OSDN Git Service

[pettanr/clientJs.git] / 0.6.x / js / dom / 12_XDomEvent.js
1 /**\r
2  * use X.Callback\r
3  * \r
4  * http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uupaa/20100430/1272561922\r
5  * \r
6  */\r
7 \r
8 if( X.Dom.EVENT_W3C ){\r
9         X.Dom.Event = function( e, xnode ){\r
10                 //this._event        = e;\r
11                 this.type          = X.Dom.Event.RenameTo[ e.type ] || e.type;\r
12                 \r
13                 //http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html\r
14                 if( e.target ){\r
15                         this.target        = Node._getXNode( e.target.nodeType === 3 ? e.target.parentNode : e.target );// defeat Safari bug // xnode\r
16                 };\r
17                 if( e.relatedTarget ){\r
18                         this.relatedTarget = Node._getXNode( e.relatedTarget.nodeType === 3 ? e.relatedTarget.parentNode : e.relatedTarget ); // xnode\r
19                 };\r
20                 \r
21                 this.currentTarget = xnode; // xnode\r
22                 this.eventPhase    = e.eventPhase;\r
23                 \r
24                 this.clientX       = e.clientX;\r
25                 this.clientY       = e.clientY;\r
26                 //this.screenX       = e.screenX;\r
27                 //this.screenY       = e.screenY;\r
28                 this.pageX         = e.pageX;\r
29                 this.pageY         = e.pageY;\r
30                 this.offsetX       = e.offsetX || e.layerX;\r
31                 this.offsetY       = e.offsetY || e.layerY;\r
32                 \r
33                 this.keyCode       = e.keyCode;\r
34                 this.altKey        = e.altKey;\r
35                 this.ctrlKey       = e.ctrlKey;\r
36                 this.shiftKey      = e.shiftKey;\r
37                 \r
38                 // http://www.programming-magic.com/20090127231544/\r
39                 this.which         = e.which || ( e.button + 1 ); // 左:1, 中:2, 右:3\r
40                 \r
41                 // https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/DOM/DOM_event_reference/mousewheel\r
42                 \r
43                 // TODO\r
44                 // https://w3g.jp/blog/tools/wheelevent_crossbrowser\r
45                 // ホイール系イベント2014年版クロスブラウザ\r
46                 if( e.wheelDeltaY !== undefined ){\r
47                         this.wheelDeltaX = e.wheelDeltaX / 12;\r
48                         this.wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDeltaY / 12;\r
49                 } else\r
50                 if( e.wheelDelta !== undefined ){\r
51                         this.wheelDeltaX = this.wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 12;\r
52                 } else\r
53                 if( e.detail !== undefined ){\r
54                         this.wheelDeltaX = this.wheelDeltaY = - e.detail * 3;\r
55                 } else {\r
56                         this.wheelDeltaX = this.wheelDeltaY = 0;\r
57                 };\r
58                 \r
59                 if( e.constructor === window.TouchEvent ){\r
60                         // TouchEvent\r
61                         this.touches        = e.touches;\r
62                         this.changedTouches = e.changedTouches;\r
63                         this.targetTouches  = e.targetTouches;\r
64                         this.metaKey        = e.metaKey;\r
65                         this.force          = e.force || e.webkitForce || 0;\r
66                 } else\r
67                 if( e.constructor === window.PointerEvent ){\r
68                         // PointerEvent;\r
69                         this.currentPoint  = e.currentPoint;\r
70                         this.width         = e.width;\r
71                         this.height        = e.height;\r
72                         this.timeStamp     = e.timeStamp;\r
73                         this.hwTimestamp   = e.hwTimestamp;\r
74                         this.intermediatePoints = e.intermediatePoints;\r
75                         this.isPrimary     = e.isPrimary;\r
76                         this.pointerId     = e.pointerId;\r
77                         this.pointerType   = e.pointerType;\r
78                         this.pressure      = e.pressure;\r
79                         this.tiltX         = e.tiltX;\r
80                         this.tiltY         = e.tiltY;\r
81                 };\r
82         };\r
83 } else {\r
84         X.Dom.Event = function( e, xnode, element ){\r
85                 var btn;\r
86                 \r
87                 //this._event        = e;\r
88                 this.type          = e.type;\r
89                 this.target        = Node._getXNode( e.srcElement ); // xnode\r
90                 if( this.target && this.target._xnodeType === 3 ) this.target = this.target.parent; // ie4 の fake Textnode がヒットしていないか?\r
91                 this.currentTarget = xnode; // xnode\r
92                 this.relatedTarget = Node._getXNode( e.formElement ? e.formElement : e.toElement ); // xnode\r
93                 this.eventPhase    = e.srcElement === element ? 2: 3;\r
94                 \r
95                 this.clientX       = e.clientX;\r
96                 this.clientY       = e.clientY;\r
97                 //this.screenX       = e.screenX;\r
98                 //this.screenY       = e.screenY;\r
99                 \r
100                 if( X.Dom._root ){ // uuu...\r
101                         \r
102                         this.pageX         = e.clientX + X.Dom._root.scrollLeft;\r
103                         this.pageY         = e.clientY + X.Dom._root.scrollTop;\r
104                         \r
105                         // DOMAssistant 2.8.1\r
106                         //event.pageX = DOMAssistant.def(e.pageX)? e.pageX : (event.clientX + (de.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) - (de.clientLeft || 0));\r
107                         //event.pageY = DOMAssistant.def(e.pageY)? e.pageY : (event.clientY + (de.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) - (de.clientTop || 0));                                                     \r
108                 };\r
109                 \r
110 \r
111                 \r
112                 if( X.UA.IE && 5 <= X.UA.IE ){\r
113                         this.offsetX       = e.offsetX; // イベントターゲット左上からの座標\r
114                         this.offsetY       = e.offsetY;                 \r
115                 }// else\r
116                 //if( e.srcElement ){\r
117                 //      this.offsetX       = e.x - e.srcElement.offsetLeft; // e.x はイベント発生要素の親要素を基準にした座標。\r
118                 //      this.offsetY       = e.y - e.srcElement.offsetTop;      \r
119                 //};\r
120                 \r
121                 this.keyCode       = e.keyCode;\r
122                 this.altKey        = e.altKey;\r
123                 this.ctrlKey       = e.ctrlKey;\r
124                 this.shiftKey      = e.shiftKey;\r
125                 \r
126                 // http://www.programming-magic.com/20090127231544/\r
127                 switch( this.type ){\r
128                         case 'click'    :\r
129                         case 'dblclick' :\r
130                                 this.which = 1;\r
131                                 break;\r
132                         case 'contextmenu' :\r
133                                 this.which = 3;\r
134                                 break;\r
135                         default :\r
136                                 btn = e.button;\r
137                                 this.which =\r
138                                         btn & 1 ? 1 :\r
139                                         btn & 4 ? 2 :\r
140                                         btn & 2 ? 3 : 0; // 左:1(click:0), 中:4, 右:2\r
141                 };\r
142                 this.wheelDeltaX = this.wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 12;\r
143         };\r
144 };\r
145 \r
146 X.Dom.Event.DOM_PRE_INIT        = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
148 X.Dom.Event.DOM_INIT            = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
149 X.Dom.Event.XDOM_READY          = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
150 X.Dom.Event.VIEW_ACTIVATE       = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
151 X.Dom.Event.VIEW_DEACTIVATE     = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
152 X.Dom.Event.VIEW_RESIZED        = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
153 X.Dom.Event.BASE_FONT_RESIZED   = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
154 // same_page_jump\r
155 // on_screen_keyboard_show\r
156 // on_screen_keyboard_hide\r
157 // X.Dom.Event.BEFORE_UPDATE       = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT; // このイベントで要素のサイズを取得すると無限ループに!\r
158 X.Dom.Event.AFTER_UPDATE        = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
159 // hash_change\r
160 X.Dom.Event.BEFORE_UNLOAD       = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
161 X.Dom.Event.UNLOAD              = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
162 X.Dom.Event.LOAD_BEFORE_STOP    = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
163 X.Dom.Event.LOAD_ASSET_STOP     = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
164 X.Dom.Event.LOAD_ASSET_COMPLETE = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
165 X.Dom.Event.LOAD_ASSET_ERROR    = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
166 \r
167 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_BEFORE_START  = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
168 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_START         = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
169 X.Dom.Event.ANIME               = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
170 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_END           = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
171 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_BEFORE_STOP   = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT; // xnode.stop() のみ、指定時間による停止では呼ばれない\r
172 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_STOP          = ++X.Event._LAST_EVENT;\r
173 X.Dom.Event._LAST_EVENT         = X.Event._LAST_EVENT; // ここに書いてあるイベントの最後の値 X.Dom.Event.ANIME_STOP と同じ値\r
174 \r
175 X.Dom.Event.Rename = {};\r
176 X.Dom.Event.RenameTo = {};\r
177 // https://github.com/georgeadamson/jQuery.prefixfree-events/blob/master/jQuery.prefixfree-events.js\r
178 \r
179 if( window.onwebkitanimationend !== undefined && window.onanimationend === undefined ){\r
180         X.Dom.Event.Rename[ 'animationend' ]               = 'webkitAnimationEnd';\r
181         X.Dom.Event.RenameTo[ 'webkitAnimationEnd' ]       = 'animationend';\r
182         X.Dom.Event.Rename[ 'animationstart' ]             = 'webkitAnimationStart';\r
183         X.Dom.Event.RenameTo[ 'webkitAnimationStart' ]     = 'animationstart';\r
184         X.Dom.Event.Rename[ 'animationiteration' ]         = 'webkitAnimationIteration';\r
185         X.Dom.Event.RenameTo[ 'webkitAnimationIteration' ] = 'animationiteration';\r
186 };\r
187 \r
188 if( window.onwebkittransitionend !== undefined && window.ontransitionend === undefined ){\r
189         X.Dom.Event.Rename[ 'transitionend' ]         = 'webkitTransitionEnd';\r
190         X.Dom.Event.RenameTo[ 'webkitTransitionEnd' ] = 'transitionend';\r
191 };\r
192 \r
193 X.Dom.Node.prototype.listen = function( type, arg1, arg2, arg3 /* [ listener || ( context + function ) || function ][ arguments ] */ ){\r
194         var elm;\r
195         \r
196         if( this._xnodeType === 0 || this._xnodeType === 3 || !arg1 ) return this;\r
197         \r
198         ( !this._listeners || !this._listeners[ type ] ) && X.Type.isString( type ) && this._addEvent( type );\r
199         \r
200         return typeof arg1 === 'function' ?\r
201                 X.EventDispatcher.prototype.listen.call( this, type, this, arg1, arg2 ) :\r
202                 X.EventDispatcher.prototype.listen.apply( this, arguments );\r
203 };\r
204 \r
205 X.Dom.Node.prototype._addEvent =\r
206         // Days on the Moon DOM Events とブラウザの実装 \r
207         // http://nanto.asablo.jp/blog/2007/03/23/1339502\r
208         // Safari 2 では関数オブジェクトしか EventListener として使えませんが、Safari のナイトリービルドでは handleEvent メソッドを持つオブジェクトも EventListener として使えるようです。\r
209         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C && X.UA.Safari && X.UA.Safari < 3 ?\r
210                 (function( type ){\r
211                         var raw = this._rawNode;\r
212                         if( !raw ) return;\r
213                         this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent || X.Callback.create( this );\r
214                         if( this._xnodeType === 4 ){ // Image\r
215                                 raw[ 'on' + type ] = this._handleEvent;\r
216                         } else {\r
217                                 raw.addEventListener( type, this._handleEvent, false );\r
218                         };\r
219                 }) :\r
220         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C && X.UA.Opera7 ?\r
221                 (function( type ){\r
222                         var raw = this._rawNode;\r
223                         if( !raw ) return;\r
224                         this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent || X.Callback.create( this );\r
225                         if( raw === window ){\r
226                                 raw[ 'on' + type ] = this._handleEvent;\r
227                         } else {\r
228                                 raw.addEventListener( type, this._handleEvent, false );\r
229                         };\r
230                 }) :\r
231         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C ?\r
232                 (function( type ){\r
233                         this._rawNode && this._rawNode.addEventListener( X.Dom.Event.Rename[ type ] || type, this, false );\r
234                 }) :\r
235         X.Dom.EVENT_IE ?\r
236                 (function( type ){\r
237                         if( !this._rawNode ) return;\r
238                         this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent || X.Callback.create( this );\r
239                         this._rawNode.attachEvent( 'on' + type, this._handleEvent );\r
240                 }) :\r
241                 (function( type ){\r
242                         var elm = this._rawNode || ( this._ie4getRawNode && this._ie4getRawNode() );\r
243                         if( !elm ) return;\r
244                         this._handleEvent = elm[ 'on' + type ] = this._handleEvent || X.Callback.create( this );\r
245                 });\r
246 \r
247 \r
248 X.Dom.Node.prototype.unlisten = function( type /* , arg1, arg2, arg3 */ ){\r
249         var list = this._listeners,\r
250                 l    = !this._dispatching && list && type !== undefined && list[ type ] && list[ type ].length;\r
251         \r
252         X.EventDispatcher.prototype.unlisten.apply( this, arguments );\r
253         \r
254         l && !list[ type ] && X.Type.isString( type ) && this._removeEvent( type );\r
255         \r
256         return this;\r
257 };\r
258 \r
259 X.Dom.Node.prototype._removeEvent =\r
260         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C && X.UA.Safari && X.UA.Safari < 3 ?\r
261                 (function( type ){\r
262                         var raw = this._rawNode;\r
263                         if( !raw ) return;\r
264                         \r
265                         if( this._xnodeType === 4 ){ // Image\r
266                                 raw[ 'on' + type ] = '';\r
267                         } else {\r
268                                 raw.removeEventListener( type, this._handleEvent, false );\r
269                         };\r
270                         if( !this._listeners ){\r
271                                 X.Callback._correct( this._handleEvent );\r
272                                 delete this._handleEvent;\r
273                         };\r
274                 }) :\r
275         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C && X.UA.Opera7 ?\r
276                 (function( type ){\r
277                         var raw = this._rawNode;\r
278                         if( !raw ) return;\r
279                         \r
280                         if( raw === window ){\r
281                                 raw[ 'on' + type ] = null;\r
282                         } else {\r
283                                 raw.removeEventListener( type, this._handleEvent, false );\r
284                         };\r
285                         if( !this._listeners ){\r
286                                 X.Callback._correct( this._handleEvent );\r
287                                 delete this._handleEvent;\r
288                         };\r
289                 }) :\r
290         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C ?\r
291                 (function( type ){\r
292                         var elm = this._rawNode;\r
293                         if( !elm ) return;\r
294                         elm.removeEventListener( X.Dom.Event.Rename[ type ] || type, this, false );\r
295                 }) :\r
296         X.Dom.EVENT_IE ?\r
297                 (function( type ){\r
298                         var elm = this._rawNode;\r
299                         if( !elm ) return;\r
300                         elm.detachEvent( 'on' + type, this._handleEvent );\r
301                         if( !this._listeners ){\r
302                                 X.Callback._correct( this._handleEvent );\r
303                                 delete this._handleEvent;\r
304                         };\r
305                 }) :\r
306                 (function( type ){\r
307                         var elm = this._rawNode || ( this._ie4getRawNode && this._ie4getRawNode() );\r
308                         if( !elm ) return;\r
309                         elm[ 'on' + type ] = X.emptyFunction;\r
310                         elm[ 'on' + type ] = '';\r
311                         if( !this._listeners ){\r
312                                 X.Callback._correct( this._handleEvent );\r
313                                 delete this._handleEvent;\r
314                         };\r
315                 });\r
316 \r
317 // Is this in regard to the Safari 1.x preventDefault bug on click/dblclick?\r
318 // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.lang.javascript/uYEuCHjHxnw/yKoHtZJPa1QJ\r
319 \r
320 X.Dom.Node.prototype.handleEvent =\r
321         X.Dom.EVENT_W3C ?\r
322                 (function( e ){\r
323                         var ret = X.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatch.call( this, new X.Dom.Event( e, this ) );\r
324                         \r
325                         if( ret & X.Callback.STOP_PROPAGATION ){\r
326                                 e.stopPropagation();\r
327                         };\r
328                         if( ret & X.Callback.PREVENT_DEFAULT ){\r
329                                 this._tag === 'A' && this._rawNode.blur();\r
330                                 e.preventDefault();\r
331                                 if( X.UA.Safari && X.UA.Safari < 3 ){\r
332                                         if( e.type === 'click' || e.type === 'dbclick' ){\r
333                                                 X.Dom._safariPreventDefault = true;\r
334                                         };\r
335                                 };\r
336                                 return false;\r
337                         };\r
338                 }) :\r
339                 (function(){\r
340                         var ret = X.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatch.call( this, new X.Dom.Event( event, this, this._rawNode ) );\r
341 \r
342                         if( ret & X.Callback.STOP_PROPAGATION ){\r
343                                 event.cancelBubble = true;\r
344                         };\r
345                         if( ret & X.Callback.PREVENT_DEFAULT ){\r
346                                 this._tag === 'A' && this._rawNode.blur();\r
347                                 return event.returnValue = false;\r
348                         };\r
349                 });\r
350 \r
351 \r
352 // イベントの退避、dom が画面から抜かれる場合に実施しておく\r
353 X.Dom.Node.prototype._migrateEvent = function(){\r
354         var hash = this._listeners,\r
355                 type;\r
356         if( !hash ) return;\r
357         for( type in hash ){\r
358                 this._removeEvent( type );\r
359         };\r
360 };\r
361 \r
362 // 退避したイベントの復帰\r
363 X.Dom.Node.prototype._restoreEvent = function(){\r
364         var hash = this._listeners,\r
365                 type;\r
366         if( !hash ) return;\r
367         for( type in hash ){\r
368                 this._addEvent( type );\r
369         };\r
370 };\r
371 \r
372 /* -----------------------------------------------\r
373  * Document Ready\r
374  *  Dean Edwards/Matthias Miller/John Resig\r
375  */\r
376 \r
377 // SafariでJavaScriptのデバッグをする方法\r
378 // safari1.3 可\r
379 // http://shimax.cocolog-nifty.com/search/2006/09/safarijavascrip_c54d.html\r
380 \r
381 /* for ie9+/Mozilla/Opera9 */\r
382 if( X.Dom.EVENT_W3C ){\r
383         Node._document.listenOnce( 'DOMContentLoaded', X.Dom._init );\r
384 } else\r
385 if( 6 <= X.UA.IE && X.inHead ){\r
386         // if this script in Head\r
387         document.write( "<script id=__ie_onload defer src=javascript:void(0)><\/script>" );\r
388         X.Dom._script = document.getElementById( "__ie_onload" );\r
389         X.Dom._script.onreadystatechange = function(){\r
390                 var s = X.Dom._script;\r
391                 if( s && s.readyState === 'complete' ){\r
392                         s.onreadystatechange = X.emptyFunction;\r
393                         s.onreadystatechange = null;\r
394                         s.parentNode.removeChild( s );\r
395                         delete X.Dom._script;\r
396                         X.Dom._init && X.Dom._init();\r
397                 };\r
398         };\r
399 };\r
400 // Re: onLoad doesn't work with Safari?\r
401 // http://lists.apple.com/archives/web-dev/2003/Oct/msg00036.html\r
402 if( X.UA.WebKit || ( X.UA.Safari && X.UA.Safari < 3 ) ){ // sniff\r
403         X.Timer.add( 10, function(){\r
404                 if( !X.Dom._init ) return X.Callback.UN_LISTEN;\r
405                 if( 'loaded|complete'.indexOf( document.readyState ) !== -1 ) return X.Dom._init();\r
406         });\r
407 };\r
408 \r
409 /* for other browsers */\r
410 Node._window.listenOnce( 'load', X.Dom._init );\r
411 //\r
412 X.Dom.listenOnce( X.Dom.Event.XDOM_READY, function(e){\r
413         console.log( 'X.Dom XDomReady ' + X.Dom.readyState );\r
414 } );\r
415 \r
416 if( X.UA.Safari && X.UA.Safari < 3 ){\r
417         document.documentElement.onclick =\r
418         document.documentElement.ondbclick = function( e ){\r
419                         if( X.Dom._safariPreventDefault ){\r
420                                 X.Dom._safariPreventDefault = false;\r
421                                 e.preventDefault();\r
422                                 return false;\r
423                         };\r
424                 };\r
425 };\r
426 \r
427 X.Dom.listen( X.Dom.Event.VIEW_RESIZED, function(e){ console.log( 'X.Dom VIEW_RESIZED ' + e.w + 'x' + e.h ); } );\r
428 \r