/** * @file * @date 18.5.2007 * * Implementation of class HBOutputPanelController. */ #import "HBOutputPanelController.h" #import "HBOutputRedirect.h" /// Maximum amount of characters that can be shown in the view. // Original value used by cleaner //#define TextStorageUpperSizeLimit 20000 // lets use this higher value for now for better gui debugging #define TextStorageUpperSizeLimit 40000 /// When old output is removed, this is the amount of characters that will be /// left in outputTextStorage. // Original value used by cleaner //#define TextStorageLowerSizeLimit 15000 // lets use this higher value for now for better gui debugging #define TextStorageLowerSizeLimit 35000 @implementation HBOutputPanelController /** * Initializes the object, creates outputTextStorage and starts redirection of stderr. */ - (id)init { if( (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"OutputPanel"]) ) { /* NSWindowController likes to lazily load its window nib. Since this * controller tries to touch the outlets before accessing the window, we * need to force it to load immadiately by invoking its accessor. * * If/when we switch to using bindings, this can probably go away. */ [self window]; /* We initialize the outputTextStorage object for the activity window */ outputTextStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] init]; /* We declare the default NSFileManager into fileManager */ NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; /* Establish the log file location to write to */ /* We are initially using a .txt file as opposed to a .log file since it will open by * default with the users text editor instead of the .log default Console.app, should * create less confusion for less experienced users when we ask them to paste the log for support */ outputLogFile = @"~/Library/Application Support/HandBrake/HandBrake-activitylog.txt"; outputLogFile = [[outputLogFile stringByExpandingTildeInPath]retain]; /* We check for an existing output log file here */ if( [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:outputLogFile] == 0 ) { /* if not, then we create a new blank one */ [fileManager createFileAtPath:outputLogFile contents:nil attributes:nil]; } /* We overwrite the existing output log with the date for starters the output log to start fresh with the new session */ /* Use the current date and time for the new output log header */ NSString *startOutputLogString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"HandBrake Activity Log for Session (Cleared): %@\n\n", [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:nil timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; [startOutputLogString writeToFile:outputLogFile atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; [[HBOutputRedirect stderrRedirect] addListener:self]; [[HBOutputRedirect stdoutRedirect] addListener:self]; [self setWindowFrameAutosaveName:@"OutputPanelFrame"]; [[textView layoutManager] replaceTextStorage:outputTextStorage]; [[textView enclosingScrollView] setLineScroll:10]; [[textView enclosingScrollView] setPageScroll:20]; encodeLogOn = NO; } return self; } /** * Stops redirection of stderr and releases resources. */ - (void)dealloc { [[HBOutputRedirect stderrRedirect] removeListener:self]; [[HBOutputRedirect stdoutRedirect] removeListener:self]; [outputTextStorage release]; [super dealloc]; } /** * Loads output panel from OutputPanel.nib and shows it. */ - (IBAction)showOutputPanel:(id)sender { [textView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([outputTextStorage length], 0)]; [self showWindow:sender]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"]; } - (void) startEncodeLog:(NSString *) logPath { encodeLogOn = YES; NSString *outputFileForEncode = logPath ; /* Since the destination path matches the extension of the output file, replace the * output movie extension and replace it with ".txt" */ NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; /* Establish the log file location to write to */ /* We are initially using a .txt file as opposed to a .log file since it will open by * default with the users text editor instead of the .log default Console.app, should * create less confusion for less experienced users when we ask them to paste the log for support */ /* We need to get the current time in YY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format to put at the beginning of the name of the log file */ time_t _now = time( NULL ); struct tm * now = localtime( &_now ); NSString *dateForLogTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d-%02d-%02d",now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_mon, now->tm_mday,now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec]; /* Assemble the new log file name as YY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS mymoviename.txt */ NSString *outputDateFileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@.txt",dateForLogTitle,[[outputFileForEncode lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]]; if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"EncodeLogLocation"]) // if we are putting it in the same directory with the movie { outputLogFileForEncode = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",[outputFileForEncode stringByDeletingLastPathComponent],outputDateFileName] retain]; } else // if we are putting it in the default ~/Libraries/Application Support/HandBrake/EncodeLogs logs directory { NSString *libraryDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *encodeLogDirectory = [[[libraryDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Application Support"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"HandBrake"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"EncodeLogs"]; if( ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:encodeLogDirectory] ) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:encodeLogDirectory attributes:nil]; } outputLogFileForEncode = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",encodeLogDirectory,outputDateFileName] retain]; } [fileManager createFileAtPath:outputLogFileForEncode contents:nil attributes:nil]; /* Similar to the regular activity log, we print a header containing the date and time of the encode as well as what directory it was encoded to */ NSString *versionStringFull = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Handbrake Version: %@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleGetInfoString"]] stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (%@)\n\n", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]]]; NSString *startOutputLogString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"HandBrake Activity Log for %@: %@\n%@",outputFileForEncode, [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:nil timeZone:nil locale:nil],versionStringFull]; [startOutputLogString writeToFile:outputLogFileForEncode atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; } - (void) endEncodeLog { encodeLogOn = NO; } /** * Displays text received from HBOutputRedirect in the text view. */ - (void)stderrRedirect:(NSString *)text { NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text]; /* Actually write the libhb output to the text view (outputTextStorage) */ [outputTextStorage appendAttributedString:attributedString]; [attributedString release]; /* remove text from outputTextStorage as defined by TextStorageUpperSizeLimit and TextStorageLowerSizeLimit */ if ([outputTextStorage length] > TextStorageUpperSizeLimit) [outputTextStorage deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [outputTextStorage length] - TextStorageLowerSizeLimit)]; [textView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([outputTextStorage length], 0)]; /* We use a c function to write to the log file without reading it into memory * as it should be faster and easier on memory than using cocoa's writeToFile * thanks ritsuka !!*/ FILE *f = fopen([outputLogFile UTF8String], "a"); fprintf(f, "%s", [text UTF8String]); fclose(f); if (encodeLogOn == YES && outputLogFileForEncode != nil) { FILE *e = fopen([outputLogFileForEncode UTF8String], "a"); fprintf(e, "%s", [text UTF8String]); fclose(e); } /* Below uses Objective-C to write to the file, though it is slow and uses * more memory than the c function above. For now, leaving this in here * just in case and commented out. */ /* Put the new incoming string from libhb into an nsstring for appending to our log file */ //NSString *newOutputString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:text]; /*get the current log file and put it into an NSString */ /* HACK ALERT: must be a way to do it without reading the whole log into memory Performance note: could batch write to the log, but want to get each line as it comes out of libhb in case of a crash or freeze so we see exactly what the last thing was before crash*/ //NSString *currentOutputLogString = [[NSString alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:outputLogFile encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; /* Append the new libhb output string to the existing log file string */ //currentOutputLogString = [currentOutputLogString stringByAppendingString:newOutputString]; /* Save the new modified log file string back to disk */ //[currentOutputLogString writeToFile:outputLogFile atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; /* Release the new libhb output string */ //[newOutputString release]; } - (void)stdoutRedirect:(NSString *)text { [self stderrRedirect:text]; } /** * Clears the output window. */ - (IBAction)clearOutput:(id)sender { [outputTextStorage deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [outputTextStorage length])]; /* We want to rewrite the app version info to the top of the activity window so it is always present */ NSString *versionStringFull = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Handbrake Version: %@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleGetInfoString"]] stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (%@)", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]]]; time_t _now = time( NULL ); struct tm * now = localtime( &_now ); fprintf(stderr, "[%02d:%02d:%02d] macgui: %s\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec, [versionStringFull UTF8String]); } /** * Copies all text in the output window to pasteboard. */ - (IBAction)copyAllOutputToPasteboard:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:nil]; [pboard setString:[outputTextStorage string] forType:NSStringPboardType]; } /** * Opens the activity log txt file in users default editor. */ - (IBAction)openActivityLogFile:(id)sender { /* Opens the activity window log file in the users default text editor */ NSAppleScript *myScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@", @"tell application \"Finder\" to open (POSIX file \"", outputLogFile, @"\")"]]; [myScript executeAndReturnError: nil]; [myScript release]; } /** * Opens the activity log txt file in users default editor. */ - (IBAction)openEncodeLogDirectory:(id)sender { /* Opens the activity window log file in the users default text editor */ NSString *libraryDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *encodeLogDirectory = [[[libraryDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Application Support"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"HandBrake"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"EncodeLogs"]; if( ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:encodeLogDirectory] ) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:encodeLogDirectory attributes:nil]; } NSAppleScript *myScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@", @"tell application \"Finder\" to open (POSIX file \"", encodeLogDirectory, @"\")"]]; [myScript executeAndReturnError: nil]; [myScript release]; } - (IBAction)clearActivityLogFile:(id)sender { /* We overwrite the existing output log with the new date and time header */ /* Use the current date and time for the new output log header */ NSString *startOutputLogString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"HandBrake Activity Log for Session Starting: %@\n\n", [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:nil timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; [startOutputLogString writeToFile:outputLogFile atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; /* We want to rewrite the app version info to the top of the activity window so it is always present */ NSString *versionStringFull = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"macgui: Handbrake Version: %@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleGetInfoString"]] stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (%@)", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]]]; [versionStringFull writeToFile:outputLogFile atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; } - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification { [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"]; } @end