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pettanR 0.4.x
[pettanr/clientJs.git] / 0.3.0 / wiki / wiki.xsl
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19         \r
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32                         \r
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39                                         \r
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79 \r
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84                                                                                 \r
85                                                                                 <div class="page-body clearfix">\r
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88                                                                                 <a href="#page-total" class="jump-to-top">top</a>\r
89                                                                         </div>\r
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92                                                 </div>\r
93                                         </div>\r
94                                         \r
95                                 </div>\r
96                         </div>\r
97 \r
98         \r
99                         <div id="footer-content">\r
100                                 <div id="footer">\r
101                                         <div id="footer-item-container" class="base-content-width clearfix">\r
102                                                 <div class="footer-item-wrapper">\r
103                                                         <div class="footer-item">\r
104                                                                 <h2>ぺったんR にようこそ</h2>\r
105                                                                 <ul>\r
106                                                                         <li>サンプル</li>\r
107                                                                         <li>ぺったんRの特徴</li>\r
108                                                                         <li>沿革</li>\r
109                                                                 </ul>\r
110                                                         </div>\r
111                                                 </div>\r
112                                                 <div class="footer-item-wrapper">\r
113                                                         <div class="footer-item">\r
114                                                                 <h2>ドキュメント</h2>\r
115                                                                 <ul>\r
116                                                                         <li>作家向けドキュメント</li>\r
117                                                                         <li>絵師向けドキュメント</li>                                                 \r
118                                                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.jp/projects/pettanr/wiki/ForDevelopers" rel="me">開発者向けドキュメント</a></li>\r
119                                                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.jp/projects/pettanr/wiki/ForWebmasters" rel="me">編集長向けドキュメント</a></li>\r
120                                                                 </ul>\r
121                                                         </div>\r
122                                                 </div>\r
123                                                 <div class="footer-item-wrapper">\r
124                                                         <div class="footer-item">\r
125                                                                 <h2>プロトタイプ</h2>\r
126                                                                 <ul>\r
127                                                                         <li>pettanr</li>\r
128                                                                         <li><a href="../work.html" rel="editor">js editor</a></li>\r
129                                                                 </ul>\r
130                                                                 <h2>Ajax contents</h2>\r
131                                                                 <ul>\r
132                                                                         <li><a href="jp.xml">help | jp</a></li>\r
133                                                                 </ul>\r
134                                                         </div>\r
135                                                 </div>\r
136                                                 <div class="footer-item-wrapper" style="width:170px;">\r
137                                                         <div class="footer-item" style="padding-right:0;">\r
138                                                                 <h2>ぺったんRチーム</h2>\r
139                                                                 <ul>\r
140                                                                         <li>わたしたちについて</li>\r
141                                                                         <li>ミッション</li>\r
142                                                                         <li><a href="../diary/itozyun.xml">itozyun's diary</a></li>\r
143                                                                         <li>個人情報保護方針</li>\r
144                                                                         <li>作品の取り扱い</li>\r
145                                                                         <li>お問い合わせ</li>\r
146                                                                 </ul>\r
147                                                         </div>\r
148                                                 </div>\r
149                                         </div>\r
150                                         <div id="copyright">\r
151                                                 Copyright (c) 2011-2012 pettanR team, some rights reserved.\r
152                                         </div>\r
153                                 </div>\r
154                         </div>\r
155                         \r
156     <script type="text/javascript" src="wiki.js"></script>\r
157     <script type="text/javascript" src="../common.js"></script>\r
158   </body>\r
159   </html>\r
160 </xsl:template>\r
161 \r
162 </xsl:stylesheet>