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[handbrake-jp/handbrake-jp-git.git] / win / C# / frmQueue.cs
1 /*  frmQueue.cs $\r
2         \r
3            This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
4            Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr>.\r
5            It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
6 \r
7 using System;\r
8 using System.Collections.Generic;\r
9 using System.Collections;\r
10 using System.ComponentModel;\r
11 using System.Data;\r
12 using System.Drawing;\r
13 using System.Text;\r
14 using System.Windows.Forms;\r
15 using System.Threading;\r
16 using System.Diagnostics;\r
17 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r
18 using System.IO;\r
19 \r
20 namespace Handbrake\r
21 {\r
22     public partial class frmQueue : Form\r
23     {\r
24         private delegate void ProgressUpdateHandler();\r
25         private delegate void setEncoding();\r
26         Functions.Encode cliObj = new Functions.Encode();\r
27         Boolean cancel = false;\r
28         Process hbProc = null;\r
29         Functions.Queue queue;\r
30         frmMain mainWindow = null;\r
31 \r
32         public frmQueue(frmMain main)\r
33         {\r
34             InitializeComponent();\r
35             mainWindow = main;\r
36         }\r
37 \r
38         /// <summary>\r
39         /// Initializes the Queue list with the Arraylist from the Queue class\r
40         /// </summary>\r
41         /// <param name="qw"></param>\r
42         public void setQueue(Functions.Queue qw)\r
43         {\r
44             queue = qw;\r
45             redrawQueue();\r
46             lbl_encodesPending.Text = list_queue.Items.Count + " encode(s) pending";\r
47         }\r
48 \r
49         /// <summary>\r
50         /// Returns if there is currently an item being encoded by the queue\r
51         /// </summary>\r
52         /// <returns>Boolean true if encoding</returns>\r
53         public Boolean isEncoding()\r
54         {\r
55             if (hbProc == null)\r
56                 return false;\r
57             else\r
58                 return true;\r
59         }\r
60 \r
61         // Redraw's the queue with the latest data from the Queue class\r
62         private void redrawQueue()\r
63         {\r
64             list_queue.Items.Clear();\r
65             ArrayList theQueue = queue.getQueue();\r
66             foreach (ArrayList queue_item in theQueue)\r
67             {\r
68                 string q_item = queue_item[1].ToString();\r
69                 Functions.QueryParser parsed = Functions.QueryParser.Parse(q_item);\r
70 \r
71                 // Get the DVD Title\r
72                 string title = "";\r
73                 if (parsed.DVDTitle == 0)\r
74                     title = "Auto";\r
75                 else\r
76                     title = parsed.DVDTitle.ToString();\r
77 \r
78                 // Get the DVD Chapters\r
79                 string chapters = "";\r
80                 if (parsed.DVDChapterStart == 0)\r
81                     chapters = "Auto";\r
82                 else\r
83                 {\r
84                     chapters = parsed.DVDChapterStart.ToString();\r
85                     if (parsed.DVDChapterFinish != 0)\r
86                         chapters = chapters + " - " + parsed.DVDChapterFinish;\r
87                 }\r
88 \r
89                 ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();\r
90                 item.Text = title; // Title\r
91                 item.SubItems.Add(chapters); // Chapters\r
92                 item.SubItems.Add(parsed.Source); // Source\r
93                 item.SubItems.Add(parsed.Destination); // Destination\r
94                 item.SubItems.Add(parsed.VideoEncoder); // Video\r
95                 item.SubItems.Add(parsed.AudioEncoder1); // Audio\r
96 \r
97                 list_queue.Items.Add(item);\r
98             }\r
99         }\r
100 \r
101         // Initializes the encode process\r
102         private void btn_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
103         {\r
104             mainWindow.setLastAction("encode");\r
105             \r
106             if (queue.count() != 0)\r
107             {\r
108                 btn_encode.Enabled = false;\r
109             }\r
110             cancel = false;\r
111 \r
112             // Start the encode\r
113             try\r
114             {\r
115                 if (queue.count() != 0)\r
116                 {\r
117                     // Setup or reset some values\r
118                     btn_stop.Visible = true;\r
119                     progressBar.Value = 0;\r
120                     lbl_progressValue.Text = "0 %";\r
121                     progressBar.Step = 100 / queue.count();\r
122                     Thread theQ = new Thread(startProc);\r
123                     theQ.IsBackground = true;\r
124                     theQ.Start();\r
125                 }\r
126             }\r
127             catch (Exception exc)\r
128             {\r
129                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
130             }\r
131         }\r
132 \r
133         // Starts the encoding process\r
134         private void startProc(object state)\r
135         {\r
136             try\r
137             {\r
138                 // Run through each item on the queue\r
139                 while (queue.count() != 0)\r
140                 {\r
141                     string query = queue.getNextItemForEncoding();\r
142                     queue.write2disk("hb_queue_recovery.dat"); // Update the queue recovery file\r
143 \r
144                     setEncValue();\r
145                     updateUIElements();\r
146 \r
147                     hbProc = cliObj.runCli(this, query);\r
148 \r
149                     hbProc.WaitForExit();\r
150                     cliObj.addCLIQueryToLog(query);\r
151                     cliObj.copyLog(query);\r
152 \r
153                     hbProc.Close();\r
154                     hbProc.Dispose();\r
155                     hbProc = null;\r
156                     query = "";\r
157 \r
158                     if (cancel == true)\r
159                     {\r
160                         break;\r
161                     }\r
162                 }\r
163 \r
164                 resetQueue();\r
165 \r
166                 // After the encode is done, we may want to shutdown, suspend etc.\r
167                 cliObj.afterEncodeAction();\r
168             }\r
169             catch (Exception exc)\r
170             {\r
171                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
172             }\r
173         }\r
174 \r
175         // Reset's the window to the default state.\r
176         private void resetQueue()\r
177         {\r
178             try\r
179             {\r
180                 if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
181                 {\r
182                     this.BeginInvoke(new ProgressUpdateHandler(resetQueue));\r
183                     return;\r
184 \r
185                 }\r
186                 btn_stop.Visible = false;\r
187                 btn_encode.Enabled = true;\r
188 \r
189                 if (cancel == true)\r
190                 {\r
191                     lbl_progressValue.Text = "Encode Queue Cancelled!";\r
192                 }\r
193                 else\r
194                 {\r
195                     lbl_progressValue.Text = "Encode Queue Completed!";\r
196                 }\r
197 \r
198                 progressBar.Value = 0;\r
199 \r
200                 lbl_source.Text = "-";\r
201                 lbl_dest.Text = "-";\r
202                 lbl_vEnc.Text = "-";\r
203                 lbl_aEnc.Text = "-";\r
204                 lbl_title.Text = "-";\r
205                 lbl_chapt.Text = "-";\r
206 \r
207                 lbl_encodesPending.Text = list_queue.Items.Count + " encode(s) pending";\r
208             }\r
209             catch (Exception exc)\r
210             {\r
211                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
212             }\r
213         }\r
214 \r
215         // Stop's the queue from continuing. \r
216         private void btn_stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
217         {\r
218             cancel = true;\r
219             btn_stop.Visible = false;\r
220             btn_encode.Enabled = true;\r
221             MessageBox.Show("No further items on the queue will start. The current encode process will continue until it is finished. \nClick 'Encode Video' when you wish to continue encoding the queue.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
222         }\r
223 \r
224         // Updates the progress bar and progress label for a new status.\r
225         private void updateUIElements()\r
226         {\r
227             try\r
228             {\r
229                 if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
230                 {\r
231                     this.BeginInvoke(new ProgressUpdateHandler(updateUIElements));\r
232                     return;\r
233                 }\r
234 \r
235                 redrawQueue();\r
236 \r
237                 progressBar.PerformStep();\r
238                 lbl_progressValue.Text = string.Format("{0} %", progressBar.Value);\r
239                 lbl_encodesPending.Text = list_queue.Items.Count + " encode(s) pending";\r
240             }\r
241             catch (Exception exc)\r
242             {\r
243                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
244             }\r
245         }\r
246 \r
247         // Set's the information lables about the current encode.\r
248         private void setEncValue()\r
249         {\r
250             try\r
251             {\r
252                 if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
253                 {\r
254                     this.BeginInvoke(new setEncoding(setEncValue));\r
255                 }\r
256 \r
257                 // found query is a global varible\r
258                 Functions.QueryParser parsed = Functions.QueryParser.Parse(queue.getLastQuery());\r
259                 lbl_source.Text = parsed.Source;\r
260                 lbl_dest.Text = parsed.Destination;\r
261 \r
262 \r
263                 if (parsed.DVDTitle == 0)\r
264                     lbl_title.Text = "Auto";\r
265                 else\r
266                     lbl_title.Text = parsed.DVDTitle.ToString();\r
267 \r
268                 string chapters = "";\r
269                 if (parsed.DVDChapterStart == 0)\r
270                 {\r
271                     lbl_chapt.Text = "Auto";\r
272                 }\r
273                 else\r
274                 {\r
275                     chapters = parsed.DVDChapterStart.ToString();\r
276                     if (parsed.DVDChapterFinish != 0)\r
277                         chapters = chapters + " - " + parsed.DVDChapterFinish;\r
278                     lbl_chapt.Text = chapters;\r
279                 }\r
280 \r
281                 lbl_vEnc.Text = parsed.VideoEncoder;\r
282                 lbl_aEnc.Text = parsed.AudioEncoder1;\r
283             }\r
284             catch (Exception)\r
285             {\r
286                 // Do Nothing\r
287             }\r
288         }\r
289 \r
290         // Move an item up the Queue\r
291         private void btn_up_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
292         {\r
293             if (list_queue.SelectedIndices.Count != 0)\r
294             {\r
295                 int selected = list_queue.SelectedIndices[0];\r
296 \r
297                 queue.moveUp(selected);\r
298                 queue.write2disk("hb_queue_recovery.dat"); // Update the queue recovery file\r
299                 redrawQueue();\r
300 \r
301                 if (selected - 1 > 0) \r
302                     list_queue.Items[selected -1].Selected = true;\r
303 \r
304                 list_queue.Select();\r
305             }\r
306         }\r
307 \r
308         // Move an item down the Queue\r
309         private void btn_down_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
310         {\r
311             if (list_queue.SelectedIndices.Count != 0)\r
312             {\r
313                 int selected = list_queue.SelectedIndices[0];\r
314 \r
315                 queue.moveDown(list_queue.SelectedIndices[0]);\r
316                 queue.write2disk("hb_queue_recovery.dat"); // Update the queue recovery file\r
317                 redrawQueue();\r
318 \r
319                 if (selected +1 < list_queue.Items.Count) \r
320                     list_queue.Items[selected + 1].Selected = true;\r
321 \r
322                 list_queue.Select();\r
323             }\r
324         }\r
325 \r
326         // Remove an item from the queue\r
327         private void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
328         {\r
329             if (list_queue.SelectedIndices.Count != 0)\r
330             {\r
331                 queue.remove(list_queue.SelectedIndices[0]);\r
332                 queue.write2disk("hb_queue_recovery.dat"); // Update the queue recovery file\r
333                 redrawQueue();\r
334                 lbl_encodesPending.Text = list_queue.Items.Count + " encode(s) pending";\r
335             }\r
336         }\r
337 \r
338         // Generate a Saveable batch script on the users request\r
339         private void mnu_batch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
340         {\r
341             SaveFile.FileName = "";\r
342             SaveFile.Filter = "Batch|.bat";\r
343             SaveFile.ShowDialog();\r
344             if (SaveFile.FileName != String.Empty)\r
345                 queue.writeBatchScript(SaveFile.FileName);\r
346         }\r
347 \r
348         // Export the HandBrake Queue to a file.\r
349         private void mnu_export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
350         {\r
351             SaveFile.FileName = "";\r
352             SaveFile.Filter = "HandBrake Queue|*.queue";\r
353             SaveFile.ShowDialog();\r
354             if (SaveFile.FileName != String.Empty)\r
355                 queue.write2disk(SaveFile.FileName);\r
356         }\r
357 \r
358         // Import an exported queue\r
359         private void mnu_import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
360         {\r
361             OpenFile.FileName = "";\r
362             OpenFile.ShowDialog();\r
363             if (OpenFile.FileName != String.Empty)\r
364                 queue.recoverQueue(OpenFile.FileName);\r
365             redrawQueue();\r
366         }\r
367 \r
368         // Delete a selected item on the queue, if the delete key is pressed.\r
369         private void list_queue_deleteKey(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)\r
370         {\r
371             if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete)\r
372             {\r
373                 if (list_queue.SelectedIndices.Count != 0)\r
374                 {\r
375                     queue.remove(list_queue.SelectedIndices[0]);\r
376                     queue.write2disk("hb_queue_recovery.dat"); // Update the queue recovery file\r
377                     redrawQueue();\r
378                 }\r
379             }\r
380         }\r
381 \r
382         // Hide's the window from the users view.\r
383         private void btn_Close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
384         {\r
385             this.Hide();\r
386         }\r
387 \r
388         // Hide's the window when the user tries to "x" out of the window instead of closing it.\r
389         protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)\r
390         {\r
391             e.Cancel = true;\r
392             this.Hide();\r
393             base.OnClosing(e);\r
394         }\r
395 \r
396 \r
397     }\r
398 }