// // HBAudioController.m // HandBrake // // Created on 2010-08-24. // #import "HBAudioController.h" #import "Controller.h" #import "HBAudio.h" #import "hb.h" NSString *keyAudioTrackIndex = @"keyAudioTrackIndex"; NSString *keyAudioTrackName = @"keyAudioTrackName"; NSString *keyAudioInputBitrate = @"keyAudioInputBitrate"; NSString *keyAudioInputSampleRate = @"keyAudioInputSampleRate"; NSString *keyAudioInputCodec = @"keyAudioInputCodec"; NSString *keyAudioInputChannelLayout = @"keyAudioInputChannelLayout"; NSString *HBMixdownChangedNotification = @"HBMixdownChangedNotification"; @implementation HBAudioController #pragma mark - #pragma mark Accessors @synthesize masterTrackArray; @synthesize noneTrack; @synthesize videoContainerTag; - (id) init { if (self = [super init]) { [self setVideoContainerTag: [NSNumber numberWithInt: HB_MUX_MP4]]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self]; [masterTrackArray release]; [noneTrack release]; [audioArray release]; [self setVideoContainerTag: nil]; [super dealloc]; return; } - (void) setHBController: (id) aController { NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; myController = aController; /* register that we are interested in changes made to the video container */ [center addObserver: self selector: @selector(containerChanged:) name: HBContainerChangedNotification object: aController]; [center addObserver: self selector: @selector(titleChanged:) name: HBTitleChangedNotification object: aController]; return; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark HBController Support - (void) prepareAudioForQueueFileJob: (NSMutableDictionary *) aDict { unsigned int audioArrayCount = [self countOfAudioArray]; for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < audioArrayCount; counter++) { HBAudio *anAudio = [self objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: counter]; if (YES == [anAudio enabled]) { NSString *prefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Audio%d", counter + 1]; NSNumber *sampleRateToUse = (0 == [[[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSamplerate] intValue]) ? [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioInputSampleRate] : [[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSamplerate]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioTrackIndex] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Track"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioTrackName] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"TrackDescription"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio codec] objectForKey: keyAudioCodecName] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Encoder"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio mixdown] objectForKey: keyAudioMixdownName] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Mixdown"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSampleRateName] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Samplerate"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio bitRate] objectForKey: keyAudioBitrateName] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Bitrate"]]; [aDict setObject: [anAudio drc] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"TrackDRCSlider"]]; prefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"JobAudio%d", counter + 1]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio codec] objectForKey: keyAudioCodec] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Encoder"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio mixdown] objectForKey: keyAudioMixdown] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Mixdown"]]; [aDict setObject: sampleRateToUse forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Samplerate"]]; [aDict setObject: [[anAudio bitRate] objectForKey: keyAudioBitrate] forKey: [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"Bitrate"]]; } } return; } - (void) prepareAudioForJob: (hb_job_t *) aJob { unsigned int i; // First clear out any audio tracks in the job currently int audiotrack_count = hb_list_count(aJob->list_audio); for(i = 0; i < audiotrack_count; i++) { hb_audio_t *temp_audio = (hb_audio_t *) hb_list_item(aJob->list_audio, 0); hb_list_rem(aJob->list_audio, temp_audio); } // Now add audio tracks based on the current settings unsigned int audioArrayCount = [self countOfAudioArray]; for (i = 0; i < audioArrayCount; i++) { HBAudio *anAudio = [self objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: i]; if (YES == [anAudio enabled]) { NSNumber *sampleRateToUse = (0 == [[[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSamplerate] intValue]) ? [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioInputSampleRate] : [[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSamplerate]; hb_audio_config_t *audio = (hb_audio_config_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(*audio)); hb_audio_config_init(audio); audio->in.track = [[[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioTrackIndex] intValue] - 1; /* We go ahead and assign values to our audio->out. */ audio->out.track = audio->in.track; audio->out.codec = [[[anAudio codec] objectForKey: keyAudioCodec] intValue]; audio->out.mixdown = [[[anAudio mixdown] objectForKey: keyAudioMixdown] intValue]; audio->out.bitrate = [[[anAudio bitRate] objectForKey: keyAudioBitrate] intValue]; audio->out.samplerate = [sampleRateToUse intValue]; audio->out.dynamic_range_compression = [[anAudio drc] floatValue]; hb_audio_add(aJob, audio); free(audio); } } return; } - (void) prepareAudioForPreset: (NSMutableArray *) anArray { unsigned int audioArrayCount = [self countOfAudioArray]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < audioArrayCount; i++) { HBAudio *anAudio = [self objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: i]; if (YES == [anAudio enabled]) { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 7]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioTrackIndex] forKey: @"AudioTrack"]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio track] objectForKey: keyAudioTrackName] forKey: @"AudioTrackDescription"]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio codec] objectForKey: keyAudioCodecName] forKey: @"AudioEncoder"]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio mixdown] objectForKey: keyAudioMixdownName] forKey: @"AudioMixdown"]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio sampleRate] objectForKey: keyAudioSampleRateName] forKey: @"AudioSamplerate"]; [dict setObject: [[anAudio bitRate] objectForKey: keyAudioBitrateName] forKey: @"AudioBitrate"]; [dict setObject: [anAudio drc] forKey: @"AudioTrackDRCSlider"]; [anArray addObject: dict]; [dict release]; } } return; } - (void) addTracksFromQueue: (NSMutableDictionary *) aQueue { NSString *base; int value; int maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks = [HBController maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks]; // Reinitialize the configured list of audio tracks [audioArray release]; audioArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // The following is the pattern to follow, but with Audio%dTrack being the key to seek... // Can we assume that there will be no skip in the data? for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks; i++) { base = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Audio%d", i]; value = [[aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Track"]] intValue]; if (0 < value) { HBAudio *newAudio = [[HBAudio alloc] init]; [newAudio setController: self]; [self insertObject: newAudio inAudioArrayAtIndex: [self countOfAudioArray]]; [newAudio setVideoContainerTag: [self videoContainerTag]]; [newAudio setTrackFromIndex: value]; [newAudio setCodecFromName: [aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Encoder"]]]; [newAudio setMixdownFromName: [aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Mixdown"]]]; [newAudio setSampleRateFromName: [aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Samplerate"]]]; [newAudio setBitRateFromName: [aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Bitrate"]]]; [newAudio setDrc: [aQueue objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"TrackDRCSlider"]]]; [newAudio release]; } } [self switchingTrackFromNone: nil]; // see if we need to add one to the list return; } // This routine takes the preset and will return the value for the key AudioList // if it exists, otherwise it creates an array from the data in the present. - (NSArray *) _presetAudioArrayFromPreset: (NSMutableDictionary *) aPreset { NSArray *retval = [aPreset objectForKey: @"AudioList"]; if (nil == retval) { int maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks = [HBController maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks]; NSString *base; NSMutableArray *whatToUse = [NSMutableArray array]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks; i++) { base = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Audio%d", i]; if (nil != [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Track"]]) { [whatToUse addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Encoder"]], @"AudioEncoder", [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Mixdown"]], @"AudioMixdown", [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Samplerate"]], @"AudioSamplerate", [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"Bitrate"]], @"AudioBitrate", [aPreset objectForKey: [base stringByAppendingString: @"TrackDRCSlider"]], @"AudioTrackDRCSlider", nil]]; } } retval = whatToUse; } return retval; } // This uses the templateAudioArray from the preset to create the audios for the specified trackIndex - (void) _processPresetAudioArray: (NSArray *) templateAudioArray forTrack: (unsigned int) trackIndex andType: (int) aType { NSEnumerator *enumerator = [templateAudioArray objectEnumerator]; NSDictionary *dict; NSString *key; while (nil != (dict = [enumerator nextObject])) { HBAudio *newAudio = [[HBAudio alloc] init]; [newAudio setController: self]; [self insertObject: newAudio inAudioArrayAtIndex: [self countOfAudioArray]]; [newAudio setVideoContainerTag: [self videoContainerTag]]; [newAudio setTrackFromIndex: trackIndex]; key = [dict objectForKey: @"AudioEncoder"]; if (0 == aType && YES == [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"UseCoreAudio"] && YES == [key isEqualToString: @"AAC (faac)"] ) { key = @"AAC (CoreAudio)"; } // If our preset wants us to support a codec that the track does not support, instead // of changing the codec we remove the audio instead. if (YES == [newAudio setCodecFromName: key]) { [newAudio setMixdownFromName: [dict objectForKey: @"AudioMixdown"]]; [newAudio setSampleRateFromName: [dict objectForKey: @"AudioSamplerate"]]; [newAudio setBitRateFromName: [dict objectForKey: @"AudioBitrate"]]; [newAudio setDrc: [dict objectForKey: @"AudioTrackDRCSlider"]]; } else { [self removeObjectFromAudioArrayAtIndex: [self countOfAudioArray] - 1]; } [newAudio release]; } return; } - (void) addTracksFromPreset: (NSMutableDictionary *) aPreset { id whatToUse = [self _presetAudioArrayFromPreset: aPreset]; // Reinitialize the configured list of audio tracks [audioArray release]; audioArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [self _processPresetAudioArray: whatToUse forTrack: 1 andType: [[aPreset objectForKey: @"Type"] intValue]]; [self switchingTrackFromNone: nil]; // see if we need to add one to the list return; } - (void) addAllTracksFromPreset: (NSMutableDictionary *) aPreset { id whatToUse = [self _presetAudioArrayFromPreset: aPreset]; // Reinitialize the configured list of audio tracks [audioArray release]; audioArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < [masterTrackArray count]; i++) { [self _processPresetAudioArray: whatToUse forTrack: i andType: [[aPreset objectForKey: @"Type"] intValue]]; } [self switchingTrackFromNone: nil]; // see if we need to add one to the list return; return; } - (BOOL) anyCodecMatches: (int) aCodecValue { BOOL retval = NO; unsigned int audioArrayCount = [self countOfAudioArray]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < audioArrayCount && NO == retval; i++) { HBAudio *anAudio = [self objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: i]; if (YES == [anAudio enabled] && aCodecValue == [[[anAudio codec] objectForKey: keyAudioCodec] intValue]) { retval = YES; } } return retval; } - (void) addNewAudioTrack { HBAudio *newAudio = [[HBAudio alloc] init]; [newAudio setController: self]; [self insertObject: newAudio inAudioArrayAtIndex: [self countOfAudioArray]]; [newAudio setVideoContainerTag: [self videoContainerTag]]; [newAudio setTrack: noneTrack]; [newAudio setDrc: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.0]]; [newAudio release]; return; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Notification Handling - (void) settingTrackToNone: (HBAudio *) newNoneTrack { // If this is not the last track in the array we need to remove it. We then need to see if a new // one needs to be added (in the case when we were at maximum count and this switching makes it // so we are no longer at maximum. unsigned int index = [audioArray indexOfObject: newNoneTrack]; if (NSNotFound != index && index < [self countOfAudioArray] - 1) { [self removeObjectFromAudioArrayAtIndex: index]; } [self switchingTrackFromNone: nil]; // see if we need to add one to the list return; } - (void) switchingTrackFromNone: (HBAudio *) noLongerNoneTrack { int count = [self countOfAudioArray]; BOOL needToAdd = NO; int maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks = [HBController maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks]; // If there is no last track that is None and we are less than our maximum number of permitted tracks, we add one. if (count < maximumNumberOfAllowedAudioTracks) { if (0 < count) { HBAudio *lastAudio = [self objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: count - 1]; if (YES == [lastAudio enabled]) { needToAdd = YES; } } else { needToAdd = YES; } } if (YES == needToAdd) { [self addNewAudioTrack]; } return; } // This gets called whenever the video container changes. - (void) containerChanged: (NSNotification *) aNotification { NSDictionary *notDict = [aNotification userInfo]; [self setVideoContainerTag: [notDict objectForKey: keyContainerTag]]; // Update each of the instances because this value influences possible settings. NSEnumerator *enumerator = [audioArray objectEnumerator]; HBAudio *audioObject; while (nil != (audioObject = [enumerator nextObject])) { [audioObject setVideoContainerTag: [self videoContainerTag]]; } return; } - (void) titleChanged: (NSNotification *) aNotification { NSDictionary *notDict = [aNotification userInfo]; NSData *theData = [notDict objectForKey: keyTitleTag]; hb_title_t *title = NULL; [theData getBytes: &title length: sizeof(title)]; if (title) { hb_audio_config_t *audio; hb_list_t *list = title->list_audio; int i, count = hb_list_count(list); // Reinitialize the master list of available audio tracks from this title [masterTrackArray release]; masterTrackArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [noneTrack release]; noneTrack = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0], keyAudioTrackIndex, NSLocalizedString(@"None", @"None"), keyAudioTrackName, [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0], keyAudioInputCodec, nil] retain]; [masterTrackArray addObject: noneTrack]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { audio = (hb_audio_config_t *) hb_list_audio_config_item(list, i); [masterTrackArray addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt: i + 1], keyAudioTrackIndex, [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d: %s", i, audio->lang.description], keyAudioTrackName, [NSNumber numberWithInt: audio->in.bitrate / 1000], keyAudioInputBitrate, [NSNumber numberWithInt: audio->in.samplerate], keyAudioInputSampleRate, [NSNumber numberWithInt: audio->in.codec], keyAudioInputCodec, [NSNumber numberWithInt: audio->in.channel_layout], keyAudioInputChannelLayout, nil]]; } } // Reinitialize the configured list of audio tracks [audioArray release]; audioArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; return; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark KVC - (unsigned int) countOfAudioArray { return [audioArray count]; } - (HBAudio *) objectInAudioArrayAtIndex: (unsigned int) index { return [audioArray objectAtIndex: index]; } - (void) insertObject: (HBAudio *) audioObject inAudioArrayAtIndex: (unsigned int) index; { [audioArray insertObject: audioObject atIndex: index]; return; } - (void) removeObjectFromAudioArrayAtIndex: (unsigned int) index { [audioArray removeObjectAtIndex: index]; return; } @end