-- -- ltj-adjust.lua -- luatexja.load_module('jfont'); local ltjf = luatexja.jfont luatexja.load_module('jfmglue'); local ltjj = luatexja.jfmglue luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack luatexja.load_module('direction'); local ltjd = luatexja.direction local to_node = node.direct.tonode local to_direct = node.direct.todirect local setfield = node.direct.setfield local setglue = luatexja.setglue local getfield = node.direct.getfield local is_zero_glue = node.direct.is_zero_glue local getlist = node.direct.getlist local getid = node.direct.getid local getfont = node.direct.getfont local getsubtype = node.direct.getsubtype local node_traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id local node_new = node.direct.new local node_copy = node.direct.copy local node_hpack = node.direct.hpack local node_next = node.direct.getnext local node_free = node.direct.free local node_prev = node.direct.getprev local node_tail = node.direct.tail local has_attr = node.direct.has_attribute local set_attr = node.direct.set_attribute local insert_after = node.direct.insert_after local id_glyph = node.id('glyph') local id_kern = node.id('kern') local id_hlist = node.id('hlist') local id_glue = node.id('glue') local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local attr_jchar_class = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charclass'] local lang_ja = luatexja.lang_ja local ltjf_font_metric_table = ltjf.font_metric_table local round, pairs = tex.round, pairs local PACKED = luatexja.icflag_table.PACKED local FROM_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.FROM_JFM local KANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP local KANJI_SKIP_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP_JFM local XKANJI_SKIP = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP local XKANJI_SKIP_JFM = luatexja.icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP_JFM local priority_table = { FROM_JFM + 2, FROM_JFM + 1, FROM_JFM, FROM_JFM - 1, FROM_JFM - 2, XKANJI_SKIP, KANJI_SKIP } local get_attr_icflag do local PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG get_attr_icflag = function(p) return (has_attr(p, attr_icflag) or 0) % PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG end end -- box 内で伸縮された glue の合計値を計算 local total_stsh = {{},{}} local total_st, total_sh = total_stsh[1], total_stsh[2] local function get_total_stretched(p, line) -- return value: <補正値(sp)> local go, gf, gs = getfield(p, 'glue_order'), getfield(p, 'glue_set'), getfield(p, 'glue_sign') for i,_ in pairs(total_st) do total_st[i]=nil; total_sh[i]=nil end for i=1,#priority_table do total_st[priority_table[i]]=0; total_sh[priority_table[i]]=0; end for i=0,4 do total_st[i*65536]=0; total_sh[i*65536]=0 end total_st[-1]=0; total_sh[-1]=0; for q in node_traverse_id(id_glue, getlist(p)) do local a = getfield(q, 'stretch_order') if a>0 then a=a*65536 else total_st[0] = total_st[0]+getfield(q, 'stretch') a = get_attr_icflag(q) if a == KANJI_SKIP_JFM then a = KANJI_SKIP elseif a == XKANJI_SKIP_JFM then a = XKANJI_SKIP elseif type(total_st[a])~='number' then a = -1 end end total_st[a] = total_st[a]+getfield(q, 'stretch') local a = getfield(q, 'shrink_order') if a>0 then a=a*65536 else total_sh[0] = total_sh[0]+getfield(q, 'shrink') a = get_attr_icflag(q) if a == KANJI_SKIP_JFM then a = KANJI_SKIP elseif a == XKANJI_SKIP_JFM then a = XKANJI_SKIP elseif type(total_sh[a])~='number' then a = -1 end end total_sh[a] = total_sh[a]+getfield(q, 'shrink') end for i=4,0,-1 do if total_st[i*65536]~=0 then total_st.order=i; break end; end for i=4,0,-1 do if total_sh[i*65536]~=0 then total_sh.order=i; break end; end if gs==0 then return 0, gf else return round((3-2*gs)*total_stsh[gs][go*65536]*gf), gf end end local function clear_stretch(p, ic, name) for q in node_traverse_id(id_glue, getlist(p)) do local f = get_attr_icflag(q) if (f == ic) or ((ic ==KANJI_SKIP) and (f == KANJI_SKIP_JFM)) or ((ic ==XKANJI_SKIP) and (f == XKANJI_SKIP_JFM)) then setfield(q, name..'_order', 0) setfield(q, name, 0) end end end local function set_stretch(p, after, before, ic, name) if before > 0 then local ratio = after/before for q in node_traverse_id(id_glue, getlist(p)) do local f = get_attr_icflag(q) if (f == ic) or ((ic ==KANJI_SKIP) and (f == KANJI_SKIP_JFM)) or ((ic ==XKANJI_SKIP) and (f == XKANJI_SKIP_JFM)) then if getfield(q, name..'_order')==0 then setfield(q, name, getfield(q, name)*ratio) end end end end end -- step 1: 行末に kern を挿入(句読点,中点用) local abs = math.abs local ltjd_glyph_from_packed = ltjd.glyph_from_packed local function aw_step1(p, total, ntr) local head = getlist(p) local x = node_tail(head); if not x then return total, false end -- x: \rightskip x = node_prev(x); if not x then return total, false end local xi, xc = getid(x) if xi == id_glue and getsubtype(x) == 15 then -- 段落最終行のときは,\penalty10000 \parfillskip が入るので, -- その前の node が本来の末尾文字となる x = node_prev(node_prev(x)); xi = getid(x) end if xi == id_glyph and getfield(x, 'lang')==lang_ja then -- 和文文字 xc = x elseif xi == id_hlist and get_attr_icflag(x) == PACKED then -- packed JAchar xc = ltjd_glyph_from_packed(x) while getid(xc) == id_whatsit do xc = node_next(xc) end -- これはなんのために? else return total, false-- それ以外は対象外. end local eadt = ltjf_font_metric_table[getfont(xc)] .char_type[has_attr(xc, attr_jchar_class) or 0].end_adjust if not eadt then return total, false end local eadt_ratio = {} for i, v in ipairs(eadt) do local t = total - v if t>0 then eadt_ratio[i] = {i, t/total_st[65536*total_st.order], t, v} else eadt_ratio[i] = {i, t/total_sh[65536*total_sh.order], t, v} end end table.sort(eadt_ratio, function (a,b) for i=2,4 do local at, bt = abs(a[i]), abs(b[i]) if at~=bt then return at0) and 'stretch' or 'shrink' local res = total_stsh[(total>0) and 1 or 2] if total==0 or res.order > 0 then -- もともと伸縮の必要なしか,残りの伸縮量は無限大 if added_flag then -- 行末に kern 追加したので,それによる補正 local f = node_hpack(getlist(p), getfield(p, 'width'), 'exactly') setfield(f, 'head', nil) setfield(p, 'glue_set', getfield(f, 'glue_set')) setfield(p, 'glue_order', getfield(f, 'glue_order')) setfield(p, 'glue_sign', getfield(f, 'glue_sign')) node_free(f) return end end total = math.abs(total) if total <= res[-1] then -- 和文処理グルー以外で足りる for _,v in pairs(priority_table) do clear_stretch(p, v, name) end local f = node_hpack(getlist(p), getfield(p, 'width'), 'exactly') setfield(f, 'head', nil) setfield(p, 'glue_set', getfield(f, 'glue_set')) setfield(p, 'glue_order', getfield(f, 'glue_order')) setfield(p, 'glue_sign', getfield(f, 'glue_sign')) node_free(f) else total = total - res[-1]; for i = 1, #priority_table do local v = priority_table[i] if total <= res[v] then for j = i+1,#priority_table do clear_stretch(p, priority_table[j], name) end set_stretch(p, total, res[v], v, name); break end total = total - res[v] end local f = node_hpack(getlist(p), getfield(p, 'width'), 'exactly') setfield(f, 'head', nil) setfield(p, 'glue_set', getfield(f, 'glue_set')) setfield(p, 'glue_order', getfield(f, 'glue_order')) setfield(p, 'glue_sign', getfield(f, 'glue_sign')) node_free(f) end end do local myaw_atep1, myaw_step2 local dummy = function(p,t,n) return t, false end local ltjs_fast_get_stack_skip = ltjs.fast_get_stack_skip local function adjust_width(head) if not head then return head end local line = 1 for p in node_traverse_id(id_hlist, to_direct(head)) do line = line + 1 myaw_step2(p, myaw_step1(p, get_total_stretched(p, line))) end return to_node(head) end local is_reg = false function enable_cb(status) if status>0 and (not is_reg) then luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', adjust_width, 'Adjust width', 100) is_reg = true elseif is_reg and status==0 then luatexbase.remove_from_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'Adjust width') is_reg = false end myaw_step1 = (status%2>0) and aw_step1 or dummy myaw_step2 = (status>=2) and aw_step2 or aw_step2_dummy end function disable_cb() -- only for compatibility enable_cs(0) end luatexja.adjust = luatexja.adjust or {enable_cb=enable_cb, disable_cb=disable_cb} end luatexja.unary_pars.adjust = function(t) return is_reg and 1 or 0 end