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[meshio/meshio.git] / swig / englishmap.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # coding: utf8
3 import sys
5 ###############################################################################
6 # 日本語名との変換マップ
7 ###############################################################################
8 boneMap={
9 "center":"センター",
10 "upper body":"上半身",
11 "neck":"首",
12 "head":"頭",
13 "eye_L":"左目",
14 "eye_R":"右目",
15 "necktie1":"ネクタイ1",
16 "necktie2":"ネクタイ2",
17 "necktie3":"ネクタイ3",
18 "lower body":"下半身",
19 "waist accessory":"腰飾り",
20 "hair1_L":"左髪1",
21 "hair2_L":"左髪2",
22 "hair3_L":"左髪3",
23 "hair4_L":"左髪4",
24 "hair5_L":"左髪5",
25 "hair6_L":"左髪6",
26 "shoulder_L":"左肩",
27 "arm_L":"左腕",
28 "arm twist_L":"左腕捩",
29 "elbow_L":"左ひじ",
30 "wrist twist_L":"左手捩",
31 "wrist_L":"左手首",
32 "sleeve_L":"左袖",
33 "thumb1_L":"左親指1",
34 "thumb2_L":"左親指2",
35 "fore1_L":"左人指1",
36 "fore2_L":"左人指2",
37 "fore3_L":"左人指3",
38 "middle1_L":"左中指1",
39 "middle2_L":"左中指2",
40 "middle3_L":"左中指3",
41 "third1_L":"左薬指1",
42 "third2_L":"左薬指2",
43 "third3_L":"左薬指3",
44 "little1_L":"左小指1",
45 "little2_L":"左小指2",
46 "little3_L":"左小指3",
47 "front skirt_L":"左スカート前",
48 "back skirt_L":"左スカート後",
49 "leg_L":"左足",
50 "knee_L":"左ひざ",
51 "ankle_L":"左足首",
52 "hair1_R":"右髪1",
53 "hair2_R":"右髪2",
54 "hair3_R":"右髪3",
55 "hair4_R":"右髪4",
56 "hair5_R":"右髪5",
57 "hair6_R":"右髪6",
58 "shoulder_R":"右肩",
59 "arm_R":"右腕",
60 "arm twist_R":"右腕捩",
61 "elbow_R":"右ひじ",
62 "wrist twist_R":"右手捩",
63 "wrist_R":"右手首",
64 "sleeve_R":"右袖",
65 "thumb1_R":"右親指1",
66 "thumb2_R":"右親指2",
67 "fore1_R":"右人指1",
68 "fore2_R":"右人指2",
69 "fore3_R":"右人指3",
70 "middle1_R":"右中指1",
71 "middle2_R":"右中指2",
72 "middle3_R":"右中指3",
73 "third1_R":"右薬指1",
74 "third2_R":"右薬指2",
75 "third3_R":"右薬指3",
76 "little1_R":"右小指1",
77 "little2_R":"右小指2",
78 "little3_R":"右小指3",
79 "front skirt_R":"右スカート前",
80 "back skirt_R":"右スカート後",
81 "leg_R":"右足",
82 "knee_R":"右ひざ",
83 "ankle_R":"右足首",
84 "eyes":"両目",
85 "front hair1":"前髪1",
86 "front hair2":"前髪2",
87 "front hair3":"前髪3",
88 "eyelight_L":"左目光",
89 "eyelight_R":"右目光",
90 "necktie4":"ネクタイ4",
91 "hair7_L":"左髪7",
92 "hair7_R":"右髪7",
93 "toe_L":"左つま先",
94 "toe_R":"右つま先",
95 "necktie IK":"ネクタイIK",
96 "hair IK_L":"左髪IK",
97 "hair IK_R":"右髪IK",
98 "leg IK_L":"左足IK",
99 "leg IK_R":"右足IK",
100 "toe IK_L":"左つま先IK",
101 "toe IK_R":"右つま先IK",
102 "bone093":"下半身先",
103 "bone094":"頭先",
104 "bone095":"左目先",
105 "bone096":"右目先",
106 "bone097":"腰飾り先",
107 "bone098":"左袖先",
108 "bone099":"左手先",
109 "bone100":"左親指先",
110 "bone101":"左人差指先",
111 "bone102":"左中指先",
112 "bone103":"左薬指先",
113 "bone104":"左小指先",
114 "bone105":"左スカート前先",
115 "bone106":"左スカート後先",
116 "bone107":"右袖先",
117 "bone108":"右手先",
118 "bone109":"右親指先",
119 "bone110":"右人差指先",
120 "bone111":"右中指先",
121 "bone112":"右薬指先",
122 "bone113":"右小指先",
123 "bone114":"右スカート前先",
124 "bone115":"右スカート後先",
125 "bone116":"センター先",
126 "bone117":"両目先",
127 "bone118":"ネクタイIK先",
128 "bone119":"左髪IK先",
129 "bone120":"右髪IK先",
130 "bone121":"左足IK先",
131 "bone122":"右足IK先",
132 "bone123":"左つま先IK先",
133 "bone124":"右つま先IK先",
134 "bone125":"前髪1先",
135 "bone126":"前髪2先",
136 "bone127":"前髪3先",
137 "bone128":"左目光先",
138 "bone129":"右目光先",
139 "bone130":"左腕捩先",
140 "bone131":"左手捩先",
141 "bone132":"右腕捩先",
142 "bone133":"右手捩先",
143 "bone134":"左腕捩1",
144 "bone135":"左腕捩2",
145 "bone136":"左腕捩3",
146 "bone137":"右腕捩1",
147 "bone138":"右腕捩2",
148 "bone139":"右腕捩3",
149 }
150 def getEnglishBoneName(name):
151     for k, v in boneMap.items():
152         if v==name:
153             return k
156 skinMap={
157 "skin000":"base",
158 "serious":"真面目",
159 "sadness":"困る",
160 "cheerful":"にこり",
161 "anger":"怒り",
162 "go up":"上",
163 "go down":"下",
164 "blink":"まばたき",
165 "smile":"笑い",
166 "wink":"ウィンク",
167 "wink2":"ウィンク2",
168 "wink_R":"ウィンク右",
169 "wink2_R":"ウィンク2右",
170 "close><":"はぅ",
171 "calm":"なごみ",
172 "surprise":"びっくり",
173 "doubt":"じと目",
174 "confuse":"なぬ!",
175 "pupil":"瞳小",
176 "a":"あ",
177 "i":"い",
178 "u":"う",
179 "o":"お",
180 "triangle":"▲",
181 "regret":"∧",
182 "omega":"ω",
183 "omegabox":"ω□",
184 "fool":"はんっ!",
185 "tongue":"ぺろっ",
186 "e-":"えー",
187 "grin":"にやり",
188 }
189 def getEnglishSkinName(name):
190     for k, v in skinMap.items():
191         if v==name:
192             return k
194 if sys.version_info[0]<3:
195     print 'convert boneMap and skinMap to unicode...',
196     # python2.x
197     # unicodeに変換
198     for k in boneMap.keys():
199         boneMap[k]=boneMap[k].decode('utf-8')
200     for k in skinMap.keys():
201         skinMap[k]=skinMap[k].decode('utf-8')
202     print('done')