5 luatexja.load_module('base'); local ltjb = luatexja.base
6 luatexja.load_module('stack'); local ltjs = luatexja.stack
7 luatexja.load_module('jfont'); local ltjf = luatexja.jfont
8 luatexja.load_module('direction'); local ltjd = luatexja.direction
9 luatexja.load_module('lotf_aux'); local ltju = luatexja.lotf_aux
11 local setfield = node.direct.setfield
12 local getfield = node.direct.getfield
13 local getid = node.direct.getid
14 local getfont = node.direct.getfont
15 local getlist = node.direct.getlist
16 local getchar = node.direct.getchar
17 local getsubtype = node.direct.getsubtype
18 local getwidth = node.direct.getwidth or function(n) return getfield(n,'width') end
19 local getdepth = node.direct.getdepth or function(n) return getfield(n,'depth') end
20 local getwhd = node.direct.getwhd or function(n)
21 return getfield(n,'width'), getfield(n,'height'),getfield(n,'depth') end
23 local setwhd = node.direct.setwhd or function(n,w,h,d)
24 setfield(n,'width',w); setfield(n,'height',h); setfield(n,'depth',d) end
25 local setchar = node.direct.setchar or function(n,c) setfield(n,'char',c) end
26 local setnext = node.direct.setnext or function(n,c) setfield(n,'next',c) end
27 local setdir = node.direct.setdir or function(n,c) setfield(n,'dir',c) end
28 local setkern = node.direct.setkern or function(n,c) setfield(n,'kern',c) end
29 local setoffsets = node.direct.setoffsets or function(n,x,y)
30 setfield(n,'xoffset',x); setfield(n,'yoffset',y) end
31 local getoffsets = node.direct.getoffsets or function(n)
32 return getfield(n,'xoffset'), getfield(n,'yoffset') end
34 local node_traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id
35 local node_traverse = node.direct.traverse
36 local node_new = node.direct.new
37 local node_copy = node.direct.copy
38 local node_remove = node.direct.remove
39 local node_tail = node.direct.tail
40 local node_next = node.direct.getnext
41 local has_attr = node.direct.has_attribute
42 local set_attr = node.direct.set_attribute
43 local node_insert_before = node.direct.insert_before
44 local node_insert_after = node.direct.insert_after
45 local round = tex.round
47 local id_glyph = node.id('glyph')
48 local id_kern = node.id('kern')
49 local id_hlist = node.id('hlist')
50 local id_vlist = node.id('vlist')
51 local id_rule = node.id('rule')
52 local id_math = node.id('math')
53 local id_whatsit = node.id('whatsit')
54 local sid_save = node.subtype('pdf_save')
55 local sid_restore = node.subtype('pdf_restore')
56 local sid_matrix = node.subtype('pdf_setmatrix')
57 local dir_tate = luatexja.dir_table.dir_tate
59 local attr_ykblshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@ykblshift']
60 local attr_tkblshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@tkblshift']
61 local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag']
62 local attr_vert_ori = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@vert@ori']
64 local ltjf_font_extra_info = ltjf.font_extra_info
66 local PACKED = luatexja.icflag_table.PACKED
67 local PROCESSED = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED
69 local get_pr_begin_flag
71 local PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = luatexja.icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG
72 local floor = math.floor
73 get_pr_begin_flag = function (p)
74 local i = has_attr(p, attr_icflag) or 0
75 return i - i%PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG
79 local ltjw = {} --export
80 luatexja.setwidth = ltjw
82 luatexbase.create_callback("luatexja.set_width", "data",
83 function (fstable, fmtable, char_data)
86 local call_callback = luatexbase.call_callback
88 local fshift = { down = 0, left = 0 }
90 local min, max = math.min, math.max
92 local rule_subtype = (status.luatex_version>=85) and 3 or 0
95 local function capsule_glyph_yoko(p, met, char_data, head, dir)
96 if not char_data then return node_next(p), head, p end
97 fshift.down = char_data.down; fshift.left = char_data.left
98 fshift = call_callback("luatexja.set_width", fshift, met, char_data)
99 local kbl = has_attr(p, attr_ykblshift) or 0
101 -- f*: whd specified in JFM
102 local pwidth, pheight,pdepth = getwhd(p)
103 local fwidth = char_data.width or pwidth
104 local fheight= char_data.height or pheight
105 local fdepth = char_data.depth or pdepth
106 if pwidth==fwidth then
107 -- 補正後glyph node は ht: p.height - kbl - down, dp: p.depth + min(0, kbl+down) を持つ
108 -- 設定されるべき寸法: ht: fheight - kbl, dp: fdepth + kbl
109 local ht_diff = fheight + fshift.down - pheight
110 local dp_diff = fdepth + kbl - pdepth - min(kbl + fshift.down, 0)
111 if ht_diff == 0 and dp_diff ==0 then -- offset only
112 set_attr(p, attr_icflag, PROCESSED)
113 local xo, yo = getoffsets(p)
114 setoffsets(p, xo - fshift.left, yo - kbl - fshift.down)
115 return node_next(p), head, p
116 elseif ht_diff >= 0 and dp_diff >=0 then -- rule
117 local box = node_new(id_rule,rule_subtype)
118 local xo, yo = getoffsets(p)
119 setoffsets(p, xo, yo - kbl - fshift.down)
120 setwhd(box, 0, fheight - kbl, fdepth + kbl)
122 set_attr(box, attr_icflag, PACKED)
123 set_attr(p, attr_icflag, PROCESSED)
124 head = p and node_insert_before(head, p, box)
125 or node_insert_after(head, node_tail(head), box)
126 return node_next(p), head, p, box
131 head, q = node_remove(head, p)
132 local xo, yo = getoffsets(p)
133 setoffsets(p, xo + char_data.align*(fwidth-pwidth) - fshift.left,
136 local box = node_new(id_hlist)
137 setwhd(box, fwidth, fheight, fdepth)
138 setfield(box, 'head', p)
139 setfield(box, 'shift', kbl)
141 set_attr(box, attr_icflag, PACKED)
142 head = q and node_insert_before(head, q, box)
143 or node_insert_after(head, node_tail(head), box)
147 luatexja.setwidth.capsule_glyph_yoko = capsule_glyph_yoko
150 -- UTR#50 で R もしくは Tr と指定されているが,縦組用グリフがないもの
151 local function capsule_glyph_tate_rot(p, met, char_data, head, dir, asc)
152 fshift.down = char_data.down; fshift.left = char_data.left
153 fshift = call_callback("luatexja.set_width", fshift, met, char_data)
154 local kbl = has_attr(p, attr_tkblshift) or 0
155 -- f*: whd specified in JFM
156 local pwidth, pheight,pdepth = getwhd(p)
157 local fwidth = char_data.width or pwidth
158 local fheight= char_data.height or pheight
159 local fdepth = char_data.depth or pdepth
161 head, q = node_remove(head, p)
162 local xo, yo = getoffsets(p)
163 setoffsets(p, xo + char_data.align*(fwidth-pwidth) - fshift.left,
164 yo - fshift.down - asc);
166 local box = node_new(id_hlist)
167 setwhd(box, fwidth, fheight, fdepth)
168 setfield(box, 'head', p)
169 setfield(box, 'shift', kbl)
171 set_attr(box, attr_icflag, PACKED)
172 head = q and node_insert_before(head, q, box)
173 or node_insert_after(head, node_tail(head), box)
177 local font_getfont = font.getfont
178 local get_ascender, get_descender = ltju.get_ascender, ltju.get_descender
179 local function capsule_glyph_tate(p, met, char_data, head, dir)
180 if not char_data then return node_next(p), head end
181 local fwidth, pwidth, ascender = char_data.width
183 local pf, pc = getfont(p), getchar(p)
184 local feir = ltjf_font_extra_info[pf]
185 if feir and feir.rotation and met.vert_activated then
186 if feir.rotation[pc] and (has_attr(p, attr_vert_ori) or 0)<=0 then
187 return capsule_glyph_tate_rot(p, met, char_data, head, dir,
188 0.5*(get_ascender(pf)-get_descender(pf)))
191 pwidth, ascender = feir.vheight[pc]*met.size, feir.vorigin[pc]*met.size
193 fwidth = fwidth or pwidth
194 fshift.down = char_data.down; fshift.left = char_data.left
195 fshift = call_callback("luatexja.set_width", fshift, met, char_data)
196 local fheight = char_data.height or 0
197 local fdepth = char_data.depth or 0
198 local xo, yo = getoffsets(p)
199 local y_shift = xo + (has_attr(p,attr_tkblshift) or 0)
201 head, q = node_remove(head, p)
202 local box = node_new(id_hlist)
203 setwhd(box, fwidth, fheight, fdepth)
204 setfield(box, 'shift', y_shift)
207 setoffsets(p, -fshift.down,
208 yo -(ascender + char_data.align*(fwidth-pwidth) - fshift.left) )
209 local ws = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_save)
210 local wm = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_matrix)
211 setfield(wm, 'data', '0 1 -1 0')
212 local pwnh = -round(0.5*getwidth(p))
213 local k2 = node_new(id_kern, 1); setkern(k2, pwnh)
214 local k3 = node_new(id_kern, 1); setkern(k3, -getwidth(p)-pwnh)
215 local wr = node_new(id_whatsit, sid_restore)
216 setfield(box, 'head', ws)
217 setnext(ws, wm); setnext(wm, k2);
218 setnext(k2, p); setnext(p, k3);
221 set_attr(box, attr_icflag, PACKED)
222 head = q and node_insert_before(head, q, box)
223 or node_insert_after(head, node_tail(head), box)
226 luatexja.setwidth.capsule_glyph_tate = capsule_glyph_tate
228 local function capsule_glyph_math(p, met, char_data)
229 if not char_data then return nil end
230 local fwidth, pwidth = char_data.width, getwidth(p)
231 fwidth = fwidth or pwidth
232 fshift.down = char_data.down; fshift.left = char_data.left
233 fshift = call_callback("luatexja.set_width", fshift, met, char_data)
234 local fheight, fdepth = char_data.height, char_data.depth
236 = - getfield(p, 'yoffset') + (has_attr(p,attr_ykblshift) or 0)
237 setfield(p, 'yoffset', -fshift.down)
238 setfield(p, 'xoffset', getfield(p, 'xoffset') + char_data.align*(fwidth-pwidth) - fshift.left)
239 local box = node_new(id_hlist);
240 setwhd(box, fwidth, fheight, fdepth)
241 setfield(box, 'head', p)
242 setfield(box, 'shift', y_shift)
243 setdir(box, tex.mathdir)
244 set_attr(box, attr_icflag, PACKED)
247 luatexja.setwidth.capsule_glyph_math = capsule_glyph_math
250 function luatexja.setwidth.apply_ashift_math(head, last, attr_ablshift)
251 for p in node_traverse(head) do
255 elseif (has_attr(p, attr_icflag) or 0) ~= PROCESSED then
256 if pid==id_hlist or pid==id_vlist then
257 setfield(p, 'shift', getfield(p, 'shift') + (has_attr(p,attr_ablshift) or 0))
258 elseif pid==id_rule then
259 local v = has_attr(p,attr_ablshift) or 0
260 setfield(p, 'height', getfield(p, 'height')-v)
261 setfield(p, 'depth', getdepth(p)+v)
262 set_attr(p, attr_icflag, PROCESSED)
263 elseif pid==id_glyph then
264 -- 欧文文字; 和文文字は pid == id_hlist の場合で処理される
265 -- (see conv_jchar_to_hbox_A in ltj-math.lua)
266 setfield(p, 'yoffset',
267 getfield(p, 'yoffset') - (has_attr(p,attr_ablshift) or 0))
269 set_attr(p, attr_icflag, PROCESSED)
274 -- discretionary の位置補正
276 local attr_yablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@yablshift']
277 local attr_tablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@tablshift']
280 local function ashift_disc_inner(field)
281 local head = getfield(disc, field)
282 if not head then return end
283 local y_adjust, node_depth, adj_depth = 0, 0, 0
284 for lp in node_traverse_id(id_glyph, head) do
285 y_adjust = has_attr(lp,attr_ablshift) or 0
286 local ld = getdepth(lp)
287 node_depth = max(ld + min(y_adjust, 0), node_depth)
288 adj_depth = (y_adjust>0) and max(ld + y_adjust, adj_depth) or adj_depth
289 setfield(lp, 'yoffset', getfield(lp, 'yoffset') - y_adjust)
291 if adj_depth>node_depth then
292 local r = node_new(id_rule,rule_subtype)
293 setwhd(r, 0, 0, adj_depth); setdir(r, tex_dir)
294 set_attr(r, attr_icflag, PROCESSED)
295 if field=='post' then
296 node_insert_after(head, head, r)
298 setfield(disc, field, (node_insert_before(head, head, r)))
302 function luatexja.setwidth.apply_ashift_disc(d, is_dir_tate, dir)
303 attr_ablshift = is_dir_tate and attr_tablshift or attr_yablshift
304 disc, tex_dir = d, dir
305 ashift_disc_inner('pre')
306 ashift_disc_inner('post')
307 ashift_disc_inner('replace')