-- -- luatexja/ltj-jfmglue.lua -- luatexbase.provides_module({ name = 'luatexja.jfmglue', date = '2015/02/07', description = 'Insertion process of JFM glues and kanjiskip', }) module('luatexja.jfmglue', package.seeall) local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase .errwarinf(_NAME) luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack luatexja.load_module('jfont'); local ltjf = luatexja.jfont luatexja.load_module('direction'); local ltjd = luatexja.direction luatexja.load_module('setwidth'); local ltjw = luatexja.setwidth local pairs = pairs local Dnode = node.direct or node local nullfunc = function(n) return n end local to_node = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.tonode or nullfunc local to_direct = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.todirect or nullfunc local setfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.setfield or function(n, i, c) n[i] = c end local getfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getfield or function(n, i) return n[i] end local getid = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getid or function(n) return n.id end local getfont = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getfont or function(n) return n.font end local getlist = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getlist or function(n) return n.head end local getchar = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getchar or function(n) return n.char end local getsubtype = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getsubtype or function(n) return n.subtype end local has_attr = Dnode.has_attribute local set_attr = Dnode.set_attribute local insert_before = Dnode.insert_before local insert_after = Dnode.insert_after local node_next = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getnext or node.next local round = tex.round local ltjd_make_dir_whatsit = ltjd.make_dir_whatsit local ltjf_font_metric_table = ltjf.font_metric_table local ltjf_find_char_class = ltjf.find_char_class local node_new = Dnode.new local node_copy = Dnode.copy local node_remove = Dnode.remove local node_tail = Dnode.tail local node_free = Dnode.free local node_end_of_math = Dnode.end_of_math local id_glyph = node.id('glyph') local id_hlist = node.id('hlist') local id_vlist = node.id('vlist') local id_rule = node.id('rule') local id_ins = node.id('ins') local id_mark = node.id('mark') local id_adjust = node.id('adjust') local id_disc = node.id('disc') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local id_math = node.id('math') local id_glue = node.id('glue') local id_kern = node.id('kern') local id_penalty = node.id('penalty') local id_glue_spec = node.id('glue_spec') local id_jglyph = 512 -- Japanese character local id_box_like = 256 -- vbox, shifted hbox local id_pbox = 257 -- already processed nodes (by \unhbox) local id_pbox_w = 258 -- cluster which consists of a whatsit local sid_user = node.subtype('user_defined') local lang_ja = token.create('ltj@@japanese')[2] local sid_start_link = node.subtype('pdf_start_link') local sid_start_thread = node.subtype('pdf_start_thread') local sid_end_link = node.subtype('pdf_end_link') local sid_end_thread = node.subtype('pdf_end_thread') local ITALIC = luatexja.icflag_table.ITALIC local PACKED = luatexja.icflag_table.PACKED local KINSOKU = luatexja.icflag_table.KINSOKU local FROM_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.FROM_JFM local PROCESSED = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED local IC_PROCESSED = luatexja.icflag_table.IC_PROCESSED local BOXBDD = luatexja.icflag_table.BOXBDD local PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local kanji_skip local xkanji_skip local table_current_stack local list_dir local capsule_glyph local tex_dir local attr_ablshift local set_np_xspc_jachar local set_np_xspc_jachar_hbox local ltjs_orig_char_table = ltjs.orig_char_table local function get_attr_icflag(p) return (has_attr(p, attr_icflag) or 0)%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG end -------------------- Helper functions -- This function is called only for acquiring `special' characters. local function fast_find_char_class(c,m) return m.chars[c] or 0 end -- 文字クラスの決定 local slow_find_char_class do local start_time_measure = ltjb.start_time_measure local stop_time_measure = ltjb.stop_time_measure slow_find_char_class = function (c, m, oc) local cls = ltjf_find_char_class(oc, m) if oc~=c and c and cls==0 then return ltjf_find_char_class(c, m) else return cls end end end local zero_glue = node_new(id_glue) spec_zero_glue = to_node(node_new(id_glue_spec)) -- must be public, since mentioned from other sources local spec_zero_glue = to_direct(spec_zero_glue) setfield(spec_zero_glue, 'width', 0) setfield(spec_zero_glue, 'stretch', 0) setfield(spec_zero_glue, 'shrink', 0) setfield(spec_zero_glue, 'stretch_order', 0) setfield(spec_zero_glue, 'shrink_order', 0) setfield(zero_glue, 'spec', spec_zero_glue) local function skip_table_to_spec(n) local g, st = node_new(id_glue_spec), ltjs.fast_get_stack_skip(n) setfield(g, 'width', st.width) setfield(g, 'stretch', st.stretch) setfield(g, 'shrink', st.shrink) setfield(g, 'stretch_order', st.stretch_order) setfield(g, 'shrink_order', st.shrink_order) return g end -- penalty 値の計算 local function add_penalty(p,e) local pp = getfield(p, 'penalty') if pp>=10000 then if e<=-10000 then setfield(p, 'penalty', 0) end elseif pp<=-10000 then if e>=10000 then setfield(p, 'penalty', 0) end else pp = pp + e if pp>=10000 then setfield(p, 'penalty', 10000) elseif pp<=-10000 then setfield(p, 'penalty', -10000) else setfield(p, 'penalty', pp) end end end -- 「異なる JFM」の間の調整方法 diffmet_rule = math.two_paverage function math.two_add(a,b) return a+b end function math.two_average(a,b) return (a+b)*0.5 end function math.two_paverage(a,b) return (a+b)/2 end function math.two_pleft(a,b) return a end function math.two_pright(a,b) return b end local head -- the head of current list local Np, Nq, Bp local widow_Bp, widow_Np -- \jcharwidowpenalty 挿入位置管理用 local non_ihb_flag -- JFM グルー挿入抑止用 flag -- false: \inhibitglue 指定時 true: それ以外 -------------------- hlist 内の文字の検索 local first_char, last_char, find_first_char do local ltjd_glyph_from_packed = ltjd.glyph_from_packed local function check_box(box_ptr, box_end) local p = box_ptr; local found_visible_node = false if not p then find_first_char = false; last_char = nil return true end while p and p~=box_end do local pid = getid(p) if pid==id_kern and getsubtype(p)==2 then p = node_next(node_next(node_next(p))); pid = getid(p) -- p must be glyph_node end if pid==id_glyph then repeat if find_first_char then first_char = p; find_first_char = false end last_char = p; found_visible_node = true; p=node_next(p) if (not p) or p==box_end then return found_visible_node end until getid(p)~=id_glyph pid = getid(p) -- p must be non-nil end if pid==id_kern then local pa = get_attr_icflag(p) if pa==IC_PROCESSED then -- do nothing elseif getsubtype(p)==2 then p = node_next(node_next(p)); -- Note that another node_next will be executed outside this if-statement. else found_visible_node = true find_first_char = false; last_char = nil end elseif pid==id_hlist then if PACKED == get_attr_icflag(p) then local s = ltjd_glyph_from_packed(p) if find_first_char then first_char = s; find_first_char = false end last_char = s; found_visible_node = true else if getfield(p, 'shift')==0 then if check_box(getlist(p), nil) then found_visible_node = true end else find_first_char = false; last_char = nil end end elseif pid==id_math then if find_first_char then first_char = p; find_first_char = false end last_char = p; found_visible_node = true elseif pid==id_rule and get_attr_icflag(p)==PACKED then -- do nothing elseif not (pid==id_ins or pid==id_mark or pid==id_adjust or pid==id_whatsit or pid==id_penalty) then found_visible_node = true find_first_char = false; last_char = nil end p = node_next(p) end return found_visible_node end function check_box_high(Nx, box_ptr, box_end) first_char = nil; last_char = nil; find_first_char = true if check_box(box_ptr, box_end) then local first_char = first_char if first_char then if getid(first_char)==id_glyph then if getfield(first_char, 'lang') == lang_ja then set_np_xspc_jachar_hbox(Nx, first_char) else set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, getchar(first_char),first_char, 1) end else -- math_node set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, -1,first_char) end end end return last_char end end -------------------- Np の計算と情報取得 luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_getinfo", "data", function (Np, lp, Nq) if Np.nuc then return Np else return Np -- your code end end) luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_after", "data", function (stat, Nq, Np) return false end) -- calc next Np local calc_np do local traverse = Dnode.traverse local function check_next_ickern(lp) if lp and getid(lp) == id_kern and ITALIC == get_attr_icflag(lp) then set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, IC_PROCESSED) Np.last = lp; return node_next(lp) else Np.last = Np.nuc; return lp end end local function calc_np_pbox(lp, last) local first, lpa, nc = (not Np.first), KINSOKU, nil Np.first = Np.first or lp; Np.id = id_pbox set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, get_attr_icflag(lp)); while lp ~=last and (lpa>=PACKED) and (lpa0) and (getfield(lp, 'depth') + y_adjust) or 0 setfield(lp, 'yoffset', getfield(lp, 'yoffset') - y_adjust) lp = node_next(lp) for lx in traverse(lp) do local lai = get_attr_icflag(lx) if lx==last or lai>=PACKED then lp=lx; break else local lid = getid(lx) if lid==id_glyph and getfield(lx, 'lang') ~= lang_ja then -- 欧文文字 last_glyph = lx; set_attr(lx, attr_icflag, PROCESSED); Np.last = lx y_adjust = has_attr(lx,attr_ablshift) or 0 node_depth = max(getfield(lx, 'depth') + min(y_adjust, 0), node_depth) adj_depth = (y_adjust>0) and max(getfield(lx, 'depth') + y_adjust, adj_depth) or adj_depth setfield(lx, 'yoffset', getfield(lx, 'yoffset') - y_adjust) elseif lid==id_kern then local ls = getsubtype(lx) if ls==2 then -- アクセント用の kern set_attr(lx, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) lx = node_next(lx) -- lp: アクセント本体 setfield(lx, 'yoffset', getfield(lp, 'yoffset') - (has_attr(lx,attr_ablshift) or 0)) lx = node_next(node_next(lx)) elseif ls==0 then Np.last = lx elseif (ls==1 and lai==ITALIC) then Np.last = lx; set_attr(lx, attr_icflag, IC_PROCESSED) else lp=lx; break end else lp=lx; break end end end local r if adj_depth>node_depth then r = node_new(id_rule) setfield(r, 'width', 0); setfield(r, 'height', 0) setfield(r, 'depth',adj_depth); setfield(r, 'dir', tex_dir) set_attr(r, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) end if last_glyph then Np.last_char = last_glyph if r then insert_after(head, first_glyph, r) end else local npn = Np.nuc Np.last_char = npn if r then local nf, nc = getfont(npn), getchar(npn) local ct = (font.getfont(nf) or font.fonts[nf] ).characters[nc] if (ct.left_protruding or 0) == 0 then head = insert_before(head, npn, r) Np.first = (Np.first==npn) and r or npn elseif (ct.right_protruding or 0) == 0 then insert_after(head, npn, r); Np.last, lp = r, r else ltjb.package_warning_no_line( 'luatexja', 'Check depth of glyph node ' .. tostring(npn) .. '(font=' .. nf .. ', char=' .. nc .. '), because its \\lpcode is ' .. tostring(ct.left_protruding) .. ' and its \\rpcode is ' .. tostring(ct.right_protruding) ); node_free(r) end end end return true, lp end end local calc_np_auxtable = { [id_glyph] = calc_np_aux_glyph_common, [id_hlist] = function(lp) local op, flag head, lp, op, flag = ltjd_make_dir_whatsit(head, lp, list_dir, 'jfm hlist') set_attr(op, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) Np.first = Np.first or op; Np.last = op; Np.nuc = op; if (flag or getfield(op, 'shift')~=0) then Np.id = id_box_like else Np.id = id_hlist Np.last_char = check_box_high(Np, getlist(op), nil) end return true, lp end, [id_vlist] = function(lp) local op head, lp, op = ltjd_make_dir_whatsit(head, lp, list_dir, 'jfm:' .. getid(lp)) Np.first = Np.first or op; Np.last = op; Np.nuc = op; Np.id = id_box_like; return true, lp end, box_like = function(lp) Np.first = Np.first or lp; Np.last = lp; Np.nuc = lp; Np.id = id_box_like; return true, node_next(lp) end, skip = function(lp) set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) return false, node_next(lp) end, [id_whatsit] = function(lp) local lps = getsubtype(lp) if lps==sid_user then if getfield(lp, 'user_id')==luatexja.userid_table.IHB then local lq = node_next(lp); head = node_remove(head, lp); node_free(lp); non_ihb_flag = false return false, lq; else set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) luatexbase.call_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_getinfo", Np, lp, Nq) if Np.nuc then Np.id = id_pbox_w; Np.first = Np.nuc; Np.last = Np.nuc; return true, node_next(lp) else return false, node_next(lp) end end else -- we do special treatment for these whatsit nodes. if lps == sid_start_link or lps == sid_start_thread then Np.first = lp elseif lps == sid_end_link or lps == sid_end_thread then Np.first, Nq.last = nil, lp; end set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) return false, node_next(lp) end end, [id_math] = function(lp) Np.first, Np.nuc = (Np.first or lp), lp; set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) set_np_xspc_alchar(Np, -1, lp) local end_math = node_end_of_math(lp) ltjw_apply_ashift_math(lp, end_math, attr_ablshift) set_attr(end_math, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) Np.last, Np.id = end_math, id_math; return true, node_next(end_math); end, [id_glue] = function(lp) Np.first, Np.nuc, Np.last = (Np.first or lp), lp, lp; Np.id = getid(lp); set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) return true, node_next(lp) end, [id_disc] = function(lp) Np.first, Np.nuc, Np.last = (Np.first or lp), lp, lp; Np.id = getid(lp); set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) ltjw_apply_ashift_disc(lp, (list_dir==dir_tate), tex_dir) Np.last_char = check_box_high(Np, getfield(lp, 'replace'), nil) return true, node_next(lp) end, [id_kern] = function(lp) if getsubtype(lp)==2 then Np.first = Np.first or lp set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED); lp = node_next(lp) set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED); lp = node_next(lp) set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED); lp = node_next(lp) set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED); return calc_np_aux_glyph_common(lp) else Np.first = Np.first or lp Np.id = id_kern; set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) Np.last = lp; return true, node_next(lp) end end, [id_penalty] = function(lp) Bp[#Bp+1] = lp; set_attr(lp, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) return false, node_next(lp) end, } calc_np_auxtable[id_rule] = calc_np_auxtable.box_like calc_np_auxtable[13] = calc_np_auxtable.box_like calc_np_auxtable[id_ins] = calc_np_auxtable.skip calc_np_auxtable[id_mark] = calc_np_auxtable.skip calc_np_auxtable[id_adjust] = calc_np_auxtable.skip function calc_np(last, lp) local k -- We assume lp = node_next(Np.last) Np, Nq, non_ihb_flag = Nq, Np, true -- We clear `predefined' entries of Np before pairs() loop, -- because using only pairs() loop is slower. Np.post, Np.pre, Np.xspc = nil, nil, nil Np.first, Np.id, Np.last, Np.met, Np.class= nil, nil, nil, nil Np.auto_kspc, Np.auto_xspc, Np.char, Np.nuc = nil, nil, nil, nil for k in pairs(Np) do Np[k] = nil end for k = 1,#Bp do Bp[k] = nil end while lp ~= last do local lpa = has_attr(lp, attr_icflag) or 0 -- unbox 由来ノードの検出 if lpa>=PACKED then if lpa%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG == BOXBDD then local lq = node_next(lp) head = node_remove(head, lp); node_free(lp); lp = lq else return calc_np_pbox(lp, last) end -- id_pbox else k, lp = calc_np_auxtable[getid(lp)](lp) if k then return lp end end end Np=nil end end -- extract informations from Np -- We think that "Np is a Japanese character" if Np.met~=nil, -- "Np is an alphabetic character" if Np.pre~=nil, -- "Np is not a character" otherwise. after_hlist = nil -- global local after_alchar, extract_np do local PRE = luatexja.stack_table_index.PRE local POST = luatexja.stack_table_index.POST local KCAT = luatexja.stack_table_index.KCAT local XSP = luatexja.stack_table_index.XSP local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate -- 和文文字のデータを取得 local attr_jchar_class = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charclass'] local attr_jchar_code = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charcode'] local attr_autospc = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@autospc'] local attr_autoxspc = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@autoxspc'] --local ltjf_get_vert_glyph = ltjf.get_vert_glyph function set_np_xspc_jachar(Nx, x) local m = ltjf_font_metric_table[getfont(x)] local c, c_glyph = ltjs_orig_char_table[x], getchar(x) c = c or c_glyph local cls = slow_find_char_class(c, m, c_glyph) Nx.met, Nx.class, Nx.char = m, cls, c; if cls~=0 then set_attr(x, attr_jchar_class, cls) end if c~=c_glyph then set_attr(x, attr_jchar_code, c) end Nx.pre = table_current_stack[PRE + c] or 0 Nx.post = table_current_stack[POST + c] or 0 Nx.xspc = table_current_stack[XSP + c] or 3 Nx.kcat = table_current_stack[KCAT + c] or 0 Nx.auto_kspc, Nx.auto_xspc = (has_attr(x, attr_autospc)==1), (has_attr(x, attr_autoxspc)==1) return m, cls end function set_np_xspc_jachar_hbox(Nx, x) local m = ltjf_font_metric_table[getfont(x)] local c = has_attr(x, attr_jchar_code) or getchar(x) Nx.met, Nx.char = m, c; Nx.class = has_attr(x, attr_jchar_class) or 0; Nx.pre = table_current_stack[PRE + c] or 0 Nx.post = table_current_stack[POST + c] or 0 Nx.xspc = table_current_stack[XSP + c] or 3 Nx.kcat = table_current_stack[KCAT + c] or 0 Nx.auto_kspc, Nx.auto_xspc = (has_attr(x, attr_autospc)==1), (has_attr(x, attr_autoxspc)==1) end -- 欧文文字のデータを取得 local floor = math.floor function set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, c,x, lig) if c~=-1 then local f = (lig ==1) and nullfunc or node_tail local xc, xs = getfield(x, 'components'), getsubtype(x) while xc and xs and xs%4>=2 do x = f(xc); xc, xs = getfield(x, 'components'), getsubtype(x) end c = getchar(x) Nx.pre = table_current_stack[PRE + c] or 0 Nx.post = table_current_stack[POST + c] or 0 Nx.xspc = table_current_stack[XSP + c] or 3 else Nx.pre, Nx.post = 0, 0 Nx.xspc = table_current_stack[XSP - 1] or 3 end Nx.met = nil Nx.auto_xspc = (has_attr(x, attr_autoxspc)==1) end local set_np_xspc_alchar = set_np_xspc_alchar -- change the information for the next loop -- (will be done if Nx is an alphabetic character or a hlist) after_hlist = function (Nx) local s = Nx.last_char if s then if getid(s)==id_glyph then if getfield(s, 'lang') == lang_ja then set_np_xspc_jachar_hbox(Nx, s) else set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, getchar(s), s, 2) end else set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, -1, s) end else Nx.pre, Nx.met = nil, nil end end after_alchar = function (Nx) local x = Nx.last_char return set_np_xspc_alchar(Nx, getchar(x), x, 2) end end -------------------- 最下層の処理 -- change penalties (or create a new penalty, if needed) local function handle_penalty_normal(post, pre, g) local a = (pre or 0) + (post or 0) if #Bp == 0 then if (a~=0 and not(g and getid(g)==id_kern)) then local p = node_new(id_penalty) if a<-10000 then a = -10000 elseif a>10000 then a = 10000 end setfield(p, 'penalty', a) head = insert_before(head, Np.first, p) Bp[1]=p; set_attr(p, attr_icflag, KINSOKU) end else for _, v in pairs(Bp) do add_penalty(v,a) end end end local function handle_penalty_always(post, pre, g) local a = (pre or 0) + (post or 0) if #Bp == 0 then if not (g and getid(g)==id_glue) or a~=0 then local p = node_new(id_penalty) if a<-10000 then a = -10000 elseif a>10000 then a = 10000 end setfield(p, 'penalty', a) head = insert_before(head, Np.first, p) Bp[1]=p set_attr(p, attr_icflag, KINSOKU) end else for _, v in pairs(Bp) do add_penalty(v,a) end end end local function handle_penalty_suppress(post, pre, g) local a = (pre or 0) + (post or 0) if #Bp == 0 then if g and getid(g)==id_glue then local p = node_new(id_penalty) setfield(p, 'penalty', 10000); head = insert_before(head, Np.first, p) Bp[1]=p set_attr(p, attr_icflag, KINSOKU) end else for _, v in pairs(Bp) do add_penalty(v,a) end end end -- 和文文字間の JFM glue を node 化 local function new_jfm_glue(m, bc, ac) -- bc, ac: char classes local g = m.char_type[bc][ac] if g then if g[1] then local f = node_new(id_glue) set_attr(f, attr_icflag, g[4]) setfield(f, 'spec', node_copy(g[2])) return f, g[3] else return node_copy(g[2]), g[3] end end return nil, 0 end -- Nq.last (kern w) .... (glue/kern g) Np.first local function real_insert(g) if g then head = insert_before(head, Np.first, g) Np.first = g end end -------------------- 和文文字間空白量の決定 local null_skip_table = {0, 0, 0} -- get kanjiskip local get_kanjiskip local get_kanjiskip_normal, get_kanjiskip_jfm do local KANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP local KANJI_SKIP_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP_JFM get_kanjiskip_normal = function () if Np.auto_kspc or Nq.auto_kspc then return node_copy(kanji_skip) else local g = node_copy(zero_glue) set_attr(g, attr_icflag, KANJI_SKIP) return g end end get_kanjiskip_jfm = function () local g if Np.auto_kspc or Nq.auto_kspc then g = node_new(id_glue); --copy_attr(g, Nq.nuc) local gx = node_new(id_glue_spec); setfield(gx, 'stretch_order', 0); setfield(gx, 'shrink_order', 0) local pm, qm = Np.met, Nq.met local bk = qm.kanjiskip or null_skip_table if (pm.char_type==qm.char_type) and (qm.var==pm.var) then setfield(gx, 'width', bk[1]) setfield(gx, 'stretch', bk[2]) setfield(gx, 'shrink', bk[3]) else local ak = pm.kanjiskip or null_skip_table setfield(gx, 'width', round(diffmet_rule(bk[1], ak[1]))) setfield(gx, 'stretch', round(diffmet_rule(bk[2], ak[2]))) setfield(gx, 'shrink', -round(diffmet_rule(-bk[3], -ak[3]))) end setfield(g, 'spec', gx) else g = node_copy(zero_glue) end set_attr(g, attr_icflag, KANJI_SKIP_JFM) return g end end local calc_ja_ja_aux do local bg_ag = 2*id_glue - id_glue local bg_ak = 2*id_glue - id_kern local bk_ag = 2*id_kern - id_glue local bk_ak = 2*id_kern - id_kern calc_ja_ja_aux = function (gb,ga, db, da) local rbb, rab = 0.5*(1-db), 0.5*(1-da) -- 「前の文字」由来のグルーの割合 local rba, raa = 0.5*(1+db), 0.5*(1+da) -- 「前の文字」由来のグルーの割合 if diffmet_rule ~= math.two_pleft and diffmet_rule ~= math.two_pright and diffmet_rule ~= math.two_paverage then rbb, rab, rba, raa = 1,0,0,1 end if not gb then if ga then gb = node_new(id_kern); setfield(gb, 'kern', 0) else return nil end elseif not ga then ga = node_new(id_kern); setfield(ga, 'kern', 0) end local k = 2*getid(gb) - getid(ga) if k == bg_ag then local bs, as = getfield(gb, 'spec'), getfield(ga, 'spec') -- 両方とも glue. local bd, ad = getfield(bs, 'width'), getfield(as, 'width') setfield(bs, 'width', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd + rba*ad, rab*bd + raa*ad))) bd, ad = getfield(bs, 'stretch'), getfield(as, 'stretch') setfield(bs, 'stretch', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd + rba*ad, rab*bd + raa*ad))) bd, ad = getfield(bs, 'shrink'), getfield(as, 'shrink') setfield(bs, 'shrink', -round(diffmet_rule(-rbb*bd - rba*ad, -rab*bd - raa*ad))) node_free(ga) return gb elseif k == bk_ak then -- 両方とも kern. local bd, ad = getfield(gb, 'kern'), getfield(ga, 'kern') setfield(gb, 'kern', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd + rba*ad, rab*bd + raa*ad))) node_free(ga) return gb elseif k == bk_ag then local as = getfield(ga, 'spec') -- gb: kern, ga: glue local bd, ad = getfield(gb, 'kern'), getfield(as, 'width') setfield(as, 'width', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd + rba*ad, rab*bd + raa*ad))) ad = getfield(as, 'stretch') setfield(bs, 'stretch', round(diffmet_rule(rba*ad, raa*ad))) ad = getfield(as, 'shrink') setfield(bs, 'shrink', -round(diffmet_rule(-rba*ad, -raa*ad))) node_free(gb) return ga else local bs = getfield(gb, 'spec') -- gb: glue, ga: kern local bd, ad = getfield(bs, 'width'), getfield(ga, 'kern') setfield(bs, 'width', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd + rba*ad, rab*bd + raa*ad))) bd = getfield(bs, 'stretch') setfield(bs, 'stretch', round(diffmet_rule(rbb*bd, rab*bd))) bd = getfield(bs, 'shrink') setfield(bs, 'shrink', -round(diffmet_rule(-rbb*bd, -rab*bd))) node_free(ga) return gb end end end local function calc_ja_ja_glue() local qm, pm = Nq.met, Np.met if (qm.char_type==pm.char_type) and (qm.var==pm.var) then return new_jfm_glue(qm, Nq.class, Np.class) else local npn, nqn = Np.nuc, Nq.nuc local gb, db = new_jfm_glue(qm, Nq.class, slow_find_char_class(Np.char, qm, getchar(npn))) local ga, da = new_jfm_glue(pm, slow_find_char_class(Nq.char, pm, getchar(nqn)), Np.class) return calc_ja_ja_aux(gb, ga, db, da); end end -------------------- 和欧文間空白量の決定 -- get xkanjiskip local get_xkanjiskip local get_xkanjiskip_normal, get_xkanjiskip_jfm do local XKANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP local XKANJI_SKIP_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP_JFM get_xkanjiskip_normal = function (Nn) if (Nq.xspc>=2) and (Np.xspc%2==1) and (Nq.auto_xspc or Np.auto_xspc) then return node_copy(xkanji_skip) else local g = node_copy(zero_glue) set_attr(g, attr_icflag, XKANJI_SKIP) return g end end get_xkanjiskip_jfm = function (Nn) local g if (Nq.xspc>=2) and (Np.xspc%2==1) and (Nq.auto_xspc or Np.auto_xspc) then g = node_new(id_glue) local gx = node_new(id_glue_spec); setfield(gx, 'stretch_order', 0); setfield(gx, 'shrink_order', 0) local bk = Nn.met.xkanjiskip or null_skip_table setfield(gx, 'width', bk[1]) setfield(gx, 'stretch', bk[2]) setfield(gx, 'shrink', bk[3]) setfield(g, 'spec', gx) else g = node_copy(zero_glue) end set_attr(g, attr_icflag, XKANJI_SKIP_JFM) return g end end -------------------- 隣接した「塊」間の処理 local function get_OA_skip() local pm = Np.met return new_jfm_glue(pm, fast_find_char_class((Nq.id == id_math and -1 or 'jcharbdd'), pm), Np.class) end local function get_OB_skip() local qm = Nq.met return new_jfm_glue(qm, Nq.class, fast_find_char_class((Np.id == id_math and -1 or'jcharbdd'), qm)) end -- (anything) .. jachar local function handle_np_jachar(mode) local qid = Nq.id if qid==id_jglyph or ((qid==id_pbox or qid==id_pbox_w) and Nq.met) then local g = non_ihb_flag and calc_ja_ja_glue() or get_kanjiskip() -- M->K handle_penalty_normal(Nq.post, Np.pre, g); real_insert(g) elseif Nq.met then -- qid==id_hlist local g = non_ihb_flag and get_OA_skip() or get_kanjiskip() -- O_A->K handle_penalty_normal(0, Np.pre, g); real_insert(g) elseif Nq.pre then local g = non_ihb_flag and get_OA_skip() or get_xkanjiskip(Np) -- O_A->X handle_penalty_normal((qid==id_hlist and 0 or Nq.post), Np.pre, g); real_insert(g) else local g = non_ihb_flag and get_OA_skip() -- O_A if qid==id_glue then handle_penalty_normal(0, Np.pre, g) elseif qid==id_kern then handle_penalty_suppress(0, Np.pre, g) else handle_penalty_always(0, Np.pre, g) end real_insert(g) end if mode and Np.kcat%2~=1 then widow_Np.first, widow_Bp, Bp = Np.first, Bp, widow_Bp end end -- jachar .. (anything) local function handle_nq_jachar() if Np.pre then local g = non_ihb_flag and get_OB_skip() or get_xkanjiskip(Nq) -- O_B->X handle_penalty_normal(Nq.post, (Np.id==id_hlist and 0 or Np.pre), g); real_insert(g) else local g =non_ihb_flag and get_OB_skip() -- O_B if Np.id==id_glue then handle_penalty_normal(Nq.post, 0, g) elseif Np.id==id_kern then handle_penalty_suppress(Nq.post, 0, g) else handle_penalty_always(Nq.post, 0, g) end real_insert(g) end end -- (anything) .. (和文文字で始まる hlist) local function handle_np_ja_hlist() local qid = Nq.id if qid==id_jglyph or ((qid==id_pbox or Nq.id == id_pbox_w) and Nq.met) then local g = non_ihb_flag and get_OB_skip() or get_kanjiskip() -- O_B->K handle_penalty_normal(Nq.post, 0, g); real_insert(g) elseif Nq.met then -- Nq.id==id_hlist local g = get_kanjiskip() -- K handle_penalty_suppress(0, 0, g); real_insert(g) elseif Nq.pre then local g = get_xkanjiskip(Np) -- X handle_penalty_suppress(0, 0, g); real_insert(g) end end -- (和文文字で終わる hlist) .. (anything) local function handle_nq_ja_hlist() if Np.pre then local g = get_xkanjiskip(Nq) -- X handle_penalty_suppress(0, 0, g); real_insert(g) end end -- Nq が前側のクラスタとなることによる修正 do local adjust_nq_aux = { [id_glyph] = function() after_alchar(Nq) end, -- after_alchar(Nq) [id_hlist] = function() after_hlist(Nq) end, [id_pbox] = function() after_hlist(Nq) end, [id_disc] = function() after_hlist(Nq) end, [id_pbox_w] = function() luatexbase.call_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_after", false, Nq, Np) end, } function adjust_nq() local x = adjust_nq_aux[Nq.id] if x then x() end end end -------------------- 開始・終了時の処理 do -- リスト末尾の処理 local JWP = luatexja.stack_table_index.JWP local function handle_list_tail(mode) adjust_nq(); Np = Nq if mode then -- the current list is to be line-breaked. -- Insert \jcharwidowpenalty Bp = widow_Bp; Np = widow_Np if Np.first then handle_penalty_normal(0, table_current_stack[JWP] or 0) end else -- the current list is the contents of a hbox local npi, pm = Np.id, Np.met if npi == id_jglyph or (npi==id_pbox and pm) then local g = new_jfm_glue(pm, Np.class, fast_find_char_class('boxbdd', pm)) if g then set_attr(g, attr_icflag, BOXBDD) head = insert_after(head, Np.last, g) end end end end -- リスト先頭の処理 local function handle_list_head(par_indented) local npi, pm = Np.id, Np.met if npi == id_jglyph or (npi==id_pbox and pm) then if non_ihb_flag then local g = new_jfm_glue(pm, fast_find_char_class(par_indented, pm), Np.class) if g then set_attr(g, attr_icflag, BOXBDD) if getid(g)==id_glue and #Bp==0 then local h = node_new(id_penalty) setfield(h, 'penalty', 10000); set_attr(h, attr_icflag, BOXBDD) end head = insert_before(head, Np.first, g) end end end end -- initialize -- return value: (the initial cursor lp), (last node) local init_var do local KANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP local XKANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP local KSK = luatexja.stack_table_index.KSK local XSK = luatexja.stack_table_index.XSK local dir_yoko = luatexja.dir_table.dir_yoko local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate local attr_yablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@yablshift'] local attr_tablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@tablshift'] local table_pool = { {}, {}, {first=nil}, { auto_kspc=nil, auto_xspc=nil, char=nil, class=nil, first=nil, id=nil, last=nil, met=nil, nuc=nil, post=nil, pre=nil, xspc=nil, }, { auto_kspc=nil, auto_xspc=nil, char=nil, class=nil, first=nil, id=nil, last=nil, met=nil, nuc=nil, post=nil, pre=nil, xspc=nil, }, } init_var = function (mode,dir) -- 1073741823: max_dimen Bp, widow_Bp, widow_Np, Np, Nq = table_pool[1], table_pool[2], table_pool[3], table_pool[4], table_pool[5] for i=1,5 do for j,_ in pairs(table_pool[i]) do table_pool[i][j]=nil end end table_current_stack = ltjs.table_current_stack list_dir, tex_dir = (ltjs.list_dir or dir_yoko), (dir or 'TLT') local is_dir_tate = list_dir==dir_tate capsule_glyph = is_dir_tate and ltjw.capsule_glyph_tate or ltjw.capsule_glyph_yoko attr_ablshift = is_dir_tate and attr_tablshift or attr_yablshift do kanji_skip = node_new(id_glue); set_attr(kanji_skip, attr_icflag, KANJI_SKIP) local s = skip_table_to_spec(KSK) setfield(kanji_skip, 'spec', s) get_kanjiskip = (getfield(s, 'width') == 1073741823) and get_kanjiskip_jfm or get_kanjiskip_normal end do xkanji_skip = node_new(id_glue); set_attr(xkanji_skip, attr_icflag, XKANJI_SKIP) local s = skip_table_to_spec(XSK) setfield(xkanji_skip, 'spec', s) get_xkanjiskip = (getfield(s, 'width') == 1073741823) and get_xkanjiskip_jfm or get_xkanjiskip_normal end if mode then -- the current list is to be line-breaked: -- hbox from \parindent is skipped. local lp, par_indented, lpi, lps = head, 'boxbdd', getid(head), getsubtype(head) while lp and ((lpi==id_whatsit and lps~=sid_user) or ((lpi==id_hlist) and (lps==3))) do if (lpi==id_hlist) and (lps==3) then Np.char, par_indented = 'parbdd', 'parbdd' Np.width = getfield(lp, 'width') end lp=node_next(lp); lpi, lps = getid(lp), getsubtype(lp) end return lp, node_tail(head), par_indented else return head, nil, 'boxbdd' end end end local ensure_tex_attr = ltjb.ensure_tex_attr local function cleanup(mode) -- adjust attr_icflag for avoiding error if tex.getattribute(attr_icflag)~=0 then ensure_tex_attr(attr_icflag, 0) end node_free(kanji_skip); node_free(xkanji_skip) if mode then local h = node_next(head) if getid(h) == id_penalty and getfield(h, 'penalty') == 10000 then h = node_next(h) if getid(h) == id_glue and getsubtype(h) == 15 and not node_next(h) then return false end end end return head end -------------------- 外部から呼ばれる関数 -- main interface function main(ahead, mode, dir) if not ahead then return ahead end head = ahead; local lp, last, par_indented = init_var(mode,dir) lp = calc_np(last, lp) if Np then handle_list_head(par_indented) lp = calc_np(last,lp); while Np do adjust_nq(); local pid, pm = Np.id, Np.met -- 挿入部 if pid == id_jglyph then handle_np_jachar(mode) elseif pm then if pid==id_hlist then handle_np_ja_hlist() else handle_np_jachar() end elseif Nq.met then if Nq.id==id_hlist then handle_nq_ja_hlist() else handle_nq_jachar() end end lp = calc_np(last,lp) end handle_list_tail(mode) end return cleanup(mode) end end do local IHB = luatexja.userid_table.IHB local BPAR = luatexja.userid_table.BPAR local node_prev = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getprev or node.prev local node_write = Dnode.write -- \inhibitglue function create_inhibitglue_node() local tn = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(tn, 'user_id', IHB) setfield(tn, 'type', 100) setfield(tn, 'value', 1) node_write(tn) end -- Node for indicating beginning of a paragraph -- (for ltjsclasses) function create_beginpar_node() local tn = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(tn, 'user_id', BPAR) setfield(tn, 'type', 100) setfield(tn, 'value', 1) node_write(tn) end local function whatsit_callback(Np, lp, Nq) if Np and Np.nuc then return Np elseif Np and getfield(lp, 'user_id') == BPAR then Np.first = lp; Np.nuc = lp; Np.last = lp return Np end end local function whatsit_after_callback(s, Nq, Np) if not s and getfield(Nq.nuc, 'user_id') == BPAR then local x, y = node_prev(Nq.nuc), Nq.nuc Nq.first, Nq.nuc, Nq.last = x, x, x if Np then if Np.met then Nq.class = fast_find_char_class('parbdd', Np.met) end Nq.met = Np.met; Nq.pre = 0; Nq.post = 0; Nq.xspc = 0 Nq.auto_xspc = false end head = node_remove(head, y) node_free(y) end return s end luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_getinfo", whatsit_callback, "luatexja.beginpar.np_info", 1) luatexbase.add_to_callback("luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit_after", whatsit_after_callback, "luatexja.beginpar.np_info_after", 1) end