kern() if h.characters[getchar(p)] and h.characters[getchar(p)].italic then setfield(g, 'kern', h.characters[getchar(p)].italic) node_write(g); ensure_tex_attr(attr_icflag, 0) end end end end node_free(TEMP) end end