-- -- src/ltj-direction.lua -- luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack luatexja.load_module('rmlgbm'); local ltjr = luatexja.rmlgbm luatexja.direction = {} local attr_dir = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@dir'] local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local cat_lp = luatexbase.catcodetables['latex-package'] local Dnode = node.direct or node local nullfunc = function (n) return n end local to_node = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.tonode or nullfunc local to_direct = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.todirect or nullfunc local has_attr = Dnode.has_attribute local set_attr = Dnode.set_attribute local insert_before = Dnode.insert_before local insert_after = Dnode.insert_after local getid = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getid or function(n) return n.id end local getsubtype = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getsubtype or function(n) return n.subtype end local getlist = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getlist or function(n) return n.head end local setfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.setfield or function(n, i, c) n[i] = c end local getfield = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getfield or function(n, i) return n[i] end local node_new = Dnode.new local node_tail = Dnode.tail local node_free = Dnode.free local node_remove = Dnode.remove local node_next = (Dnode ~= node) and Dnode.getnext or node.next local traverse = Dnode.traverse local traverse_id = Dnode.traverse_id local start_time_measure, stop_time_measure = ltjb.start_time_measure, ltjb.stop_time_measure local id_kern = node.id('kern') local id_hlist = node.id('hlist') local id_vlist = node.id('vlist') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local sid_save = node.subtype('pdf_save') local sid_restore = node.subtype('pdf_restore') local sid_matrix = node.subtype('pdf_setmatrix') local sid_user = node.subtype('user_defined') local tex_nest = tex.nest local tex_getcount = tex.getcount local tex_set_attr = tex.setattribute local PROCESSED = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED local PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG local PACKED = luatexja.icflag_table.PACKED local STCK = luatexja.userid_table.STCK local DIR = luatexja.userid_table.DIR local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate local dir_yoko = luatexja.dir_table.dir_yoko local dir_dtou = luatexja.dir_table.dir_dtou local dir_node_auto = luatexja.dir_table.dir_node_auto local dir_node_manual = luatexja.dir_table.dir_node_manual local page_direction -- local function adjust_badness(hd) if not node_next(hd) and getid(hd)==id_whatsit and getsubtype(hd)==sid_user and getfield(hd, 'user_id')==DIR then -- avoid double whatsit luatexja.global_temp=tex.globaldefs; tex.globaldefs=0 luatexja.hbadness_temp=tex.hbadness; tex.hbadness=10000 luatexja.vbadness_temp=tex.vbadness; tex.vbadness=10000 else luatexja.global_temp = nil luatexja.hbadness_temp=nil luatexja.vbadness_temp=nil end end local get_dir_count do local function get_dir_count_inner(h) if h then if h.id==id_whatsit and h.subtype==sid_user and h.user_id==DIR then local ic = node.has_attribute(h, attr_icflag) return (ic ', print) if h then local t = get_dir_count_inner(h) if t~=0 then return t end end end return page_direction end luatexja.direction.get_dir_count = get_dir_count end -- \ifydir etc. do local cs_true, cs_false = '\\iftrue', '\\iffalse' luatexja.direction.dir_conditional = function(v) local d = get_dir_count() tex.sprint(cat_lp, (d==v) and cs_true or cs_false ) end end -- \tate, \yoko do local node_next = node.next local node_set_attr = node.set_attribute local function set_list_direction(v, name) local lv, w = tex_nest.ptr, tex.lists.page_head if not v then v,name = get_dir_count(), nil end if tex.currentgrouptype==6 then ltjb.package_error( 'luatexja', "You can't use `\\" .. name .. "' in an align", "To change direction in an align, \n" .. "you shold use \\hbox or \\vbox.") else local w = (lv==0) and tex.lists.page_head or tex_nest[lv].head.next if w then luatexja.ext_show_node_list(w, 'set_dir', print) if (not w.next) and w.id==id_whatsit and w.subtype==sid_user and w.user_id==DIR then node_set_attr(w, attr_dir, v) else ltjb.package_error( 'luatexja', "Use `\\" .. name .. "' at top of list", 'Direction change command by LuaTeX-ja is available\n' .. 'only when the current list is null.') end else local w = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(w, 'next', nil) setfield(w, 'user_id', DIR) setfield(w, 'type', 110) set_attr(w, attr_dir, v) Dnode.write(w) if lv==0 then page_direction = v end end tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) end tex_set_attr('global', attr_dir, 0) end luatexja.direction.set_list_direction = set_list_direction end -- ボックスに dir whatsit を追加 local function create_dir_whatsit(hd, gc, new_dir) if getid(hd)==id_whatsit and getsubtype(hd)==sid_user and getfield(hd, 'user_id')==DIR then set_attr(hd, attr_icflag, (has_attr(hd, attr_icflag) or 0)%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG + PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG) tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) return hd else local w = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_user) setfield(w, 'next', hd) setfield(w, 'user_id', DIR) setfield(w, 'type', 110) set_attr(w, attr_dir, new_dir) set_attr(w, attr_icflag, PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG) set_attr(hd, attr_icflag, (has_attr(hd, attr_icflag) or 0)%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG + PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG) tex_set_attr('global', attr_dir, 0) tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) return w end end -- hpack_filter, vpack_filter, post_line_break_filter -- の結果を組方向を明示するため,先頭に dir_node を設置 do local function create_dir_whatsit_hpack(h, gc) local hd = to_direct(h) if gc=='fin_row' or gc == 'preamble' then if hd then set_attr(hd, attr_icflag, PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG) tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) end return h else adjust_badness(hd) return to_node(create_dir_whatsit(hd, gc, ltjs.list_dir)) end end luatexbase.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', create_dir_whatsit_hpack, 'ltj.create_dir_whatsit', 10000) end do local function create_dir_whatsit_parbox(h, gc) stop_time_measure('tex_linebreak') -- start 側は ltj-debug.lua に local new_dir, hd = ltjs.list_dir, to_direct(h) for line in traverse_id(id_hlist, hd) do local nh = getlist(line) setfield(line, 'head', create_dir_whatsit(nh, gc, new_dir) ) set_attr(line, attr_dir, new_dir) end tex_set_attr('global', attr_dir, 0) return h end luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', create_dir_whatsit_parbox, 'ltj.create_dir_whatsit', 10000) end local create_dir_whatsit_vbox do local wh = {} local id_glue, sid_parskip = node.id('glue'), 3 create_dir_whatsit_vbox = function (hd, gc) ltjs.list_dir = get_dir_count() -- remove dir whatsit for x in traverse_id(id_whatsit, hd) do if getsubtype(x)==sid_user and getfield(x, 'user_id')==DIR then wh[#wh+1]=x end end if hd==wh[1] then ltjs.list_dir =has_attr(hd,attr_dir) local x = node_next(hd) if getid(x)==id_glue and getsubtype(x)==sid_parskip then node_remove(hd,x); node_free(x) end end for i=1,#wh do hd = node_remove(hd, wh[i]); node_free(wh[i]); wh[i] = nil end if gc=='fin_row' or gc == 'preamble' then if hd then set_attr(hd, attr_icflag, PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG) tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) end return hd else local n =node_next(hd) if gc=='vtop' then local w = create_dir_whatsit(hd, gc, ltjs.list_dir) -- move dir whatsit after hd setfield(hd, 'next', w); setfield(w, 'next', n) return hd else hd = create_dir_whatsit(hd, gc, ltjs.list_dir) return hd end end end end -- dir_node に包む方法を書いたテーブル local dir_node_aux do local get_h =function (w,h,d) return h end local get_d =function (w,h,d) return d end local get_h_d =function (w,h,d) return h+d end local get_h_d_neg =function (w,h,d) return -h-d end local get_h_neg =function (w,h,d) return -h end local get_d_neg =function (w,h,d) return -d end local get_w_half =function (w,h,d) return 0.5*w end local get_w_neg_half =function (w,h,d) return -0.5*w end local get_w_neg =function (w,h,d) return -w end local get_w =function (w,h,d) return w end local zero = function() return 0 end dir_node_aux = { [dir_yoko] = { -- yoko を [dir_tate] = { -- tate 中で組む width = get_h_d, height = get_w_half, depth = get_w_half, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 1 -1 0' }, { 'kern', get_w_neg_half }, { 'box' , get_h }, { 'kern', get_w_neg_half }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 1 -1 0' }, { 'kern' , zero }, { 'box' , get_w_neg }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg}, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, [dir_dtou] = { -- dtou 中で組む width = get_h_d, height = get_w, depth = zero, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 -1 1 0' }, { 'kern', get_w_neg }, { 'box', get_d_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 -1 1 0' }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg }, { 'box', zero }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, }, [dir_tate] = { -- tate を [dir_yoko] = { -- yoko 中で組む width = get_h_d, height = get_w, depth = zero, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 -1 1 0' }, { 'kern', get_w_neg }, { 'box' , get_d_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 -1 1 0' }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg }, { 'box', zero }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, [dir_dtou] = { -- dtou 中で組む width = get_w, height = get_d, depth = get_h, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '-1 0 0 -1' }, { 'kern', get_w_neg }, { 'box', zero }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '-1 0 0 -1' }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg }, { 'box', get_w_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, }, [dir_dtou] = { -- dtou を [dir_yoko] = { -- yoko 中で組む width = get_h_d, height = get_w, depth = zero, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 1 -1 0' }, { 'kern', zero }, { 'box', get_h }, { 'kern', get_w_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'kern', zero }, { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '0 1 -1 0' }, { 'box', get_w_neg }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, [dir_tate] = { -- tate 中で組む width = get_w, height = get_d, depth = get_h, [id_hlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', '-1 0 0 -1' }, { 'kern', get_w_neg }, { 'box', zero }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, [id_vlist] = { { 'whatsit', sid_save }, { 'rotate', ' -1 0 0 -1' }, { 'kern', get_h_d_neg }, { 'box', get_w_neg }, { 'whatsit', sid_restore }, }, }, }, } end -- 1st ret val: b の組方向 -- 2nd ret val はその DIR whatsit local function get_box_dir(b, default) start_time_measure('get_box_dir') local dir = has_attr(b, attr_dir) or 0 local bh = getfield(b,'head') -- b は insert node となりうるので getlist() は使えない local c for i=1,2 do if bh and getid(bh)==id_whatsit and getsubtype(bh)==sid_user and getfield(bh, 'user_id')==DIR then c = bh dir = (dir==0) and has_attr(bh, attr_dir) or dir end bh = node_next(bh) end stop_time_measure('get_box_dir') return (dir==0 and default or dir), c end do local getbox = tex.getbox local function check_dir(reg_num) start_time_measure('box_primitive_hook') local list_dir = get_dir_count() local b = tex.getbox(tex_getcount('ltj@tempcnta')) if b then local box_dir = get_box_dir(to_direct(b), dir_yoko) if box_dir%dir_node_auto ~= list_dir%dir_node_auto then luatexja.ext_show_node_list(tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].head, 'LIST> ', print) luatexja.ext_show_node_list(b, 'BOX> ', print) ltjb.package_error( 'luatexja', "Incompatible direction list can't be unboxed", 'I refuse to unbox a box in differrent direction.') end end stop_time_measure('box_primitive_hook') end luatexja.direction.check_dir = check_dir end -- dir_node に包まれている「本来の中身」を取り出し, -- dir_node を全部消去 local function unwrap_dir_node(b, head, box_dir) -- b: dir_node, head: the head of list, box_dir: -- return values are (new head), (next of b), (contents), (dir of contents) local bh = getlist(b) local bc = node_next(node_next(node_next(bh))) local nh, nb node_remove(bh, bc); Dnode.flush_list(bh) if head then nh = insert_before(head, b, bc) nh, nb = node_remove(nh, b) setfield(b, 'next', nil) setfield(b, 'head', nil) node_free(b) end local shift_old, b_dir, wh = nil, get_box_dir(bc, 0) if wh then Dnode.flush_list(getfield(wh, 'value')) setfield(wh, 'value', nil) end -- recalc. info local info = dir_node_aux[b_dir][box_dir%dir_node_auto][getid(bc)] for _,v in ipairs(info) do if v[1]=='box' then shift_old = v[2]( getfield(bc,'width'), getfield(bc, 'height'), getfield(bc, 'depth')) break end end setfield(bc, 'shift', getfield(bc, 'shift') - shift_old) return nh, nb, bc, b_dir end -- is_manual: 寸法変更に伴うものか? local function create_dir_node(b, b_dir, new_dir, is_manual) --print('create new node', b_dir, new_dir) local info = dir_node_aux[b_dir][new_dir] local w = getfield(b, 'width') local h = getfield(b, 'height') local d = getfield(b, 'depth') local db = node_new(getid(b)) -- dir_node set_attr(db, attr_dir, new_dir + (is_manual and dir_node_manual or dir_node_auto)) set_attr(db, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) set_attr(b, attr_icflag, PROCESSED) tex_set_attr('global', attr_dir, 0) tex_set_attr('global', attr_icflag, 0) setfield(db, 'dir', getfield(b, 'dir')) setfield(db, 'shift', 0) setfield(db, 'width', info.width(w,h,d)) setfield(db, 'height', info.height(w,h,d)) setfield(db, 'depth', info.depth(w,h,d)) return db end -- 異方向のボックスの処理 local make_dir_whatsit, process_dir_node do make_dir_whatsit = function (head, b, new_dir, origin) -- head: list head, b: box -- origin: コール元 (for debug) -- return value: (new head), (next of b), (new b), (is_b_dir_node) -- (new b): b か dir_node に被せられた b local bh = getlist(b) local box_dir, dn = get_box_dir(b, ltjs.list_dir) -- 既に b の中身にあるwhatsit if box_dir==new_dir then -- 組方向が一緒のボックスなので,何もしなくて良い return head, node_next(b), b, false elseif box_dir%dir_node_auto == new_dir then -- dir_node としてカプセル化されている local bc = node_next(node_next(node_next(bh))) local _, dnc = get_box_dir(b, 0) if dnc then -- free all other dir_node Dnode.flush_list(getfield(dnc, 'value')) setfield(dnc, 'value', nil) end set_attr(b, attr_dir, box_dir%dir_node_auto + dir_node_auto) return head, node_next(b), b, true else --luatexja.ext_show_node_list(to_node(b), 'mkd> ', print) -- 組方向を合わせる必要あり local nh, nb, ret, flag if box_dir>= dir_node_auto then -- unwrap local b_dir head, nb, b, b_dir = unwrap_dir_node(b, head, box_dir) bh = getlist(b) if b_dir==new_dir then -- dir_node の中身が周囲の組方向とあっている return head, nb, b, false else box_dir = b_dir end end local db local dnh = getfield(dn, 'value') for x in traverse(dnh) do if has_attr(x, attr_dir)%dir_node_auto == new_dir then setfield(dn, 'value', to_node(node_remove(dnh, x))) db=x; break end end Dnode.flush_list(dnh) db = db or create_dir_node(b, box_dir, new_dir, false) local w = getfield(b, 'width') local h = getfield(b, 'height') local d = getfield(b, 'depth') nh, nb = insert_before(head, b, db), nil nh, nb = node_remove(nh, b) local db_head, db_tail = nil for _,v in ipairs(dir_node_aux[box_dir][new_dir][getid(b)]) do local cmd, arg, nn = v[1], v[2] if cmd=='kern' then nn = node_new(id_kern) setfield(nn, 'kern', arg(w, h, d)) elseif cmd=='whatsit' then nn = node_new(id_whatsit, arg) elseif cmd=='rotate' then nn = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_matrix) setfield(nn, 'data', arg) elseif cmd=='box' then nn = b; setfield(b, 'next', nil) setfield(nn, 'shift', getfield(nn, 'shift') + arg(w,h,d)) end if db_head then insert_after(db_head, db_tail, nn) db_tail = nn else db_head, db_tail = nn, nn end setfield(db, 'head', db_head) ret, flag = db, true end return nh, nb, ret, flag end end process_dir_node = function (hd, gc) local x, new_dir = hd, ltjs.list_dir or dir_yoko while x do local xid = getid(x) if (xid==id_hlist and has_attr(x, attr_icflag)%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG~=PACKED) or xid==id_vlist then hd, x = make_dir_whatsit(hd, x, new_dir, 'process_dir_node:' .. gc) else x = node_next(x) end end return hd end -- lastbox local node_prev = (Dnode~=node) and Dnode.getprev or node.prev local function lastbox_hook() start_time_measure('box_primitive_hook') local bn = tex_nest[tex_nest.ptr].tail if bn then local b, head = to_direct(bn), to_direct(tex_nest[tex_nest.ptr].head) local bid = getid(b) if bid==id_hlist or bid==id_vlist then local box_dir = get_box_dir(b, 0) if box_dir>= dir_node_auto then -- unwrap dir_node local p = node_prev(b) local dummy1, dummy2, nb = unwrap_dir_node(b, nil, box_dir) setfield(p, 'next', nb); tex_nest[tex_nest.ptr].tail = to_node(nb) setfield(b, 'next', nil); setfield(b, 'head', nil) node_free(b); b = nb end local _, wh = get_box_dir(b, 0) -- clean dir_node attached to the box if wh then Dnode.flush_list(getfield('value', wh)) setfield(wh, 'value', nil) end end end stop_time_measure('box_primitive_hook') end luatexja.direction.make_dir_whatsit = make_dir_whatsit luatexja.direction.lastbox_hook = lastbox_hook end -- \wd, \ht, \dp の代わり do local getbox, setdimen = tex.getbox, tex.setdimen local function get_box_dim_common(key, s, l_dir) local s_dir, wh = get_box_dir(s, dir_yoko) if s_dir ~= l_dir then local not_found = true for x in traverse(getfield(wh, 'value')) do if l_dir == has_attr(x, attr_dir)%dir_node_auto then setdimen('ltj@tempdima', getfield(x, key)) not_found = false; break end end if not_found then local w = getfield(s, 'width') local h = getfield(s, 'height') local d = getfield(s, 'depth') setdimen('ltj@tempdima', dir_node_aux[s_dir][l_dir][key](w,h,d)) end else setdimen('ltj@tempdima', getfield(s, key)) end end local function get_box_dim(key, n) local gt = tex.globaldefs; tex.globaldefs = 0 local s = getbox(n) if s then local l_dir = get_dir_count() s = to_direct(s) local b_dir = get_box_dir(s,dir_yoko) if b_dir