# Contrib Makefile SYSTEM = $(shell uname -s) # Special case for Mac OS X: everything is handled from the Xcode project ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) all: ( echo "MacOs X doesn't use this makefile, to build the contrib please use ../jam" ; false ) endif ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Linux) all: .contrib .contrib: ( cd .. ; ./configure ; cd contrib ; cp -f ../config.jam . ; jam ) clean: ( echo "Do a make mrproper to remove the contrib libraries ) mrproper: (rm -rf lib ; rm -rf include ) endif ifeq ($(findstring CYGWIN_NT,$(SYSTEM)),CYGWIN_NT) all: .contrib .contrib: ( cd .. ; ./configure ; cd contrib ; cp -f ../config.jam . ; jam.exe ) clean: ( echo "Do a make mrproper to remove the contrib libraries ) mrproper: clean (rm -rf lib ; rm -rf include ; rm -f .contrib) endif