OSDN Git Service

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[handbrake-jp/handbrake-jp-git.git] / macosx / English.lproj / MainMenu.nib / classes.nib
1 {
2     IBClasses = (
3         {
4             ACTIONS = {
5                 AddFactoryPresets = id; 
6                 AddPreset = id; 
7                 AddToQueue = id; 
8                 AddUserPreset = id; 
9                 AudioTrackPopUpChanged = id; 
10                 BrowseFile = id; 
11                 CalculateBitrate = id; 
12                 Cancel = id; 
13                 ChapterPopUpChanged = id; 
14                 CloseAddPresetPanel = id; 
15                 CodecsPopUpChanged = id; 
16                 CustomSettingUsed = id; 
17                 DeleteFactoryPresets = id; 
18                 DeletePreset = id; 
19                 EnableQueue = id; 
20                 EncoderPopUpChanged = id; 
21                 FormatPopUpChanged = id; 
22                 InsertPreset = id; 
23                 OpenForums = id; 
24                 OpenHomepage = id; 
25                 OpenUserGuide = id; 
26                 Pause = id; 
27                 QualitySliderChanged = id; 
28                 Rip = id; 
29                 ShowAddPresetPanel = id; 
30                 ShowPicturePanel = id; 
31                 ShowQueuePanel = id; 
32                 ShowScanPanel = id; 
33                 TitlePopUpChanged = id; 
34                 VideoMatrixChanged = id; 
35                 tableViewSelected = id; 
36             }; 
37             CLASS = HBController; 
38             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
39             OUTLETS = {
40                 fAddPresetPanel = NSPanel; 
41                 fAddToQuButton = NSTableView; 
42                 fAudBitrateField = NSTextField; 
43                 fAudBitratePopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
44                 fAudLang1Field = NSTextField; 
45                 fAudLang1PopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
46                 fAudLang2Field = NSTextField; 
47                 fAudLang2PopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
48                 fAudRateField = NSTextField; 
49                 fAudRatePopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
50                 fAudTrack1MixLabel = NSTextField; 
51                 fAudTrack1MixPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
52                 fAudTrack2MixLabel = NSTextField; 
53                 fAudTrack2MixPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
54                 fCreateChapterMarkers = NSButton; 
55                 fDisplayX264Options = NSTextField; 
56                 fDstBrowseButton = NSButton; 
57                 fDstCodecsField = NSTextField; 
58                 fDstCodecsPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
59                 fDstFile1Field = NSTextField; 
60                 fDstFile2Field = NSTextField; 
61                 fDstFormatField = NSTextField; 
62                 fDstFormatPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
63                 fPauseButton = NSButton; 
64                 fPicLabelAnamorphic = NSTextField; 
65                 fPicLabelAr = NSTextField; 
66                 fPicLabelDeinter = NSTextField; 
67                 fPicLabelOutp = NSTextField; 
68                 fPicLabelOutputX = NSTextField; 
69                 fPicLabelPAROutp = NSTextField; 
70                 fPicLabelPAROutputX = NSTextField; 
71                 fPicLabelSettings = NSTextField; 
72                 fPicLabelSrc = NSTextField; 
73                 fPicLabelSrcX = NSTextField; 
74                 fPicSettingARkeep = NSTextField; 
75                 fPicSettingARkeepDsply = NSTextField; 
76                 fPicSettingDeinterlace = NSTextField; 
77                 fPicSettingDeinterlaceDsply = NSTextField; 
78                 fPicSettingHeight = NSTextField; 
79                 fPicSettingPAR = NSTextField; 
80                 fPicSettingPARDsply = NSTextField; 
81                 fPicSettingPARHeight = NSTextField; 
82                 fPicSettingPARWidth = NSTextField; 
83                 fPicSettingWidth = NSTextField; 
84                 fPicSrcHeight = NSTextField; 
85                 fPicSrcWidth = NSTextField; 
86                 fPictureButton = NSButton; 
87                 fPictureController = PictureController; 
88                 fPicturePanel = NSPanel; 
89                 fPresetDrawer = NSDrawer; 
90                 fPresetNewName = NSTextField; 
91                 fPresetNewPicSettingsApply = NSButton; 
92                 fPresetNewX264Opt = NSTextField; 
93                 fPresetNewX264OptLabel = NSTextField; 
94                 fPresetSaveButton = NSButton; 
95                 fPresetSelectedDisplay = NSTextField; 
96                 fPresetsAdd = NSButton; 
97                 fPresetsDelete = NSButton; 
98                 fQueueAddButton = NSButton; 
99                 fQueueCheck = NSButton; 
100                 fQueueController = QueueController; 
101                 fQueuePanel = NSPanel; 
102                 fQueueShowButton = NSButton; 
103                 fRipButton = NSButton; 
104                 fRipIndicator = NSProgressIndicator; 
105                 fScanController = ScanController; 
106                 fScanPanel = NSPanel; 
107                 fShowQuButton = NSButton; 
108                 fSrcChapterEndPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
109                 fSrcChapterField = NSTextField; 
110                 fSrcChapterStartPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
111                 fSrcChapterToField = NSTextField; 
112                 fSrcDVD1Field = NSTextField; 
113                 fSrcDVD2Field = NSTextField; 
114                 fSrcDuration1Field = NSTextField; 
115                 fSrcDuration2Field = NSTextField; 
116                 fSrcTitleField = NSTextField; 
117                 fSrcTitlePopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
118                 fStatusField = NSTextField; 
119                 fSubField = NSTextField; 
120                 fSubPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
121                 fVidBitrateCell = NSButtonCell; 
122                 fVidBitrateField = NSTextField; 
123                 fVidConstantCell = NSButtonCell; 
124                 fVidEncoderField = NSTextField; 
125                 fVidEncoderPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
126                 fVidGrayscaleCheck = NSButton; 
127                 fVidQualityField = NSTextField; 
128                 fVidQualityMatrix = NSMatrix; 
129                 fVidQualitySlider = NSSlider; 
130                 fVidRateField = NSTextField; 
131                 fVidRatePopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
132                 fVidTargetCell = NSButtonCell; 
133                 fVidTargetSizeField = NSTextField; 
134                 fVidTwoPassCheck = NSButton; 
135                 fWindow = NSWindow; 
136                 tableView = NSTableView; 
137             }; 
138             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
139         }, 
140         {CLASS = HBPictureGLView; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSOpenGLView; }, 
141         {
142             CLASS = HBTargetSizeField; 
143             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
144             OUTLETS = {
145                 fRipAudBitPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
146                 fRipCustomField = NSTextField; 
147                 fRipFormatPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
148                 fRipLang2PopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
149             }; 
150             SUPERCLASS = NSTextField; 
151         }, 
152         {
153             ACTIONS = {
154                 ClosePanel = id; 
155                 NextPicture = id; 
156                 PreviousPicture = id; 
157                 SettingsChanged = id; 
158             }; 
159             CLASS = PictureController; 
160             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
161             OUTLETS = {
162                 fCropBottomField = NSTextField; 
163                 fCropBottomStepper = NSStepper; 
164                 fCropLeftField = NSTextField; 
165                 fCropLeftStepper = NSStepper; 
166                 fCropMatrix = NSMatrix; 
167                 fCropRightField = NSTextField; 
168                 fCropRightStepper = NSStepper; 
169                 fCropTopField = NSTextField; 
170                 fCropTopStepper = NSStepper; 
171                 fDeinterlaceCheck = NSButton; 
172                 fEffectsCheck = NSButton; 
173                 fHeightField = NSTextField; 
174                 fHeightStepper = NSStepper; 
175                 fInfoField = NSTextField; 
176                 fNextButton = NSButton; 
177                 fPARCheck = NSButton; 
178                 fPicSettingARkeep = NSTextField; 
179                 fPicSettingDeinterlace = NSTextField; 
180                 fPicSettingHeight = NSTextField; 
181                 fPicSettingWidth = NSTextField; 
182                 fPicSettingsDisplay = NSTextField; 
183                 fPicSrcHeight = NSTextField; 
184                 fPicSrcWidth = NSTextField; 
185                 fPictureGLView = HBPictureGLView; 
186                 fPrevButton = NSButton; 
187                 fRatioCheck = NSButton; 
188                 fWidthField = NSTextField; 
189                 fWidthStepper = NSStepper; 
190             }; 
191             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
192         }, 
193         {CLASS = PictureGLView; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSOpenGLView; }, 
194         {
195             ACTIONS = {CheckChanged = id; ClosePanel = id; OpenPanel = id; }; 
196             CLASS = PrefsController; 
197             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
198             OUTLETS = {
199                 fDefAdvancedx264FlagsShow = NSButton; 
200                 fDefAdvancedx264FlagsView = NSTextField; 
201                 fDefAutoNaming = NSButton; 
202                 fDefChapterMarkers = NSButton; 
203                 fDefCrf = NSButton; 
204                 fDefDeinterlace = NSButton; 
205                 fDefPicSizeAutoSetipod = NSButton; 
206                 fDefPixelRatio = NSButton; 
207                 fDefPresetDrawerShow = NSButton; 
208                 fFileExtItunes = NSButton; 
209                 fPanel = NSPanel; 
210                 fUpdateCheck = NSButton; 
211                 fdefaultlanguage = NSComboBox; 
212             }; 
213             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
214         }, 
215         {
216             ACTIONS = {ClosePanel = id; Remove = id; Update = id; }; 
217             CLASS = QueueController; 
218             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
219             OUTLETS = {fScrollView = NSScrollView; fTaskView = NSView; }; 
220             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
221         }, 
222         {
223             ACTIONS = {
224                 Browse = id; 
225                 Browse2 = id; 
226                 BrowseDone2 = id; 
227                 Cancel = id; 
228                 MatrixChanged = id; 
229                 Open = id; 
230             }; 
231             CLASS = ScanController; 
232             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
233             OUTLETS = {
234                 fBrowseButton = NSButton; 
235                 fCancelButton = NSButton; 
236                 fDetectedCell = NSButtonCell; 
237                 fDetectedPopUp = NSPopUpButton; 
238                 fFolderCell = NSButtonCell; 
239                 fFolderField = NSTextField; 
240                 fIndicator = NSProgressIndicator; 
241                 fMatrix = NSMatrix; 
242                 fOpenButton = NSButton; 
243                 fPanel = NSPanel; 
244                 fSelectString = NSTextField; 
245                 fStatusField = NSTextField; 
246                 fWindow = NSWindow; 
247             }; 
248             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
249         }
250     ); 
251     IBVersion = 1; 
252 }