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[handbrake-jp/handbrake-jp-git.git] / win / C# / Functions / Main.cs
1 /*  Main.cs $\r
2     This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
3     Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr>.\r
4     It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
5 \r
6 namespace Handbrake.Functions\r
7 {\r
8     using System;\r
9     using System.Collections.Generic;\r
10     using System.Diagnostics;\r
11     using System.IO;\r
12     using System.Linq;\r
13     using System.Text;\r
14     using System.Text.RegularExpressions;\r
15     using System.Windows.Forms;\r
16     using System.Xml.Serialization;\r
17 \r
18     using HandBrake.Framework.Services;\r
19     using HandBrake.Framework.Services.Interfaces;\r
20     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model;\r
21     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Parsing;\r
22     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services.Interfaces;\r
23     using Model;\r
24 \r
25     /// <summary>\r
26     /// Useful functions which various screens can use.\r
27     /// </summary>\r
28     public static class Main\r
29     {\r
30         /// <summary>\r
31         /// The Error Service\r
32         /// </summary>\r
33         private static readonly IErrorService errorService = new ErrorService();\r
34 \r
35         /// <summary>\r
36         /// The XML Serializer\r
37         /// </summary>\r
38         private static readonly XmlSerializer Ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Job>));\r
39 \r
40         /// <summary>\r
41         /// Calculate the duration of the selected title and chapters\r
42         /// </summary>\r
43         /// <param name="chapterStart">\r
44         /// The chapter Start.\r
45         /// </param>\r
46         /// <param name="chapterEnd">\r
47         /// The chapter End.\r
48         /// </param>\r
49         /// <param name="selectedTitle">\r
50         /// The selected Title.\r
51         /// </param>\r
52         /// <returns>\r
53         /// The calculated duration.\r
54         /// </returns>\r
55         public static TimeSpan CalculateDuration(int chapterStart, int chapterEnd, Title selectedTitle)\r
56         {\r
57             TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0);\r
58             chapterStart++;\r
59             chapterEnd++;\r
60             if (chapterStart != 0 && chapterEnd != 0 && chapterEnd <= selectedTitle.Chapters.Count)\r
61             {\r
62                 for (int i = chapterStart; i <= chapterEnd; i++)\r
63                     duration += selectedTitle.Chapters[i - 1].Duration;\r
64             }\r
65 \r
66             return duration;\r
67         }\r
68 \r
69         /// <summary>\r
70         /// Set's up the DataGridView on the Chapters tab (frmMain)\r
71         /// </summary>\r
72         /// <param name="dataChpt">\r
73         /// The DataGridView Control\r
74         /// </param>\r
75         /// <param name="chapterEnd">\r
76         /// The chapter End.\r
77         /// </param>\r
78         /// <returns>\r
79         /// The chapter naming.\r
80         /// </returns>\r
81         public static DataGridView ChapterNaming(DataGridView dataChpt, string chapterEnd)\r
82         {\r
83             int i = 0, finish = 0;\r
84 \r
85             if (chapterEnd != "Auto")\r
86                 int.TryParse(chapterEnd, out finish);\r
87 \r
88             while (i < finish)\r
89             {\r
90                 int n = dataChpt.Rows.Add();\r
91                 dataChpt.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = i + 1;\r
92                 dataChpt.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = "Chapter " + (i + 1);\r
93                 dataChpt.Rows[n].Cells[0].ValueType = typeof(int);\r
94                 dataChpt.Rows[n].Cells[1].ValueType = typeof(string);\r
95                 i++;\r
96             }\r
97 \r
98             return dataChpt;\r
99         }\r
100 \r
101         /// <summary>\r
102         /// Import a CSV file which contains Chapter Names\r
103         /// </summary>\r
104         /// <param name="dataChpt">\r
105         /// The DataGridView Control\r
106         /// </param>\r
107         /// <param name="filename">\r
108         /// The filepath and name\r
109         /// </param>\r
110         /// <returns>A Populated DataGridView</returns>\r
111         public static DataGridView ImportChapterNames(DataGridView dataChpt, string filename)\r
112         {\r
113             IDictionary<int, string> chapterMap = new Dictionary<int, string>();\r
114             try\r
115             {\r
116                 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);\r
117                 string csv = sr.ReadLine();\r
118                 while (csv != null)\r
119                 {\r
120                     if (csv.Trim() != string.Empty)\r
121                     {\r
122                         csv = csv.Replace("\\,", "<!comma!>");\r
123                         string[] contents = csv.Split(',');\r
124                         int chapter;\r
125                         int.TryParse(contents[0], out chapter);\r
126                         chapterMap.Add(chapter, contents[1].Replace("<!comma!>", ","));\r
127                     }\r
128                     csv = sr.ReadLine();\r
129                 }\r
130             }\r
131             catch (Exception)\r
132             {\r
133                 return null;\r
134             }\r
135 \r
136             foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dataChpt.Rows)\r
137             {\r
138                 string name;\r
139                 chapterMap.TryGetValue((int)item.Cells[0].Value, out name);\r
140                 item.Cells[1].Value = name ?? "Chapter " + item.Cells[0].Value;\r
141             }\r
142 \r
143             return dataChpt;\r
144         }\r
145 \r
146         /// <summary>\r
147         /// Create a CSV file with the data from the Main Window Chapters tab\r
148         /// </summary>\r
149         /// <param name="mainWindow">Main Window</param>\r
150         /// <param name="filePathName">Path to save the csv file</param>\r
151         /// <returns>True if successful </returns>\r
152         public static bool SaveChapterMarkersToCsv(frmMain mainWindow, string filePathName)\r
153         {\r
154             try\r
155             {\r
156                 string csv = string.Empty;\r
157 \r
158                 foreach (DataGridViewRow row in mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows)\r
159                 {\r
160                     csv += row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();\r
161                     csv += ",";\r
162                     csv += row.Cells[1].Value.ToString().Replace(",", "\\,");\r
163                     csv += Environment.NewLine;\r
164                 }\r
165                 StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(filePathName);\r
166                 file.Write(csv);\r
167                 file.Close();\r
168                 file.Dispose();\r
169                 return true;\r
170             }\r
171             catch (Exception exc)\r
172             {\r
173                 ShowExceptiowWindow("Unable to save Chapter Makrers file! \nChapter marker names will NOT be saved in your encode", exc.ToString());\r
174                 return false;\r
175             }\r
176         }\r
177 \r
178         /// <summary>\r
179         /// Function which generates the filename and path automatically based on \r
180         /// the Source Name, DVD title and DVD Chapters\r
181         /// </summary>\r
182         /// <param name="mainWindow">\r
183         /// The main Window.\r
184         /// </param>\r
185         /// <returns>\r
186         /// The Generated FileName\r
187         /// </returns>\r
188         public static string AutoName(frmMain mainWindow)\r
189         {\r
190             string autoNamePath = string.Empty;\r
191             if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic")\r
192             {\r
193                 // Get the Source Name and remove any invalid characters\r
194                 string sourceName = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Aggregate(mainWindow.SourceName, (current, character) => current.Replace(character.ToString(), string.Empty));\r
195 \r
196                 if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutoNameRemoveUnderscore)\r
197                     sourceName = sourceName.Replace("_", " ");\r
198 \r
199                 if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutoNameTitleCase)\r
200                     sourceName = TitleCase(sourceName);\r
201 \r
202                 // Get the Selected Title Number\r
203                 string[] titlesplit = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(' ');\r
204                 string dvdTitle = titlesplit[0].Replace("Automatic", string.Empty);\r
205 \r
206                 // Get the Chapter Start and Chapter End Numbers\r
207                 string chapterStart = mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text.Replace("Auto", string.Empty);\r
208                 string chapterFinish = mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text.Replace("Auto", string.Empty);\r
209                 string combinedChapterTag = chapterStart;\r
210                 if (chapterFinish != chapterStart && chapterFinish != string.Empty)\r
211                     combinedChapterTag = chapterStart + "-" + chapterFinish;\r
212 \r
213                 // Get the destination filename.\r
214                 string destinationFilename;\r
215                 if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNameFormat != string.Empty)\r
216                 {\r
217                     destinationFilename = Properties.Settings.Default.autoNameFormat;\r
218                     destinationFilename = destinationFilename.Replace("{source}", sourceName)\r
219                                                              .Replace("{title}", dvdTitle)\r
220                                                              .Replace("{chapters}", combinedChapterTag);\r
221                 }\r
222                 else\r
223                     destinationFilename = sourceName + "_T" + dvdTitle + "_C" + combinedChapterTag;\r
224 \r
225                 // Add the appropriate file extension\r
226                 if (mainWindow.drop_format.SelectedIndex == 0)\r
227                 {\r
228                     destinationFilename += Properties.Settings.Default.useM4v || mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked ||\r
229                                            mainWindow.AudioSettings.RequiresM4V() || mainWindow.Subtitles.RequiresM4V()\r
230                                                ? ".m4v"\r
231                                                : ".mp4";\r
232                 }\r
233                 else if (mainWindow.drop_format.SelectedIndex == 1)\r
234                     destinationFilename += ".mkv";\r
235 \r
236                 // Now work out the path where the file will be stored.\r
237                 // First case: If the destination box doesn't already contain a path, make one.\r
238                 if (!mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))\r
239                 {\r
240                     // If there is an auto name path, use it...\r
241                     if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath.Trim() == "{source_path}" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainWindow.sourcePath))\r
242                     {\r
243                         autoNamePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mainWindow.sourcePath), destinationFilename);\r
244                         if (autoNamePath == mainWindow.sourcePath)\r
245                         {\r
246                             // Append out_ to files that already exist or is the source file\r
247                             autoNamePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mainWindow.sourcePath), "output_" + destinationFilename);\r
248                         }\r
249                     }\r
250                     else if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath.Trim() != string.Empty && Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath.Trim() != "Click 'Browse' to set the default location")\r
251                     {\r
252                         autoNamePath = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath, destinationFilename);\r
253                     }\r
254                     else // ...otherwise, output to the source directory\r
255                         autoNamePath = null;\r
256                 }\r
257                 else // Otherwise, use the path that is already there.\r
258                 {\r
259                     // Use the path and change the file extension to match the previous destination\r
260                     autoNamePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mainWindow.text_destination.Text), destinationFilename);\r
261 \r
262                     if (Path.HasExtension(mainWindow.text_destination.Text))\r
263                         autoNamePath = Path.ChangeExtension(autoNamePath,\r
264                                                             Path.GetExtension(mainWindow.text_destination.Text));\r
265                 }\r
266             }\r
267 \r
268             return autoNamePath;\r
269         }\r
270 \r
271         /// <summary>\r
272         /// Get's HandBrakes version data from the CLI.\r
273         /// </summary>\r
274         public static void SetCliVersionData()\r
275         {\r
276             string line;\r
277 \r
278             // 0 = SVN Build / Version\r
279             // 1 = Build Date\r
280             DateTime lastModified = File.GetLastWriteTime("HandBrakeCLI.exe");\r
281 \r
282             if (Properties.Settings.Default.hb_build != 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.cliLastModified == lastModified)\r
283             {\r
284                 return;\r
285             }\r
286 \r
287             Properties.Settings.Default.cliLastModified = lastModified;\r
288 \r
289             Process cliProcess = new Process();\r
290             ProcessStartInfo handBrakeCli = new ProcessStartInfo("HandBrakeCLI.exe", " -u -v0")\r
291                                                 {\r
292                                                     UseShellExecute = false,\r
293                                                     RedirectStandardError = true,\r
294                                                     RedirectStandardOutput = true,\r
295                                                     CreateNoWindow = true\r
296                                                 };\r
297             cliProcess.StartInfo = handBrakeCli;\r
298 \r
299             try\r
300             {\r
301                 cliProcess.Start();\r
302 \r
303                 // Retrieve standard output and report back to parent thread until the process is complete\r
304                 TextReader stdOutput = cliProcess.StandardError;\r
305 \r
306                 while (!cliProcess.HasExited)\r
307                 {\r
308                     line = stdOutput.ReadLine() ?? string.Empty;\r
309                     Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"HandBrake ([svnM0-9.]*) \(([0-9]*)\)");\r
310                     Match platform = Regex.Match(line, @"- ([A-Za-z0-9\s ]*) -");\r
311 \r
312                     if (m.Success)\r
313                     {\r
314                         string version = m.Groups[1].Success ? m.Groups[1].Value : string.Empty;\r
315                         string build = m.Groups[2].Success ? m.Groups[2].Value : string.Empty;\r
316 \r
317                         int buildValue;\r
318                         int.TryParse(build, out buildValue);\r
319 \r
320                         Properties.Settings.Default.hb_build = buildValue;\r
321                         Properties.Settings.Default.hb_version = version;\r
322                     }\r
323 \r
324                     if (platform.Success)\r
325                     {\r
326                         Properties.Settings.Default.hb_platform = platform.Value.Replace("-", string.Empty).Trim();\r
327                     }\r
328 \r
329                     if (cliProcess.TotalProcessorTime.Seconds > 10) // Don't wait longer than 10 seconds.\r
330                     {\r
331                         Process cli = Process.GetProcessById(cliProcess.Id);\r
332                         if (!cli.HasExited)\r
333                         {\r
334                             cli.Kill();\r
335                         }\r
336                     }\r
337                 }\r
338 \r
339                 Properties.Settings.Default.Save();\r
340             }\r
341             catch (Exception e)\r
342             {\r
343                 Properties.Settings.Default.hb_build = 0;\r
344                 Properties.Settings.Default.Save();\r
345 \r
346                 ShowExceptiowWindow("Unable to retrieve version information from the CLI.", e.ToString());\r
347             }\r
348         }\r
349 \r
350         /// <summary>\r
351         /// Check if the queue recovery file contains records.\r
352         /// If it does, it means the last queue did not complete before HandBrake closed.\r
353         /// So, return a boolean if true. \r
354         /// </summary>\r
355         /// <returns>\r
356         /// True if there is a queue to recover.\r
357         /// </returns>\r
358         public static List<string> CheckQueueRecovery()\r
359         {\r
360             try\r
361             {\r
362                 string tempPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), @"HandBrake\");\r
363                 List<string> queueFiles = new List<string>();\r
364 \r
365                 DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(tempPath);\r
366                 FileInfo[] logFiles = info.GetFiles("*.xml");\r
367                 foreach (FileInfo file in logFiles)\r
368                 {\r
369                     if (!file.Name.Contains("hb_queue_recovery"))\r
370                         continue;\r
371 \r
372                     using (FileStream strm = new FileStream(Path.Combine(file.DirectoryName, file.Name), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))\r
373                     {\r
374                         List<Job> list = Ser.Deserialize(strm) as List<Job>;\r
375                         if (list != null)\r
376                         {\r
377                             if (list.Count != 0)\r
378                             {\r
379                                 queueFiles.Add(file.Name);\r
380                             }\r
381                         }\r
382                     }\r
383                 }\r
384 \r
385                 return queueFiles;\r
386             }\r
387             catch (Exception)\r
388             {\r
389                 return new List<string>(); // Keep quiet about the error.\r
390             }\r
391         }\r
392 \r
393         /// <summary>\r
394         /// Recover a queue from file.\r
395         /// </summary>\r
396         /// <param name="encodeQueue">\r
397         /// The encode Queue.\r
398         /// </param>\r
399         public static void RecoverQueue(IQueue encodeQueue)\r
400         {\r
401             DialogResult result = DialogResult.None;\r
402             List<string> queueFiles = CheckQueueRecovery();\r
403             if (queueFiles.Count == 1)\r
404             {\r
405                 result = MessageBox.Show(\r
406                         "HandBrake has detected unfinished items on the queue from the last time the application was launched. Would you like to recover these?",\r
407                         "Queue Recovery Possible", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
408             }\r
409             else if (queueFiles.Count > 1)\r
410             {\r
411                 result = MessageBox.Show(\r
412                         "HandBrake has detected multiple unfinished queue files. These will be from multiple instances of HandBrake running. Would you like to recover all unfinished jobs?",\r
413                         "Queue Recovery Possible", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
414             }\r
415 \r
416             if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
417             {\r
418                 foreach (string file in queueFiles)\r
419                 {\r
420                     encodeQueue.LoadQueueFromFile(file); // Start Recovery\r
421                 }\r
422             }\r
423             else\r
424             {\r
425                 if (IsMultiInstance) return; // Don't tamper with the files if we are multi instance\r
426 \r
427                 string tempPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), @"HandBrake\");\r
428                 foreach (string file in queueFiles)\r
429                 {\r
430                     if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempPath, file)))\r
431                         File.Delete(Path.Combine(tempPath, file));\r
432                 }\r
433             }\r
434         }\r
435 \r
436         /// <summary>\r
437         /// Gets a value indicating whether HandBrake is running in multi instance mode\r
438         /// </summary>\r
439         /// <returns>True if the UI has another instance running</returns>\r
440         public static bool IsMultiInstance\r
441         {\r
442             get\r
443             {\r
444                 return Process.GetProcessesByName("HandBrake").Length > 0 ? true : false;\r
445             }\r
446         }\r
447 \r
448         /// <summary>\r
449         ///  Clear all the encode log files.\r
450         /// </summary>\r
451         public static void ClearLogs()\r
452         {\r
453             string logDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\HandBrake\\logs";\r
454             if (Directory.Exists(logDir))\r
455             {\r
456                 DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(logDir);\r
457                 FileInfo[] logFiles = info.GetFiles("*.txt");\r
458                 foreach (FileInfo file in logFiles)\r
459                 {\r
460                     if (!file.Name.Contains("last_scan_log") && !file.Name.Contains("last_encode_log"))\r
461                         File.Delete(file.FullName);\r
462                 }\r
463             }\r
464         }\r
465 \r
466         /// <summary>\r
467         /// Clear old log files x days in the past\r
468         /// </summary>\r
469         public static void ClearOldLogs()\r
470         {\r
471             string logDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\HandBrake\\logs";\r
472             if (Directory.Exists(logDir))\r
473             {\r
474                 DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(logDir);\r
475                 FileInfo[] logFiles = info.GetFiles("*.txt");\r
476 \r
477                 foreach (FileInfo file in logFiles)\r
478                 {\r
479                     if (file.LastWriteTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30))\r
480                     {\r
481                         if (!file.Name.Contains("last_scan_log.txt") && !file.Name.Contains("last_encode_log.txt"))\r
482                             File.Delete(file.FullName);\r
483                     }\r
484                 }\r
485             }\r
486         }\r
487 \r
488         /// <summary>\r
489         /// Map languages and their iso639_2 value into a IDictionary\r
490         /// </summary>\r
491         /// <returns>A Dictionary containing the language and iso code</returns>\r
492         public static IDictionary<string, string> MapLanguages()\r
493         {\r
494             IDictionary<string, string> languageMap = new Dictionary<string, string>\r
495                                                           {\r
496                                                               {"Any", "und"}, \r
497                                                               {"Afar", "aar"}, \r
498                                                               {"Abkhazian", "abk"}, \r
499                                                               {"Afrikaans", "afr"}, \r
500                                                               {"Akan", "aka"}, \r
501                                                               {"Albanian", "sqi"}, \r
502                                                               {"Amharic", "amh"}, \r
503                                                               {"Arabic", "ara"}, \r
504                                                               {"Aragonese", "arg"}, \r
505                                                               {"Armenian", "hye"}, \r
506                                                               {"Assamese", "asm"}, \r
507                                                               {"Avaric", "ava"}, \r
508                                                               {"Avestan", "ave"}, \r
509                                                               {"Aymara", "aym"}, \r
510                                                               {"Azerbaijani", "aze"}, \r
511                                                               {"Bashkir", "bak"}, \r
512                                                               {"Bambara", "bam"}, \r
513                                                               {"Basque", "eus"}, \r
514                                                               {"Belarusian", "bel"}, \r
515                                                               {"Bengali", "ben"}, \r
516                                                               {"Bihari", "bih"}, \r
517                                                               {"Bislama", "bis"}, \r
518                                                               {"Bosnian", "bos"}, \r
519                                                               {"Breton", "bre"}, \r
520                                                               {"Bulgarian", "bul"}, \r
521                                                               {"Burmese", "mya"}, \r
522                                                               {"Catalan", "cat"}, \r
523                                                               {"Chamorro", "cha"}, \r
524                                                               {"Chechen", "che"}, \r
525                                                               {"Chinese", "zho"}, \r
526                                                               {"Church Slavic", "chu"}, \r
527                                                               {"Chuvash", "chv"}, \r
528                                                               {"Cornish", "cor"}, \r
529                                                               {"Corsican", "cos"}, \r
530                                                               {"Cree", "cre"}, \r
531                                                               {"Czech", "ces"}, \r
532                                                               {"Dansk", "dan"}, \r
533                                                               {"Divehi", "div"}, \r
534                                                               {"Nederlands", "nld"}, \r
535                                                               {"Dzongkha", "dzo"}, \r
536                                                               {"English", "eng"}, \r
537                                                               {"Esperanto", "epo"}, \r
538                                                               {"Estonian", "est"}, \r
539                                                               {"Ewe", "ewe"}, \r
540                                                               {"Faroese", "fao"}, \r
541                                                               {"Fijian", "fij"}, \r
542                                                               {"Suomi", "fin"}, \r
543                                                               {"Francais", "fra"}, \r
544                                                               {"Western Frisian", "fry"}, \r
545                                                               {"Fulah", "ful"}, \r
546                                                               {"Georgian", "kat"}, \r
547                                                               {"Deutsch", "deu"}, \r
548                                                               {"Gaelic (Scots)", "gla"}, \r
549                                                               {"Irish", "gle"}, \r
550                                                               {"Galician", "glg"}, \r
551                                                               {"Manx", "glv"}, \r
552                                                               {"Greek Modern", "ell"}, \r
553                                                               {"Guarani", "grn"}, \r
554                                                               {"Gujarati", "guj"}, \r
555                                                               {"Haitian", "hat"}, \r
556                                                               {"Hausa", "hau"}, \r
557                                                               {"Hebrew", "heb"}, \r
558                                                               {"Herero", "her"}, \r
559                                                               {"Hindi", "hin"}, \r
560                                                               {"Hiri Motu", "hmo"}, \r
561                                                               {"Magyar", "hun"}, \r
562                                                               {"Igbo", "ibo"}, \r
563                                                               {"Islenska", "isl"}, \r
564                                                               {"Ido", "ido"}, \r
565                                                               {"Sichuan Yi", "iii"}, \r
566                                                               {"Inuktitut", "iku"}, \r
567                                                               {"Interlingue", "ile"}, \r
568                                                               {"Interlingua", "ina"}, \r
569                                                               {"Indonesian", "ind"}, \r
570                                                               {"Inupiaq", "ipk"}, \r
571                                                               {"Italiano", "ita"}, \r
572                                                               {"Javanese", "jav"}, \r
573                                                               {"Japanese", "jpn"}, \r
574                                                               {"Kalaallisut", "kal"}, \r
575                                                               {"Kannada", "kan"}, \r
576                                                               {"Kashmiri", "kas"}, \r
577                                                               {"Kanuri", "kau"}, \r
578                                                               {"Kazakh", "kaz"}, \r
579                                                               {"Central Khmer", "khm"}, \r
580                                                               {"Kikuyu", "kik"}, \r
581                                                               {"Kinyarwanda", "kin"}, \r
582                                                               {"Kirghiz", "kir"}, \r
583                                                               {"Komi", "kom"}, \r
584                                                               {"Kongo", "kon"}, \r
585                                                               {"Korean", "kor"}, \r
586                                                               {"Kuanyama", "kua"}, \r
587                                                               {"Kurdish", "kur"}, \r
588                                                               {"Lao", "lao"}, \r
589                                                               {"Latin", "lat"}, \r
590                                                               {"Latvian", "lav"}, \r
591                                                               {"Limburgan", "lim"}, \r
592                                                               {"Lingala", "lin"}, \r
593                                                               {"Lithuanian", "lit"}, \r
594                                                               {"Luxembourgish", "ltz"}, \r
595                                                               {"Luba-Katanga", "lub"}, \r
596                                                               {"Ganda", "lug"}, \r
597                                                               {"Macedonian", "mkd"}, \r
598                                                               {"Marshallese", "mah"}, \r
599                                                               {"Malayalam", "mal"}, \r
600                                                               {"Maori", "mri"}, \r
601                                                               {"Marathi", "mar"}, \r
602                                                               {"Malay", "msa"}, \r
603                                                               {"Malagasy", "mlg"}, \r
604                                                               {"Maltese", "mlt"}, \r
605                                                               {"Moldavian", "mol"}, \r
606                                                               {"Mongolian", "mon"}, \r
607                                                               {"Nauru", "nau"}, \r
608                                                               {"Navajo", "nav"}, \r
609                                                               {"Ndebele, South", "nbl"}, \r
610                                                               {"Ndebele, North", "nde"}, \r
611                                                               {"Ndonga", "ndo"}, \r
612                                                               {"Nepali", "nep"}, \r
613                                                               {"Norwegian Nynorsk", "nno"}, \r
614                                                               {"Norwegian Bokmål", "nob"}, \r
615                                                               {"Norsk", "nor"}, \r
616                                                               {"Chichewa; Nyanja", "nya"}, \r
617                                                               {"Occitan", "oci"}, \r
618                                                               {"Ojibwa", "oji"}, \r
619                                                               {"Oriya", "ori"}, \r
620                                                               {"Oromo", "orm"}, \r
621                                                               {"Ossetian", "oss"}, \r
622                                                               {"Panjabi", "pan"}, \r
623                                                               {"Persian", "fas"}, \r
624                                                               {"Pali", "pli"}, \r
625                                                               {"Polish", "pol"}, \r
626                                                               {"Portugues", "por"}, \r
627                                                               {"Pushto", "pus"}, \r
628                                                               {"Quechua", "que"}, \r
629                                                               {"Romansh", "roh"}, \r
630                                                               {"Romanian", "ron"}, \r
631                                                               {"Rundi", "run"}, \r
632                                                               {"Russian", "rus"}, \r
633                                                               {"Sango", "sag"}, \r
634                                                               {"Sanskrit", "san"}, \r
635                                                               {"Serbian", "srp"}, \r
636                                                               {"Hrvatski", "hrv"}, \r
637                                                               {"Sinhala", "sin"}, \r
638                                                               {"Slovak", "slk"}, \r
639                                                               {"Slovenian", "slv"}, \r
640                                                               {"Northern Sami", "sme"}, \r
641                                                               {"Samoan", "smo"}, \r
642                                                               {"Shona", "sna"}, \r
643                                                               {"Sindhi", "snd"}, \r
644                                                               {"Somali", "som"}, \r
645                                                               {"Sotho Southern", "sot"}, \r
646                                                               {"Espanol", "spa"}, \r
647                                                               {"Sardinian", "srd"}, \r
648                                                               {"Swati", "ssw"}, \r
649                                                               {"Sundanese", "sun"}, \r
650                                                               {"Swahili", "swa"}, \r
651                                                               {"Svenska", "swe"}, \r
652                                                               {"Tahitian", "tah"}, \r
653                                                               {"Tamil", "tam"}, \r
654                                                               {"Tatar", "tat"}, \r
655                                                               {"Telugu", "tel"}, \r
656                                                               {"Tajik", "tgk"}, \r
657                                                               {"Tagalog", "tgl"}, \r
658                                                               {"Thai", "tha"}, \r
659                                                               {"Tibetan", "bod"}, \r
660                                                               {"Tigrinya", "tir"}, \r
661                                                               {"Tonga", "ton"}, \r
662                                                               {"Tswana", "tsn"}, \r
663                                                               {"Tsonga", "tso"}, \r
664                                                               {"Turkmen", "tuk"}, \r
665                                                               {"Turkish", "tur"}, \r
666                                                               {"Twi", "twi"}, \r
667                                                               {"Uighur", "uig"}, \r
668                                                               {"Ukrainian", "ukr"}, \r
669                                                               {"Urdu", "urd"}, \r
670                                                               {"Uzbek", "uzb"}, \r
671                                                               {"Venda", "ven"}, \r
672                                                               {"Vietnamese", "vie"}, \r
673                                                               {"Volapük", "vol"}, \r
674                                                               {"Welsh", "cym"}, \r
675                                                               {"Walloon", "wln"}, \r
676                                                               {"Wolof", "wol"}, \r
677                                                               {"Xhosa", "xho"}, \r
678                                                               {"Yiddish", "yid"}, \r
679                                                               {"Yoruba", "yor"}, \r
680                                                               {"Zhuang", "zha"}, \r
681                                                               {"Zulu", "zul"}\r
682                                                           };\r
683             return languageMap;\r
684         }\r
685 \r
686         /// <summary>\r
687         /// Get a list of available DVD drives which are ready and contain DVD content.\r
688         /// </summary>\r
689         /// <returns>A List of Drives with their details</returns>\r
690         public static List<DriveInformation> GetDrives()\r
691         {\r
692             List<DriveInformation> drives = new List<DriveInformation>();\r
693             DriveInfo[] theCollectionOfDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();\r
694             int id = 0;\r
695             foreach (DriveInfo curDrive in theCollectionOfDrives)\r
696             {\r
697                 if (curDrive.DriveType == DriveType.CDRom && curDrive.IsReady &&\r
698                     File.Exists(curDrive.RootDirectory + "VIDEO_TS\\VIDEO_TS.IFO"))\r
699                 {\r
700                     drives.Add(new DriveInformation\r
701                                    {\r
702                                        Id = id,\r
703                                        VolumeLabel = curDrive.VolumeLabel,\r
704                                        RootDirectory = curDrive.RootDirectory + "VIDEO_TS"\r
705                                    });\r
706                     id++;\r
707                 }\r
708             }\r
709             return drives;\r
710         }\r
711 \r
712         /// <summary>\r
713         /// Change a string to Title Case/\r
714         /// </summary>\r
715         /// <param name="input">\r
716         /// The input.\r
717         /// </param>\r
718         /// <returns>\r
719         /// A string in title case.\r
720         /// </returns>\r
721         public static string TitleCase(string input)\r
722         {\r
723             string[] tokens = input.Split(' ');\r
724             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input.Length);\r
725             foreach (string s in tokens)\r
726             {\r
727                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))\r
728                 {\r
729                     sb.Append(s[0].ToString().ToUpper());\r
730                     sb.Append(s.Substring(1).ToLower());\r
731                     sb.Append(" ");\r
732                 }\r
733             }\r
734 \r
735             return sb.ToString().Trim();\r
736         }\r
737 \r
738         /// <summary>\r
739         /// Show the Exception Window\r
740         /// </summary>\r
741         /// <param name="shortError">\r
742         /// The short error.\r
743         /// </param>\r
744         /// <param name="longError">\r
745         /// The long error.\r
746         /// </param>\r
747         public static void ShowExceptiowWindow(string shortError, string longError)\r
748         {\r
749             errorService.ShowError(shortError, longError);\r
750         }\r
751 \r
752         /// <summary>\r
753         /// Get The Source from the CLI Query\r
754         /// </summary>\r
755         /// <param name="query">Full CLI Query</param>\r
756         /// <returns>The Source Path</returns>\r
757         public static string GetSourceFromQuery(string query)\r
758         {\r
759             int startIndex = query.IndexOf("-i \"");\r
760             if (startIndex != -1)\r
761             {\r
762                 string input = query.Substring(startIndex).Replace("-i \"", string.Empty).Trim();\r
763 \r
764                 int closeIndex = input.IndexOf('"');\r
765 \r
766                 return closeIndex == -1 ? "Unknown" : input.Substring(0, closeIndex);\r
767             }\r
768 \r
769             return "Unknown";\r
770         }\r
771 \r
772         /// <summary>\r
773         /// Get the Destination from the CLI Query\r
774         /// </summary>\r
775         /// <param name="query">Full CLI Query</param>\r
776         /// <returns>The Destination path</returns>\r
777         public static string GetDestinationFromQuery(string query)\r
778         {\r
779             int startIndex = query.IndexOf("-o \"");\r
780             if (startIndex != -1)\r
781             {\r
782                 string output = query.Substring(startIndex).Replace("-o \"", string.Empty).Trim();\r
783 \r
784                 int closeIndex = output.IndexOf('"');\r
785 \r
786                 return closeIndex == -1 ? "Unknown" : output.Substring(0, closeIndex);\r
787             }\r
788 \r
789             return "Unknown";\r
790         }\r
791     }\r
792 }