# $Id: Jamrules,v 1.59 2005/11/04 16:06:21 titer Exp $ # # This file is part of the HandBrake source code. # Homepage: . # It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. include config.jam ; if ! $(DEFINES) { Exit "Please run ./configure first." ; } # This line needs to be manually bumped for each release. HB_VERSION = 0.9.3 ; # If the user configured with the --snapshot argument, # generate version and build numbers that include # the svn revision and are marked as unstable. if $(SNAPSHOT) = 1 { HB_VERSION = "$(HB_VERSION)svn$(SVN_REV)" ; HB_BUILD = "$(BUILD_DATE)01" ; } else { HB_BUILD = "$(BUILD_DATE)00" ; } DEFINES += HB_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" HB_BUILD=$(HB_BUILD) ; LANGUAGES = fr de it pl ru nl es pt ja ; RM = rm -rf ; # Build HandBrake.app using Xcode -- # Getting the right version and build numbers # requires editing the .plist and specifying # extra CFLAGs. rule OSXApp { Depends exe : $(<) ; Depends $(<) : $(>) ; Clean clean : $(1) macosx/build ; } actions OSXApp { $(RM) $(<) macosx/build/HandBrake.app && \ ( cd macosx && \ defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleGetInfoString '"$(HB_VERSION)"' &&\ defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleShortVersionString '"$(HB_VERSION)"' &&\ defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleVersion '"$(HB_BUILD)"' &&\ plutil -convert xml1 "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake.plist &&\ xcodebuild OTHER_CFLAGS_QUOTED_1="-g -HB_BUILD="$(HB_BUILD)" -HB_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" -DHB_BUILD="$(HB_BUILD)" -DHB_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" -CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" " -target libhb -target HandBrake -target HandBrakeCLI ) && \ for i in $(LANGUAGES) ; do \ ( cd $(<)/Contents/Resources && \ cp -r English.lproj $i.lproj && \ cp ../../../macosx/i18n/$i.strings \ $i.lproj/Localizable.strings ) \ done ; } rule OSXPackage { Depends $(<) : $(>) ; } actions OSXPackage { rm -rf $(<) "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ mkdir "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ cp AUTHORS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/AUTHORS.txt" && \ cp COPYING "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/COPYING.txt" && \ cp CREDITS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/CREDITS.txt" && \ cp THANKS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/THANKS.txt" && \ ( echo "[InternetShortcut]" && \ echo "URL=http://handbrake.m0k.org/" ) > \ "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/HandBrake Homepage.url" && \ ( echo "[InternetShortcut]" && \ echo "URL=http://handbrake.m0k.org/forum/" ) > \ "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/HandBrake Forums.url" && \ ( echo "[InternetShortcut]" && \ echo "URL=http://handbrake.m0k.org/contribute.php" ) > \ "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/Contribute.url" && \ cp -r HandBrake.app "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ zip -9 -r $(<) "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ rm -rf "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" } rule BeOSPackage { Depends $(<) : $(>) ; BuildBeOSPackage $(<) ; } actions BuildBeOSPackage { rm -rf $(<) "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ mkdir "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ cp AUTHORS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/AUTHORS.txt" && \ cp COPYING "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/COPYING.txt" && \ cp CREDITS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/CREDITS.txt" && \ cp THANKS "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)/THANKS.txt" && \ xres -o HandBrake beos/HandBrake.rsrc && \ cp HandBrake "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ zip -9 -r $(<) "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" && \ rm -rf "HandBrake $(HB_VERSION)" }