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[psychlops/cpp.git] / win32gl / package / trunk / CB10.05 / Program Files / Codeblocks / share / CodeBlocks / templates / wizard / config.script
1 /*\r
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3\r
3  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html\r
4  *\r
5  * $Revision$\r
6  * $Id$\r
7  * $HeadURL$\r
8  */\r
9 \r
10 //\r
11 // Main wizards configuration script.\r
12 // Here, we register all the available wizards.\r
13 //\r
14 \r
15 function RegisterWizards()\r
16 {\r
17     //\r
18     // project wizards\r
19     //\r
20     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("empty"),        _T("Empty project"),         _T("Console"));\r
21     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("PsychlopsGL"),  _T("Psychlops application"), _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
22     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("console"),      _T("Console application"),   _T("Console"));\r
23     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("d"),            _T("D application"),         _T("D language"));\r
24     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
25     {\r
26         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("directx"),      _T("Direct/X project"),      _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
27         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("dll"),          _T("Dynamic Link Library"),  _T("Console"));\r
28         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("sys"),          _T("Kernel Mode Driver"),    _T("Native"));\r
29     }\r
30     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("fltk"),         _T("FLTK project"),          _T("GUI"));\r
31     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("glfw"),         _T("GLFW project"),          _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
32     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("glut"),         _T("GLUT project"),          _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
33     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("gtk"),          _T("GTK+ project"),          _T("GUI"));\r
34     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("irrlicht"),     _T("Irrlicht project"),      _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
35     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("lf"),           _T("Lightfeather project"),  _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
36     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
37         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("matlab_csf"),   _T("Matlab project"),        _T("Console"));\r
38     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("opengl"),       _T("OpenGL project"),        _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
39     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("ogre"),         _T("Ogre project"),          _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
40     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("plugins"),      _T("Code::Blocks plugin"),   _T("Code::Blocks"));\r
41     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("qt4"),          _T("QT4 project"),           _T("GUI"));\r
42     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("sdl"),          _T("SDL project"),           _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
43     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("sfml"),         _T("SFML project"),          _T("2D/3D Graphics"));\r
44     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
45         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("smartwin"),     _T("SmartWin project"),      _T("GUI"));\r
46     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("staticlib"),    _T("Static library"),        _T("Console"));\r
47     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
48         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("stlport"),      _T("STL port application"),  _T("Console"));\r
49     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("sharedlib"),    _T("Shared library"),        _T("Console"));\r
50     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
51         RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("win32gui"),     _T("Win32 GUI project"),     _T("GUI"));\r
52     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("wxwidgets"),    _T("wxWidgets project"),     _T("GUI"));\r
53 \r
54     //\r
55     // build target wizards\r
56     //\r
57     RegisterWizard(wizTarget,      _T("console"),      _T("Console"),               _T("Console"));\r
58     RegisterWizard(wizTarget,      _T("staticlib"),    _T("Static library"),        _T("Console"));\r
59     if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW)\r
60         RegisterWizard(wizTarget,  _T("dll"),          _T("Dynamic Link Library"),  _T("Console"));\r
61     RegisterWizard(wizTarget,      _T("wxwidgets"),    _T("wxWidgets"),             _T("GUI"));\r
62 \r
63     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("arm"),          _T("ARM Project"),           _T("Embedded Systems"));\r
64     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("avr"),          _T("AVR Project"),           _T("Embedded Systems"));\r
65     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("tricore"),      _T("TriCore Project"),       _T("Embedded Systems"));\r
66     RegisterWizard(wizProject,     _T("ppc"),          _T("PowerPC Project"),       _T("Embedded Systems"));\r
67     //\r
68     // file wizards\r
69     //\r
70     RegisterWizard(wizFiles,       _T("empty_file"),   _T("Empty file"),            _T("C/C++"));\r
71     RegisterWizard(wizFiles,       _T("c_file"),       _T("C/C++ source"),          _T("C/C++"));\r
72     RegisterWizard(wizFiles,       _T("h_file"),       _T("C/C++ header"),          _T("C/C++"));\r
73 }\r
74 \r
75 function RegisterWizard(type, folder, title, category)\r
76 {\r
77     // syntax:\r
78     // AddWizard(type, title, category, script, template_png, wizard_png, xrc)\r
79 \r
80     Wizard.AddWizard(type,\r
81                      title,\r
82                      category,\r
83                      folder + _T("/wizard.script"),\r
84                      folder + _T("/logo.png"),\r
85                      folder + _T("/wizard.png"),\r
86                      folder + _T("/wizard.xrc"));\r
87 }\r