OSDN Git Service

[handbrake-jp/handbrake-jp-git.git] / win / C# / frmMain / QueryGenerator.cs
1 /*  QueryGenerator.cs $\r
2         \r
3            This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
4            Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.\r
5            It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
6 \r
7 using System;\r
8 using System.Text;\r
9 using System.Windows.Forms;\r
10 using System.Globalization;\r
11 using System.IO;\r
12 using System.Collections.Generic;\r
13 \r
14 namespace Handbrake\r
15 {\r
16     class QueryGenerator\r
17     {\r
18         /// <summary>\r
19         /// Generates a CLI query based on the GUI widgets.\r
20         /// </summary>\r
21         /// <param name="mainWindow"></param>\r
22         /// <returns>The CLI String</returns>\r
23         public string GenerateTheQuery(frmMain mainWindow)\r
24         {\r
25             // Source tab\r
26             string query = "";\r
27 \r
28             if ((mainWindow.text_source.Text != "") && (mainWindow.text_source.Text.Trim() != "Click 'Source' to continue"))\r
29                 query = " -i " + '"' + mainWindow.text_source.Text + '"';\r
30 \r
31             if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic")\r
32             {\r
33                 string[] titleInfo = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(' ');\r
34                 query += " -t " + titleInfo[0];\r
35             }\r
36 \r
37             if (mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text == mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text && mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto")\r
38                 query += " -c " + mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text;\r
39             else if (mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text == "Auto" && mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto")\r
40                 query += " -c " + "0-" + mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text;\r
41             else if (mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto" && mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto")\r
42                 query += " -c " + mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text + "-" + mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text;\r
43 \r
44             // Destination tab\r
45             if (mainWindow.text_destination.Text != "")\r
46                 query += " -o " + '"' + mainWindow.text_destination.Text + '"';\r
47 \r
48             query += generateTabbedComponentsQuery(mainWindow);\r
49             return query;\r
50         }\r
51 \r
52         /// <summary>\r
53         /// Generates a CLI query for the preview function.\r
54         /// This basically forces a shortened version of the encdode.\r
55         /// </summary>\r
56         /// <param name="mainWindow"></param>\r
57         /// <param name="duration">Duration</param>\r
58         /// <param name="preview">Start at preview</param>\r
59         /// <returns>Returns a CLI query String.</returns>\r
60         public string GeneratePreviewQuery(frmMain mainWindow, string duration, string preview)\r
61         {\r
62             int seconds;\r
63             int.TryParse(duration, out seconds);\r
64 \r
65             // Source tab\r
66             string query = "";\r
67 \r
68             if ((mainWindow.text_source.Text != "") && (mainWindow.text_source.Text.Trim() != "Click 'Source' to continue"))\r
69                 query = " -i " + '"' + mainWindow.text_source.Text + '"';\r
70 \r
71             if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic")\r
72             {\r
73                 string[] titleInfo = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(' ');\r
74                 query += " -t " + titleInfo[0];\r
75             }\r
76 \r
77             query += " --start-at-preview " + preview;\r
78             query += " --stop-at duration:" + duration + " ";\r
79 \r
80             // Destination tab\r
81             if (mainWindow.text_destination.Text != "")\r
82                 query += " -o " + '"' + mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Replace(".m", "_sample.m") + '"';\r
83 \r
84             query += generateTabbedComponentsQuery(mainWindow);\r
85             return query;\r
86         }\r
87 \r
88         /// <summary>\r
89         /// Generates part of the CLI query, for the tabbed components only.\r
90         /// </summary>\r
91         /// <param name="mainWindow"></param>\r
92         /// <returns></returns>\r
93         public string generateTabbedComponentsQuery(frmMain mainWindow)\r
94         {\r
95             string query = "";\r
96 \r
97             #region Output Settings Box\r
98             query += " -f " + mainWindow.drop_format.Text.ToLower().Replace(" file", "");\r
99 \r
100             // These are output settings features\r
101             if (mainWindow.check_largeFile.Checked)\r
102                 query += " -4 ";\r
103 \r
104             if (mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.Checked)\r
105                 query += " -I ";\r
106 \r
107             if (mainWindow.check_optimiseMP4.Checked)\r
108                 query += " -O ";\r
109             #endregion\r
110 \r
111             #region Picture Settings Tab\r
112 \r
113             // Use MaxWidth for built-in presets and width for user settings.\r
114             if (mainWindow.maxWidth == 0)\r
115             {\r
116 \r
117                 if (mainWindow.text_width.Text != "")\r
118                     query += " -w " + mainWindow.text_width.Text;\r
119             }\r
120             else\r
121             {\r
122                 if (mainWindow.text_width.Text != "")\r
123                     query += " -X " + mainWindow.text_width.Text;\r
124             }\r
125 \r
126             // Use MaxHeight for built-in presets and height for user settings.\r
127             if (mainWindow.maxHeight == 0)\r
128             {\r
129                 if (mainWindow.text_height.Text != "")\r
130                     query += " -l " + mainWindow.text_height.Text;\r
131             }\r
132             else\r
133             {\r
134                 if (mainWindow.text_height.Text != "")\r
135                     query += " -Y " + mainWindow.text_height.Text;\r
136             }\r
137 \r
138             string cropTop = mainWindow.text_top.Text;\r
139             string cropBottom = mainWindow.text_bottom.Text;\r
140             string cropLeft = mainWindow.text_left.Text;\r
141             string cropRight = mainWindow.text_right.Text;\r
142 \r
143             if (mainWindow.check_customCrop.Checked)\r
144             {\r
145                 if (mainWindow.text_top.Text == string.Empty)\r
146                     cropTop = "0";\r
147                 if (mainWindow.text_bottom.Text == string.Empty)\r
148                     cropBottom = "0";\r
149                 if (mainWindow.text_left.Text == string.Empty)\r
150                     cropLeft = "0";\r
151                 if (mainWindow.text_right.Text == string.Empty)\r
152                     cropRight = "0";\r
153 \r
154                 query += " --crop " + cropTop + ":" + cropBottom + ":" + cropLeft + ":" + cropRight;\r
155             }\r
156 \r
157             if (mainWindow.drp_anamorphic.SelectedIndex == 1)\r
158                 query += " -p ";\r
159             else if (mainWindow.drp_anamorphic.SelectedIndex == 2)\r
160                 query += " -P ";\r
161 \r
162             if (mainWindow.slider_deblock.Value != 4)\r
163                 query += " --deblock=" + mainWindow.slider_deblock.Value;\r
164 \r
165             \r
166             #endregion\r
167 \r
168             #region Filters\r
169             query += mainWindow.ctl_detelecine.getCLIQuery;\r
170             query += mainWindow.ctl_decomb.getCLIQuery;\r
171             query += mainWindow.ctl_deinterlace.getCLIQuery;\r
172             query += mainWindow.ctl_denoise.getCLIQuery;\r
173             #endregion\r
174 \r
175             #region Video Settings Tab\r
176 \r
177             switch (mainWindow.drp_videoEncoder.Text)\r
178             {\r
179                 case "MPEG-4 (FFmpeg)":\r
180                     query += " -e ffmpeg";\r
181                     break;\r
182                 case "H.264 (x264)":\r
183                     query += " -e x264";\r
184                     break;\r
185                 case "VP3 (Theora)":\r
186                     query += " -e theora";\r
187                     break;\r
188                 default:\r
189                     query += " -e x264";\r
190                     break;\r
191             }\r
192 \r
193             if (mainWindow.check_grayscale.Checked)\r
194                 query += " -g ";\r
195 \r
196             // Video Settings\r
197             if (mainWindow.radio_avgBitrate.Checked)\r
198                 query += " -b " + mainWindow.text_bitrate.Text;\r
199 \r
200             if (mainWindow.radio_targetFilesize.Checked)\r
201                 query += " -S " + mainWindow.text_filesize.Text;\r
202 \r
203             // Video Quality Setting\r
204             if (mainWindow.radio_cq.Checked)\r
205             {\r
206                 double value;\r
207                 switch (mainWindow.drp_videoEncoder.Text)\r
208                 {\r
209                     case "MPEG-4 (FFmpeg)":\r
210                         value = 31 - (mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value -1);\r
211                         query += " -q " + value.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));\r
212                         break;\r
213                     case "H.264 (x264)":\r
214                         double divided;\r
215                         CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");\r
216                         double.TryParse(Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep,\r
217                                         NumberStyles.Number,\r
218                                         culture,\r
219                                         out divided);\r
220                         value = 51 - mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value * divided;\r
221                         value = Math.Round(value, 2);\r
222                         query += " -q " + value.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));\r
223                         break;\r
224                     case "VP3 (Theora)":\r
225                         value = mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value;\r
226                         query += " -q " + value.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));\r
227                         break;\r
228                 } \r
229             }     \r
230 \r
231             if (mainWindow.check_2PassEncode.Checked)\r
232                 query += " -2 ";\r
233 \r
234             if (mainWindow.check_turbo.Checked)\r
235                 query += " -T ";\r
236 \r
237             if (mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text != "Same as source")\r
238                 query += " -r " + mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text;\r
239             #endregion\r
240 \r
241             #region Audio Settings Tab\r
242 \r
243             ListView audioTracks = mainWindow.lv_audioList;\r
244             List<string> tracks = new List<string>();\r
245             List<string> codecs = new List<string>();\r
246             List<string> mixdowns = new List<string>();\r
247             List<string> samplerates = new List<string>();\r
248             List<string> bitrates = new List<string>();\r
249             List<string> drcs = new List<string>();\r
250 \r
251             // No Audio\r
252             if (audioTracks.Items.Count == 0)\r
253                 query += " -a none ";\r
254 \r
255             // Gather information about each audio track and store them in the declared lists.\r
256             foreach (ListViewItem row in audioTracks.Items)\r
257             {\r
258                 // Audio Track (-a)\r
259                 if (row.Text == "Automatic")\r
260                     tracks.Add("1");\r
261                 else if (row.Text != "None")\r
262                 {\r
263                     string[] tempSub = row.Text.Split(' ');\r
264                     tracks.Add(tempSub[0]);\r
265                 }\r
266 \r
267                 // Audio Codec (-E)\r
268                 if (row.SubItems[1].Text != String.Empty)\r
269                     codecs.Add(getAudioEncoder(row.SubItems[1].Text));\r
270 \r
271                 // Audio Mixdown (-6)\r
272                 if (row.SubItems[2].Text != String.Empty)\r
273                     mixdowns.Add(getMixDown(row.SubItems[2].Text));\r
274 \r
275                 // Sample Rate (-R)\r
276                 if (row.SubItems[3].Text != String.Empty)\r
277                     samplerates.Add(row.SubItems[3].Text.Replace("Auto", "0"));\r
278 \r
279                 // Audio Bitrate (-B)\r
280                 if (row.SubItems[4].Text != String.Empty)\r
281                     bitrates.Add(row.SubItems[4].Text.Replace("Auto", "0"));\r
282 \r
283                 // DRC (-D)\r
284                 if (row.SubItems[5].Text != String.Empty)\r
285                     drcs.Add(row.SubItems[5].Text);\r
286             }\r
287 \r
288             // Audio Track (-a)\r
289             String audioItems = "";\r
290             Boolean firstLoop = true;\r
291 \r
292             foreach (String item in tracks)\r
293             {\r
294                 if (firstLoop)\r
295                 {\r
296                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
297                 }\r
298                 else\r
299                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
300             }\r
301             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
302                 query += " -a " + audioItems;\r
303             firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass.\r
304 \r
305             // Audio Codec (-E)\r
306             foreach (String item in codecs)\r
307             {\r
308                 if (firstLoop)\r
309                 {\r
310                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
311                 }\r
312                 else\r
313                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
314             }\r
315             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
316                 query += " -E " + audioItems;\r
317             firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass.\r
318 \r
319             // Audio Mixdown (-6)\r
320             foreach (String item in mixdowns)\r
321             {\r
322                 if (firstLoop)\r
323                 {\r
324                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
325                 }\r
326                 else\r
327                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
328             }\r
329             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
330                 query += " -6 " + audioItems;\r
331             firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass.\r
332 \r
333             // Sample Rate (-R)\r
334             foreach (String item in samplerates)\r
335             {\r
336                 if (firstLoop)\r
337                 {\r
338                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
339                 }\r
340                 else\r
341                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
342             }\r
343             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
344                 query += " -R " + audioItems;\r
345             firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass.\r
346 \r
347             // Audio Bitrate (-B)\r
348             foreach (String item in bitrates)\r
349             {\r
350                 if (firstLoop)\r
351                 {\r
352                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
353                 }\r
354                 else\r
355                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
356             }\r
357             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
358                 query += " -B " + audioItems;\r
359             firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass.\r
360 \r
361             // DRC (-D)\r
362             foreach (String item in drcs)\r
363             {\r
364                 if (firstLoop)\r
365                 {\r
366                     audioItems = item; firstLoop = false;\r
367                 }\r
368                 else\r
369                     audioItems += "," + item;\r
370             }\r
371             if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
372                 query += " -D " + audioItems;\r
373 \r
374             // Subtitles\r
375             string subtitles = mainWindow.drp_subtitle.Text;\r
376             if (subtitles == "Autoselect")\r
377                 query += " -U ";\r
378             else if (subtitles != "" && subtitles != "None")\r
379             {\r
380                 string[] tempSub = subtitles.Split(' ');\r
381                 query += " -s " + tempSub[0];\r
382             }\r
383 \r
384             if (mainWindow.check_forced.Checked)\r
385                 query += " -F ";\r
386 \r
387             #endregion\r
388 \r
389             #region Chapter Markers\r
390 \r
391             // Attach Source name and dvd title to the start of the chapters.csv filename.\r
392             // This is for the queue. It allows different chapter name files for each title.\r
393             string[] destName =  mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Split('\\');\r
394             string dest_name = destName[destName.Length - 1];\r
395             dest_name = dest_name.Replace("\"", "");\r
396             dest_name = dest_name.Replace(".mp4", "").Replace(".m4v", "").Replace(".mkv", "");\r
397 \r
398             string source_title = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text;\r
399             string[] titlesplit = source_title.Split(' ');\r
400             source_title = titlesplit[0];\r
401 \r
402             if (mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked)\r
403             {\r
404                 if (dest_name.Trim() != String.Empty)\r
405                 {\r
406                     string path = source_title != "Automatic" \r
407                                       ? Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dest_name + "-" + source_title + "-chapters.csv") \r
408                                       : Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dest_name + "-chapters.csv");\r
409 \r
410                     if (chapterCSVSave(mainWindow, path) == false)\r
411                         query += " -m ";\r
412                     else\r
413                         query += " --markers=" + "\"" + path + "\"";\r
414                 }\r
415                 else\r
416                     query += " -m";\r
417             }\r
418             #endregion\r
419 \r
420             #region  H264 Tab\r
421             if (mainWindow.x264Panel.x264Query != "")\r
422                 query += " -x " + mainWindow.x264Panel.x264Query;\r
423             #endregion\r
424 \r
425             #region Processors / Other\r
426             string processors = Properties.Settings.Default.Processors;\r
427             if (processors != "Automatic")\r
428                 query += " -C " + processors + " ";\r
429 \r
430             query += " -v " + Properties.Settings.Default.verboseLevel;\r
431             #endregion\r
432 \r
433             return query;\r
434         }\r
435 \r
436         /// <summary>\r
437         /// Get the CLI equive of the audio mixdown from the widget name.\r
438         /// </summary>\r
439         /// <param name="selectedAudio"></param>\r
440         /// <returns></returns>\r
441         /// \r
442         private static string getMixDown(string selectedAudio)\r
443         {\r
444             switch (selectedAudio)\r
445             {\r
446                 case "Automatic":\r
447                     return "auto";\r
448                 case "Mono":\r
449                     return "mono";\r
450                 case "Stereo":\r
451                     return "stereo";\r
452                 case "Dolby Surround":\r
453                     return "dpl1";\r
454                 case "Dolby Pro Logic II":\r
455                     return "dpl2";\r
456                 case "6 Channel Discrete":\r
457                     return "6ch";\r
458                 default:\r
459                     return "auto";\r
460             }\r
461         }\r
462 \r
463         /// <summary>\r
464         /// Get the CLI equiv of the audio encoder from the widget name.\r
465         /// </summary>\r
466         /// <param name="selectedEncoder"></param>\r
467         /// <returns></returns>\r
468         /// \r
469         private static string getAudioEncoder(string selectedEncoder)\r
470         {\r
471             switch (selectedEncoder)\r
472             {\r
473                 case "AAC":\r
474                     return "faac";\r
475                 case "MP3":\r
476                     return "lame";\r
477                 case "Vorbis":\r
478                     return "vorbis";\r
479                 case "AC3":\r
480                     return "ac3";\r
481                 default:\r
482                     return "";\r
483             }\r
484         }\r
485 \r
486         /// <summary>\r
487         /// This function saves the data in the chapters tab, dataGridView into a CSV file called chapters.csv\r
488         /// in a directory specified by file_path_name\r
489         /// </summary>\r
490         /// <param name="mainWindow"></param>\r
491         /// <param name="file_path_name"></param>\r
492         /// <returns></returns>\r
493         private static Boolean chapterCSVSave(frmMain mainWindow, string file_path_name)\r
494         {\r
495             try\r
496             {\r
497                 StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();\r
498 \r
499                 foreach (DataGridViewRow row in mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows)\r
500                 {\r
501                     csv.Append(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString());\r
502                     csv.Append(",");\r
503                     csv.Append(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString());\r
504                     csv.Append(Environment.NewLine);\r
505                 }\r
506                 StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(file_path_name);\r
507                 file.Write(csv.ToString());\r
508                 file.Close();\r
509                 file.Dispose();\r
510                 return true;\r
511 \r
512             }\r
513             catch (Exception exc)\r
514             {\r
515                 MessageBox.Show("Unable to save Chapter Makrers file! \nChapter marker names will NOT be saved in your encode \n\n" + exc, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
516                 return false;\r
517             }\r
518         }\r
519     }\r
520 }